An interesting book 😊 3.5/5 #ReadYourBookshelfChallenge2022 #52BookClubReadingChallenge2022
An interesting book 😊 3.5/5 #ReadYourBookshelfChallenge2022 #52BookClubReadingChallenge2022
A good read but much more for teens then adults who have already lived through those stages.
If they (I) run away, you‘ll probably find them (me) in a corner talking to your pets. #introvert #introverting #introverts
This book is for young generation - children, teenagers and etc. Not that much of a new information compared to the original book Quiet. But while reading, I was felt that I really needed this book when I was younger and questioned why am I so different and was searching for answers. However, at the end there are tips for teachers and parents of introverted kids.
Great book. Gives an introvert like me perspective in a extravert's world.
Heading out the door--hoping my T-shirt will be enough of a big red flag to others ...
How can you tell if a Finn likes you? He's staring at your shoes instead of his own.
#FinnishPickUp #Quiet #Introverts
Excited to start this, been wanting to read it for months!
#ReinvigoratedReader #LearningQuietly
Reading the tagged book in one of my favorite places. Aloha 🌺🌴🌅
I wish this existed when I was a teenager - great reading for introverts or people with introverted children. And since this is an app for people who read all day...
I adored this book.
Growing up as an introvert in a community that considers being quiet as weakness has been draining. It took me two decades to find my voice. I wish I had this book when i was younger!
On the other hand, I'm glad that Susan Cain decided to write it; introverted kids now have support, which is extremely comforting.
I'll make sure to pass the book to everyone who might need it.
#quietrevolution #shhh #yesplease
How fitting that my first post is about a book for introverts 😜
Loving it so much!! I wish I had this book when I was younger!
#introvert #bookworm #quietrevolution
I'm checking out Susan Cain's book on introverts that is targetted for kids and teens. I loved Quiet and use it a lot in my work as a therapist. I imagine this book will be useful for my younger clients!
Hey, Littens! We have a day! 🎉🎉🎉
Should start reading this one soon #book #quiet #nextoneout
Did you all see the new #bookclub from Susan Cain? I'm so there! 😍
I found this book to be thought provoking. I liked how she mixed in personal stories along with documented research. She really did her homework on this book and it shows. I will be adding this one to my collection.
A sort of self-help book for introverted kids.
Meh. I read this one thinking I might get some insight on how to help my son feel more at ease in loud and crowded settings, but there was nothing earth-shattering here. In fact, there was pretty much nothing that I wouldn't put in the Common Sense category. *shrug*
I'm loving this book. Spot on.
Teen Lair Activity Table: Blackout Poetry. Does mine make any sense?
" Ordinary, flourishing; yet still important in this regard. Thus, we notice a rather stark and distinct voice within the tangled web of tradition. " Have yet to read this teen take on Susan Cain's " Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking.
Although this did lean slightly to the condescending side of things, it was still very much worth reading, and had some good tips. Susan Cain understands what it's like to be an introvert, and writes about it very well. It's pretty much the same as Quiet, only aimed at a younger audience.
The right book put into someone's hands at the right time can be such a powerful thing. I bought this for my oldest, who thinks that since she's quiet she won't be heard. It came in my most recent Book Outlet order, along with other books for her, and she picked Quiet Power to read first. She's loving it, which thrills me.
I wish I had this book when I was younger. It's an empowering book for young introverts. At times it's very self-help-ish in a way that nudges towards preachy, but it's a helpful guide of how to be a quite person in a loud world.
I work at a toy store, which naturally requires me to interact cheerfully with customers for an extended period of time during my work days, often being the outgoing initiator of these interactions. Today, one of my coworkers told me she knows I'm actually an introvert and she appreciates my doing this so well...It felt SO GOOD being validated in this way❣I think most people don't realize I'm actually an introvert...I'm a good faker I guess!Lol🤓
Happy New Year! I spent today traveling, which meant starting a new audio book. I chose QUIET POWER for my carload of intoverts. We stopped at Starved Rock State Park and it was beautiful.
My book buying ban hasn't been going well at all!
I bought the second book from Susan Cain yesterday and Im thrilled bcs i am so in love with the first book. The first book encouraged me , gave me the solution , boosted my confidence and told me that I never should feel a shame, boosted my confidence and yes I can be a successful person as I am an introvert human being. Im very keen to start reading this 2nd book! Embrace our quiet world♥️🍑
Here's the current haul of library books for #Cybils still a week left before nominations close!
This book is written for kids and teens, but I really liked it. As a parent and a teacher, I felt it had great advice and explanations that I know I'll use in future conversations with kids as I guide them through some social situations. I loved the constant points of knowing and valuing oneself while stretching to do things you aren't as comfortable with and the huge benefits of being friends with those who are different than you.
Love the empathetic tips- throughout this book, a heavy theme of knowing and valuing oneself while respecting differences of others.
"You can stretch like a rubber band....there will always be time for quiet later."
Really enjoyed this. I bought it for my son, but after reading the first few pages I couldn't put it down. The author has a wonderful way of writing that is simultaneously informative and personal.
Starting this one today too.
Should be a must-read for parents who don't "get" their introverted child.
The essence of the book right here. This is a fantastic read for tweens and teens who are quiet, introverted, and maybe feel out of place in a seemingly extroverted world. This will help them understand themselves and that it's not wrong to be who they are. Introversion (and extroversion) is a gift!
Having a restorative niche is a must for introverts! I love the ideas here. 😊
Yes. This is me. I prefer writing to talking!
It's been a few years since I read Susan Cain's book Quiet (which I loved)... This is a great refresher.
After reading "Quiet'" I bought this for my 11-year-old, hoping to help her gain some insight about growing up as an introvert. But I started reading it first and am not ready to give it to her yet...I need those insights too! Looks like another winner from Susan Cain.
Just starting this one. You can't see it, but this is a book for kids & teens. As an introvert I am finding many truths here and I'm so glad to have this book to share with my middle schoolers. Life might have been much easier for me if this book was around 30 years ago.