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The Orphan Queen
The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
An epic fantasy filled with adventure, intrigue, and romance from Incarnate series author Jodi Meadows. This duology is perfect for fans of Graceling by Kristin Cashore, The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, and Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.When Princess Wilhelmina was a child, the Indigo Kingdom invaded her homeland. Ten years later, Wil and the other noble children who escaped are ready to fight back and reclaim Wils throne. To do so, Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate the Indigo Kingdom palace with hopes of gathering information that will help them succeed.But Wil has a secretone that could change everything. Although magic has been illegal for a century, she knows her ability could help her save her kingdom. But magic creates wraith, and the deadly stuff is moving closer and destroying the land. And if the vigilante Black Knife catches her using magic, she may disappear like all the others. . . .
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Thank you for the tag @ravenlee

1.) Way to many lol let‘s just say I could probably fill a small library lol.

2.) Empire of Storms

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

Want to play @BarkingMadRun @HufflepuffGirl90

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 📚📚📚 4y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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This book is a fun fantasy read, filled with magic, wraiths, royalty and romance. Wilhelmina has a secret, creative form of magic and The Black Knife is mysterious; the two make for a good slow burn romance. For readers who enjoyed trilogies like Storm Siren and Ruined this will fit the bill.

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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I FINALLY finished this ebook about three months after starting it. The story was actually decent and picked up near the end. I‘m debating whether or not I‘ll continue with the series - maybe I should try something other than ebook?

Gissy Well, it is in my tbr already. 5y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Instead of FINALLY finishing this ebook, I‘ve gotten distracted by my new flowers! Now I just need a wreath. 💚🌸🌱🌺🌿💚

aprilpohren Oh my goodness!! How cozy, warm and welcoming! I adore it!!! 😍 5y
stacybmartin @aprilpohren thank you so much! Flowers make me happy so I may have gone overboard. 🤣 5y
Cinfhen Beautiful photo 😍😍😍 5y
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merelybookish So pretty! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful!!! 5y
Julsmarshall Gorgeous! 5y
Chrissyreadit Beautiful! 5y
Gissy 😍❤️❤️❤️👌 5y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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I‘ve got this one as an ebook loan through my library. I don‘t know why but I have the WORST time getting through ebooks (unless they‘re romance - those I can usually blow through no matter the form). I don‘t know if it‘s because my phone has so many other things that easily distract me or what but it takes me forever to get through them. Anyone else have this problem?

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I have issues reading ebooks on my phone too. I think mine is more of formatting question - an epub vs pdf. If I have to squint too much it takes me out of the story. I sometimes think of getting some kind of e-reader, but paper books are still my first choice of medium. 😊 5y
stacybmartin @BookHoarder32 I started listening to a lot of audiobooks on Overdrive (being able to get them through the library was a life changer) because I have a long commute and a job in a lab where I can listen all day sometimes. I wonder if that‘s messed with my attention span?? 🤓 5y
ShyBookOwl I never read on my phone. It feels wrong. But I LOVE my kindle. 5y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows

I loved this book so much more than I thought I would. While parts of the plot were kind of predictable or cliche, I thought the execution was still really good and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Exiled princesses, spy antics, mysterious vigilantes, and forgery. My favourite Jodi Meadows series I‘ve read so far.

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Reading this on top of the Vampire Chronicles

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows

I‘m thinking that ‘wraith‘ is Meadows‘ take on pollution and the profligate use of magic comparable to wasting energy.
I like the way the girls as well as boys do the ‘superhero work ‘.

humouress It‘s happening again. I don‘t often read more than one book at a time but when I do, they often seem to have similar premises. ‘Orphan Queen‘ and ‘First Betrayal‘ are both from the POV of folks trying to raise a rebellion against (perceived) usurpers. 6y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Reading ‘The Orphan Queen‘. Clearly C21st YA, but fun.

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Did a trade for this book as it sounded great! #bookmail

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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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YA fantasy that I've had since December and finally read! I liked it, but I've seen some criticism on Goodreads etc for it being kind of blah. Well, ok nothing about the characters and plot twists surprised me. I knew who the vigilante that Wil keeps meeting was from page one- or the synopsis on the back tbh. But I enjoyed it. Yes, it could have been tighter in places-esp when she goes into the wraith land- but overall solid and enjoyable escape.

