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You Will Be Mine
You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
Love turns deadly in a new heart-pounding thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Cellar and The Cabin!ROSES ARE REDVIOLETS ARE BLUEWATCH YOUR BACKI'M COMING FOR YOULylah and her friends can't wait to spend a night out together. Partying is the perfect way to let loose from the stress of life and school, and Lylah hopes that hitting the dance floor with Chace, her best friend, will bring them closer together. She's been crushing on him since they met. If only he thought of her the same way...The girls are touching up their makeup and the guys are sliding on their coats when the doorbell rings. No one is there. An envelope sits on the doormat. It's an anonymous note addressed to their friend Sonny. A secret admirer? Maybe. They all laugh it off.Except Sonny never comes home. And a new note arrives: YOUR TURNAlso by Natasha Preston: The CellarThe CabinAwake
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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dabbe Agree 💯!!!! 1mo
Sincerely.Sarah Absolutely agree! 👍 1mo
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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February 1

Valentine‘s Day. Ugh. Of all the holidays, this one is my least favorite.
I give the paper hearts Charlotte decorated our living room a mental eye roll. Two of my roommates, Sienna and Charlotte, are super into Valentine‘s Day.
#YouWillBeMine #NatashaPreston #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookpassion #bookperson #bookpeople #Thriller #Mystery #YoungAdult #Horror #MysteryThriller #Suspense #Fiction #Romance #Contemporary

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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#ItHadToBeYou photo challenge

Day 4: Secret Admirer

A mysterious note shows up addressed for Sonny. Perhaps a secret admirer?

@eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Love this 2y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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This is a thriller/mystery taken place around Valentine‘s Day. Lylah and her friends are going out to a party, and when they‘re getting ready, the doorbell rings and an anonymous note is on the doorstep. It‘s addressed to their friend Sonny, and since he‘s sort of the “player type” they all pass it off as some sort of secret admirer. They laugh it off, except the next morning, Sonny is found dead. And another note is left on the door. Amazing! 🤩

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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This is one of my favorite reads of the year. I love the twist at the end. I love reading a good thriller. This had my heart racing all the way through to the end. This is a must read for anyone looking for a thriller to read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📚
#YouWillBeMine #NatashaPreston #book #books #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #Horror #Fiction #MysteryThriller 💛💛💛💛💛

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Not the story I was expecting, but still enjoyable. Just as I thought I figured out the answer, it changed and made me guess even more. This would be a good Valentine's Day read as the story takes place during that holiday. The editing was a little bit better and it didn't distract from the story as I was reading. This book could be a great movie in the future!

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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A pretty intense fast paced thriller. I easily flew right through this and was correct about who I thought the real killer was. But the ending to this really got me.

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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Next #screamathon pick. I think thrillers count for this 😊

alisiakae Yes, they count! 6y
BookNerd9906 Definitely! 6y
Lovesbooks87 This was really good! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Today is a sick day starting with vest therapy and reading. In the beginning I felt like it was a little slow, but it picked up and I couldn't put it down. I love how Natasha keeps the suspense going. I can't wait to read another by her.

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Omg!! You guys are wonderful beyond words. Getting #jb mail at the new place makes it feel a bit more like Home. Jessica thank you so much for the book! What a welcome surprise that certainly lifted my spirits, especially since the one box of books I was bringing here from my Litten friends and for buddy reads didn‘t make it and somehow ended up in storage. Thanks so much to all of you 💖🤗💖

Lovesbooks87 Yay! So glad that it made it to you! I thought who doesn't like surprise book mail! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
JoScho @Lovesbooks87 perfect timing and so sweet and thoughtful of you ☺️ 6y
Lovesbooks87 @JoScho your welcome! I know we have very similar reading taste! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
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Kaye That‘s great, Jody ! Couldn‘t go to anyone more deserving. You guys are all such a great group. ♥️♥️⭐️♥️⭐️♥️⭐️♥️♥️ 6y
tracey38 💜✉💜 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
AmyG 😘😘😘 6y
Bklover Yay!!!❤️❤️❤️ 6y
tammysue ❤️😁 6y
Betty Oops, a box in storage!? You‘ll enjoy opening it when you finally get it 📚 6y
JoScho @Betty it has been driving me crazy because I thought everything was sorted into storage and then what I was bringing with me. I did remember what happened and I know they are in a pink plastic tub I just don‘t know if they are accessible in the storage unit. I am going to try though. 6y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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I don‘t know what to say about this book other then it‘s amazing and I did not expect the plot twist at the end! #youwillbemine #natashapreston #thecellar #awake #thecabin

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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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At the beach, hanging in the tike themed garage, reading while the rain comes down. :)

Cinfhen Love this photo 💕💕 6y
Cortg Sounds wonderful! 6y
CareBear That sounds wonderful! 6y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Where is this? It‘s so cute!!! I‘m guessing Florida? 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Oh, nice!! Never been, but heard good things!! Have only been to Virginia Beach and that was in 1983. Lol Enjoy!!! 6y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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I know for most people, Halloween is but a date in the far horizon, but I am not a summer girl. I like cold weather and thrillers. I've been meaning to get to this one for awhile!

ChelseaM6010 Saaame! I love for cold weather!! And, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! 🎃 6y
Lovesbooks87 This book was really good. I enjoyed it. I also can't wait for cooler weather! 6y
Bklover 💙❄️☃️⛄️🌬❄️💙 6y
Amanda23 Bring on the cooler weather! 6y
JessClark78 I can‘t wait for colder weather. 💙❄️ 6y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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WOW! THIS BOOK! I try so hard to figure out who was the killer and at the end when I found out I scream like a crazy person. You Will Be Mine take place around Valentine days. Poor Leah can't catch a break. First her parents die and now some one is after her and her friends, trying to end their life. Natasha Preston has a new fan in me. I can't wait to read more books by her!

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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This was a YA thriller that hooked me from the first page. Lylah and her friends are ready for a night out when they get a note saying that someone is coming for them, they just laugh it off and enjoy a night out. But when one of her friends doesn't come home she becomes worried. Is he okay? But when the friend turns up died they all realize that someone is coming after them. Who will be the next victim?

Meeko93 This is on my tbr shelf at home!! I need to get to it. 6y
Lovesbooks87 @Meeko93 it was so good! I hope you enjoy it! 6y
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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston

This book was great! A definite page turner through the entire book! This author is now one of my favs. Kept me hooked like "The Cellar". It was super suspenseful!

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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Getting into this one... Me likey! 😉😁👍
Love being able to read at my job. 😊

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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Layla is in love with her best friend, Chase, but the last thing she wants is to jeopardize their friendship. So when her friends decide to boycott Valentine's Day and pull a few funny pranks instead, she agrees. It might not be a romantic date, but at least she'll get to spend time with Chase. Except the sweet turns sinister when the friends start receiving notes from a secret admirer whose adoration quickly become deadly...


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You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston

As with all Natasha Preston‘s books, this was pretty epic. It had me guessing throughout the book as to who the culprit was (because I didn‘t believe for one minute that it was who the characters thought it was) and I wasn‘t ready for who it turned out to be! I do feel like sometimes the characters acted in a way that was a little unbelievable for characters who were going through what they were going through. Full review to come on my blog!

You Will Be Mine | Natasha Preston
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I got this arc through Netgalley and I am so excited! Love Natasha Preston‘s writing, so I can‘t wait to see what this book has in store for me!