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Miss Marple: nemesi
Miss Marple: nemesi | Agatha Christie
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I am on a long train road to home and just finished this Agatha Christie book. I loved it. I never could figure it out who the killer was.

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Librarybelle One I have not read by Christie! 9mo
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“‘That old lady gives me the creeps,‘ said Sir Andrew McNeil, when he had said good-bye and thanks to Miss Marple.” 😆

My eleventh Miss Marple mystery of the year. Loved how much Marple we got here! We‘re with her and her thoughts (lots of wonderful interiority) from beginning to end.

Aimeesue 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
elkeOriginal Gorgeous cover on this one! 10mo
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I got about halfway through listening to this and realized I was less and less looking forward to hitting play. It was contemplative about depressing topics - aging, death, criminal psychology, and of course, murder. And not in the cozy sense. I know I read this sometime in the past, but I‘m not making it through it now! It was very freeing to decide not to continue!

Now I‘m going to back to a favorite reread - The Man in the Brown Suit 😄

Annmcoop For Christie books, I prefer Hugh Fraser or Emilia Fox as narrators. Loved The Man in the Brown Suit. 13mo
mabell @Annmcoop I enjoy them also! I‘ve liked Joan Hickson (once I grew accustomed to her voice/style), but this one was just too much of a downer. I‘m so glad you love The Man in the Brown Suit, also! It‘s one you don‘t hear much about, but it‘s such a fun adventure! 13mo
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Day 3 of #12booksof2022
I only finished 3 books in March, the last of the Miss Marple series. This is the penultimate by publishing date, but it‘s really a fitting end to the series. The last one was also good, but I liked this story better. @Andrew65 12 Days of Christmas

Andrew65 Agatha Christie books are usually good reads. 2y
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Work is stressful right now and I'm very tired. Today I did what I needed for tomorrow and spent the rest of the day relaxing with a good old Agatha Christie, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading again. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I normally prefer poirot to marple, and I still do tbh, but I really enjoyed this one! I liked the pace and the ending, which I won‘t spoil, but it was the ending I wanted that I thought agatha christie wouldn‘t have done. So that was a pleasant surprise and the creepy overgrown garden and tumble down greenhouse were so evocative

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I‘ve been listening to the Miss Marple mysteries lately. Love Miss Marple, started the last one this week. I liked all 4 of these.

Emilymdxn I just read nemesis this week too, really liked it! 3y
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Proof that Miss Marple is an Avenger 😂💕

BookishMarginalia 😂😂😂 3y
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There are some great things about this book: the mood, the vibe, the way the ending comes together. But there is also cringe-worthy misogyny & xenophobia. It‘s a book of its time, I know, but COME ON Agatha.

BookNerdMama My sentiments EXACTLY! 2y
Kaarin @BookNerdMama 💯❤️ 2y
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I enjoyed this mystery featuring Miss Jane Marple very much. I did figure out the solution—a first for me lol—but the reveal and aftermath were so entertaining that I wasn‘t disappointed and was actually a bit proud of myself. Read this and you too will learn why little old Miss Marple IS Nemesis!

Read as part of the #readchristie2021 challenge hosted by OfficialAgathaChristie on IG. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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“All life is difficult sometimes”

Dame Christie gets it!


"That deep depression of despair, that dark desperate grief."
Such haunting beauty in these few words.


“Being as old as I am now,” said Miss Marple, “I suppose I can‘t help feeling that early death means missing things.”
One conviction that recurs in her fiction is how sacred life is, all life.
In the words of Monsieur Poirot, "I do not approve of murder."


"A very nice woman. The kind that would so easily marry a bad lot. In fact, the sort of woman that would marry a murderer if she were ever given half a chance."
Dame Christie has a penchant for dropping hilarious truth bombs! ?


"I have made a point of being always ready to disbelieve as well as believe anything that is told to me."
When I was reading Poirot, I couldn't imagine liking any of the other character that Dame Christie had created, and certainly not an elderly, gentle, fluffy spinster. Boy! Was I in for a pleasurable surprise?! Miss Marple books make me laugh while dispensing valuable world wisdom at the same time. These books are better able to express the ?

truthinfiction Nostalgia and dissatisfaction that the old feels with change and the youth and their unscrupulous amd uncaring ways. You'd be able to enjoy this book better if you read "A Carribean Mystery" first. Only one more Miss Marple novel left before it all comes to an end. I will begin the next book with a very heavy heart, indeed. 4y
truthinfiction "I‘ve come to an age now when I know that one must accept one‘s fellow human beings as being the kind of people and having the kind of, shall we say in modern terms, genetic makeup which gives them the characters they have. People do not change." 4y
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#ForeverNovember photo challenge with @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @OriginalCyn620 I‘ve always loved this sad story, perhaps I feel an affinity with the victim, Verity. #StartsWithN

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!! I‘ve never heard of it! I‘ll look it up! 4y
OriginalCyn620 I‘ve never heard of this one either! 🤔 4y
veritysalter @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks & @OriginalCyn620 it‘s a Miss Marple, I love them all. 4y
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Starting re-reading this today and already really loving it.