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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So glad I finally read this! Cannot wait to dive into the novellas and Mirror King. Perfect for fans of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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Some books got cut off, but got a haul from Thriftbooks yesterday. I accidentally hurt two books taking a sticker off the spine. 😢 Can't wait to dive into these books. #bookhaul #usedbooks #ya #youngadult #yabooks #youngadultbooks #bookworm #graceling #theorphanqueen #thequeenofthetearling #graceling #thefalseprince #enclave #cityofember #legacyofkings #thewhitequeen #angelfall #endersgame #thethief #eon

Bookish.Taylor You should let me know when you start Eon and we can buddy read it! 7y
The_Heeler_Booklife @Bookish.Taylor that sounds great and I'll totally let you know! 😊 It probably will be sometime next month. 7y
Bookish.Taylor @allthingskayla Okay! I can't wait! :D 7y
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The_Heeler_Booklife @Bookish.Taylor are you still wanting to do a buddy read for Eon? If so I was thinking of starting it this weekend. 7y
Bookish.Taylor @allthingskayla I would love to! It'll be tight but I'll give it a shot! 7y
The_Heeler_Booklife @Bookish.Taylor I never done a buddy read before, so I'm willing to try. Is there a day that would be best for you to start the book? 😊 7y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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I still have to read these books, I plan on starting them next month. These are ones I impulsively ordered together because they sounded really good :)

#theorphanqueen #themirrorking #jodimeadows #tbr

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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“You're so optimistic. It's not what I expected from a vigilante who calls himself Black Knife."
"Well, I considered Optimistic Knife, but I didn't think anyone would take it seriously.”
This is one of my faves!! Have you read it?
#mapmonday #openbook #theorphanqueen #themirrorking #jodimeadows #flatlay #booksandflowers #booksandcandles #maps #fantasy #youngadult

Grownwomanreadya But is there romance 😏 7y
Grownwomanreadya @Bookiemoji OH MY GAHHH Sign me up 🙌🏻 7y
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Adalanasimaginaryworld Never heard of it. Sounds great! 7y
NotthePathtoNarnia That looks gorgeous! 7y
DawnCourt I haven't, but it looks interesting! Definitely added to my TBR! 7y
Christina.termini Yeeees!! I absolutely love this book!! 7y
booknerdkatie I have looked at it, but never picked it up. Maybe I'll add it to my list! With an awesome quote like that, I think I should... 😂😂 7y
Utopiyll This book looks so pretty! I have to buy it!! 😍 7y
realitysabore It's on my tbr! 7y
MyFriendsAreFiction I love this picture 7y
decorating.reader @Christina.termini I hope you have her newest on your tbr also! 7y
decorating.reader @booknerdkatie you definitely should! It's a really great duology! 7y
decorating.reader Let me know if you do and what you think!! @Utopiyll 7y
Christina.termini @Bookiemoji I do! I just got it in the mail on Monday, so it'll be next on my tbr! 7y
decorating.reader I got mine in also @Christina.termini 7y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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I was 1/4 ways into this book before I was vested. I'm so glad I stuck with it. Real life has been difficult lately and this story provided me with the perfect amount of mystery, magic and romance to allow for my escape. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book.

Cinfhen That's the beauty of a good book, allowing you to "escape" ? 7y
MarriedtoMrT I LOVED this one. Second in the duology is strong but I liked this one the best. 7y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows

This book was so good! Kickass warrior princess, awesome world-building, interesting magic, swoonworthy chemistry... Yeah, there were confusing bits here and there, and I guessed one of the twists almost from the beginning, but it was ultimately fantastic. Just that cliffhanger though... O_O

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows

"It wouldn't be a ball if someone didn't take it upon themselves to be wildly inappropriate."

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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The wraith from this duology got under my skin 😱 (play of words intended 😉) ~ #Day30 #CreepyCrawlies #octphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge ~ @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I so want to read this. 8y
bmsddk @LibrarianRyan It's a great read! The cliffhanger is brutal, so is recommend making sure you have the sequel easily accessible afterwards 😁 The short stories are so good, too. 8y
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The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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This is the book I am starting today. #trumannominee

The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows


The Orphan Queen | Jodi Meadows
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I quite enjoyed this one. Parts of it was predictable but overall it was a great read.

Kalystia Pretty cover, too. 8y
Graciebella @Kalystia I know right?! 8y
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