To my utter amazement, I find myself currently enmeshed in various stages of FOUR different chunksters. How did this even happen? Hoping I can finish at least one of them by the end of February. 😳🤪
To my utter amazement, I find myself currently enmeshed in various stages of FOUR different chunksters. How did this even happen? Hoping I can finish at least one of them by the end of February. 😳🤪
In looking at my overstuffed bookshelves, I realized had quite a few books I would most likely never read, because I‘m “allergic” to chunksters, and continually avoid them. So I decided to challenge myself to read 3 chunksters this year. All are welcome to join me. My definition of a chunkster is any book over 500 pages long, but feel free to use whatever definition makes sense to you.
The rules are simple:
1. Begin reading a chunkster. ⬇️
repost for @Amiable:
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! It's the return of the #Chunksterchallenge2024! So many Littens took down a variety of chunksters in 2023 - let's do it again in 2024! The goal of this challenge is to tackle the giant books that intimidate us or that we put off reading because we are focused on that year-end book total instead. It's time to get them off the TBR!
Remember: “The journey through a thousand pages begins on page 1
I'm spending the last few days of 2017 organizing my office, book shelves and picking the final books for my 2018 reading challenges. Here are 14 of the 15 chunksters I'm committing to reading for#yearofthechunckster. Not pictured is Rebellion by Molly Patterson which I haven't acquired yet!
I are Chunk. I are goofy. I make @thequeerspiderwoman smile?