Melismatic Welcome to Litsy! 4y
Tracyantoon Welcome to Litsy!📚😎 4y
Onceuponatime Welcome! 👋🏼 4y
GenreFictionFan99 Thanks, guys!
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
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#ReadingMM reluctantly I read through Book 11 as it means nearing the end of Miss Marple series.
Figuring out the crime to solve, the injustice to remedy was the bigger mystery than uncovering the killer (plot soon became predictable) but the constant company of Miss Marple makes her books always a pick for me.
Moving onto the next title seemed right time as I had finished the other book (the next post!)

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The worst choice for my next Agatha Christie after the last one I read (Sleeping Murder), which was my fav. The pace of this one was glacial and for nearly the first half of the book the mystery is ... figuring out what the mystery is? The result was a super boring book. Add to that horrific identical opinions about victim-blaming/false claims in rape cases being voiced by TWO characters, I kinda hated this one. There goes my Christie streak.

Prairiegirl_reading That sounds horrible!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
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One of my favorite AC books

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By page 200 odd, I roughly knew who‘s the killer! Truly an entertaining book and the way it was revealed, so anxious yet exciting! I‘m surprised this is a good Marple read!

Linsy Love that bookmark! 💕 5y
SusanLee Thanks Linsy! 5y
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My cat decided to channel Vanna White for this one. #7days7covers #covercrush

Hey @ctboeheim @rwmg @BarkingMadRun would you like to play by posting a different cover you love for seven days in a row with no explanation? It‘s fun!

Centique Your cat is Gorgeous! 5y
Ruthiella @Centique Thanks! 😻 5y
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Starting this one😊

LaraReads Lovely pic! 💚 6y
BookBoggart I haven't been able to get into an Agatha Christie book other than "then there were none" im not sure why. 6y
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While the mystery was certainly Agatha-worthy, I have figured it out before hand. This is one of the Dame‘s later works, and Miss Marple‘s “old pussy” behavior certainly seems from first-hand experience, just as the constant judgmental attitude about young people and their immoral ways, especially young girls who would go with anyone. There are views blaming girls for being raped or murdered. This is an old and musty Christie. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I thoroughly enjoyed this clever puzzle of a mystery (with the exceptions of the narrator‘s atrocious “American” accents, and some distasteful remarks about rape—ugh). Miss Marple was at her best here, playing her “fluffy old lady” role perfectly as she deciphers the mystery laid out for her. The mystery was intriguing, and ended my favorite way—the murderer was a complete surprise, but I correctly puzzled out some of the details before the end!

raeintheworld I thought the same thing about the American accents, but such a good listen otherwise. 6y
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When you arrive at work just as all is being revealed in your current murder mystery... 😩 I need to find something mindless to do this morning so I can listen to the rest right away!!

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Here‘s my aspirational February TBR, with my current audio & ebook reads, and a stack including two for book clubs (George & Lizzie and Boy Erased), plus some impulse library checkouts I still haven‘t gotten to. Also the Thomas Keating I‘ve been slowly reading with a church group, Robert Frost for my poetry goal, & the Robin Hobb my husband has been telling me to read for MONTHS. This doesn‘t include enough from my own TBR—I need a library ban!!

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1. Nemesis by Agatha Christie
2. Good old 1% milk (sometimes chocolate). Recipe: make friends with a cow, or maybe a dairy farmer...

Happy birthday @gradcat . Congrats on hitting the 10,000 mark.


LizzieChantree Congratulations! 6y
gradcat Thanks so much for entering!! 6y
gradcat @LizzieChantree Thanks very much! 6y
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The plot in this one is satisfyingly twisty. Unfortunately, the characters and the solution betray the worst of Christie‘s conservatism: that all rape accusations are false, all criminals incapable of change, all adolescent girl crushes just a phase before a woman discovers her purer desires to complete a man.🙄 I wish I could believe this was the author questioning these views, but the ending only reinforces them. Way to sour a good read, Agatha.

DivineDiana Too bad. 😕 6y
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After my Hercule Poirot reread last December, I started collecting old Christie paperbacks in anticipation of rereading Miss Marple books later. Turns out I have two vintage copies of this one...

RealLifeReading Lovely! 6y
batsy Love these covers! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Love these vintage covers! 6y
MoniqueChristine Ooooh love both of those! 6y
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1. Nemesis by Agatha Christie
2. SciFi & romance
3. betta fish named Ozzie
4. 33,724

#sundaysurvey @alisonrose

alisonrose Thanks for playing! 6y
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Really low end of the pick scale. Intriguing mystery— near the end anyway — but there was a lot of victim and woman-shaming. Even if I discount that though and say it‘s typical of the time, the book is still at the low end because it took so long for the pieces to come together.

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Ms. Marple is probably my favorite literary character. Equal parts ruthless and gentle, with an absolutely brilliant mind. I will never stop loving this amazing little old lady.

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Random Result has issued a winner for my #oopsgiveaway ...

Congratulations to @bookworm.krizia ! Please send your mailing address to me. My email address is my Litsy name at gmail.com.

Thanks everyone for playing!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊🍾 6y
Kaye Congrats ! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Congratulations! 6y
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BookaholicNatty @bookworm.krizia yayyyyyyyy girlfriend you soooooo deserve it!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️so happy for you! 6y
bookworm.krizia OMG! I just read this. It has been raining cats and dogs here for 1 week and the internet has been very inconsistent! Thank you so much! And thank you @BookaholicNatty for being so supportive all the time! 😀 6y
Librarybelle @bookworm.krizia 🙂❤️ 6y
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You have until Tuesday, June 12 at 8pm EST to enter the #oopsgiveaway for a chance to win the tagged book. In a separate post, tag a book that surprised you...it could be in a good way or a bad way. I‘ll announce the winner on June 13!

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Oops...I did it again! I discovered I have two of the same editions of the pictured book. My mistake, but your gain!

I‘m doing an #oopsgiveaway for the book. Open to everyone...in a separate post, tag a book that completely surprised you - it could be you were surprised by how much you loved it or hated it, or even surprised that you own the book. Make sure to tag me & use the above hashtag. I‘ll take entries until June 12 @ 8pm EST. Good luck!

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A cozy and satisfactory mystery. With some prejudice lines about young girls and women, but I still can‘t understand if it‘s just a portrait of the times or if Christie is trying to make a point there. Not enough to put it down, though.

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Intriguing start... 🧠

AshleyHoss820 Pretty cool cover! 6y
TheBookgeekFrau That cover!💞 6y
bobregina It is sooo pretty, @AshleyHoss820 @C.Perone 💚 6y
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New portuguese editions: Nemesis and The Unexpected Guest. Just absolutely love this covers (they call it Young Agatha Christie 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️).

Abailliekaras 😍😍😍 6y
CarolynM They're beautiful😍 6y
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Another excellent read from Agatha Christie. I like Miss Marple a lot:-)

Dragon Love 💕 Jane Marple! 7y
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Took a break from the #24in48 last night, since the books I finished were all kind of blah.
Hopefully book 4 will be a nice change and get me back on track.


The story itself wasn't bad, and I like Miss Marple. But I really didn't need those repeated assertions from Professor Wanstead et al. about modern girls falsely reporting rape 😑

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How do you decide what to read next?
I confess! I judged a book by it's cover - several books actually. I inherited Agatha Christie paperbacks. Since the set is incomplete, chronological reading wasn't an option. I picked the pink one.

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I've been crabby today for various reasons. I think a book and beer and bag of chips will help. The beer is Side Launch Brewing Company's Dark Lager 😋

TrishB That will work 👍🏻 7y
ju.ca.no Sounds like the perfect combo😊 7y
Kaye Doggone, when I first read your post, I thought it was MY post. Sounds like me 7 days a week. Crabby for various reasons. 🤔🤨😕🤯 7y
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LeahBergen That‘s a life-saving combination. 7y
rabbitprincess @TrishB It has helped immensely 😊 @ju.ca.no It was! The cheesiness of the chips worked well with the beer. 7y
rabbitprincess @Kaye In my case anyway it was probably a combo of stir craziness and not enough food. @LeahBergen It sure was! I was starving today for some reason. 7y
Kaye Well, I‘m glad you got out and got some food and a good book. That‘ll probably help a lot. 👍 7y
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Good mystery unfortunately marred by out-dated and problematic opinions expressed by characters.

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