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Paula (en Espanol)
Paula (en Espanol) | Isabel Allende
26 posts | 51 read | 20 to read
Cuando la hija de Isabel Allend, Paula, cay en coma gravemente enferma, la autora comenz a escribir la historia de su familia para su hija inconsciente. En el desarrollo de la historia aparecen ante nostros ancestros extraordinarios, omos recuerdos maravillosos y amargos de la infancia, ancdotas increibles de los aos jvenes, los secretos ms ntimos se oyen en murmullos.
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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5-/5 ⭐
Alternando tra il tragico presente (1992) della malattia della figlia Paula e il suo magico passato, Isabel Allende permette ai lettori di questa autobiografia romanzata di conoscere le persone, i luoghi e gli eventi che hanno ispirato la sua opera letteraria.
Grazie mamma per avermi consigliato questo libro ❤️

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Paula | Isabel Allende
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#AAM just started #NF #Hoopla

Paula | Isabel Allende
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This was a heartbreaking memoir. When Isabel‘s daughter Paula fell ill and became comatose, Isabel began writing a memoir/sociopolitical commentary/So. American history dedicated to her. Achingly sad, but important 💔
#authoramonth2021 @Soubhiville
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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thank you to everyone for participating in July‘s challenge!! We look forward to seeing your posts in August !! 🎊🎉📚🙌🏻❤️

Teresereading It‘s been great fun. Will there be another challenge? 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Teresereading thank you for playing! I‘ll tag you in the new ones ❤️ 3y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Thank you @EadieB for this book!! 🎁🎉🎊 and thank you @ElizaMarie @Mitch and @Librarybelle for these beautiful Christmas cards 💛🙏🏻🎅

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
EadieB You‘re welcome! Looks nice on your shelf! It‘s actually a tribute to Isabel‘s daughter, Paula, who died. Very touching story! 4y
WJCintron No he leído esta novela aún. Leí Retrato en Sepia y Afrodita me encantó también. Déjame saber si te gusta cuando lo leas a ver si me animo a leerla. 😃 4y
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Amor4Libros Isabel Allende is one of my favorite authors and Paula is my favorite book of hers. My copy was so worn out because I read it twice and I lent it to my Mom and my best friends and I think we all sobbed on top of it! 4y
Amor4Libros @WJCintron Es un libro hermoso. 4y
WJCintron @Amor4Libros 👍 😃 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @EadieB sounds really sad, but good! 4y
EadieB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes it is a sad one! 4y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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#AugustAuthors #IsabelleAllende #Day7

Read Allende‘s 1994 heartbreaking memoir of her daughters sudden illness and death when this book was published. Raw and beautiful.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ll stack it!! 4y
OriginalCyn620 I haven‘t read this author yet! 4y
Flaneurette I still think about this book years later, 😞 4y
kspenmoll @Flaneurette Me too- 💔 4y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Day 24 - #SouthAmericanAuthor #BiblioMaynia
#Paula #IsabelAllende

I‘ve read 6 books by Allende: Eva Luna, The House of the Spirits, Portrait in Sepia, Daughter of Fortune, Of Love and Shadows but Paula was my favorite. It‘s a biography of Allende‘s life and a tribute to her daughter who was in a coma and eventually died.

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Amor4Libros Paula is my favorite Allende book, also. The follow-up is excellent too! 4y
EadieB @Amor4Libros I‘ll have to check it out! 4y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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#bibliomaynia #amothersstory

In this memoir Allende writes through the pain and grief of losing her daughter.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😥😥😥 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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This book has been a long time on the bookshelf, I decided to read it only a few months ago. It's the autobiography of the chilean writer Isabel Allende, nephew of Salvador Allende, the chilean president killed in the coup d'etat of 1973. Her life has been full of travels, joy, love, and of great pain due to the illness that has affected her daughter Paula. This book, which made me think a lot, speaks precisely of this fact.

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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Anyone else catching up on tv shows? I‘ve been watching Jane The Virgin. The premise is far-fetched but beyond that, it‘s a heartfelt woman-driven show that pays homage to telenovelas.

In the ep I just saw, Jane has a party for her debut novel and Isabel Allende shows up! I love when characters are readers. 🤓

InBooksILive Oh I love Jane's character. Especially in the last few seasons. She's such a strong person and so dang funny! 4y
Saknicole Such a fun show! 4y
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Paula | Isabel Allende

By telling het daughter Paula's story Allende changed my life. I was only 25 years old at the time I was reading it. It was a difficult time in my life and I had been pitying myself (too much). Reading along I realized life was a gift. And that it was up to me: to be or not to be? I went for "to be". I took up my studies and moved on. And today I still feel Allende's power. The power of her storytelling, which feels like the power of life itself.

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
rretzler Welcome to Litsy! 📖 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗🌺 5y
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Paula | Isabel Allende


Paula | Isabel Allende
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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"Listen Paula I want to tell you a story so when you'll wake up you won't feel so lost" These are the first words of her mother, author of the book near her daughter's bed in the hospital. Paula won't wake up, she'll die soon and the book is the auhor's effort to distract death and gather memories of each family members as a chain to keep her alive. Another book about the incredible power of writing to overcome the Everest of human soul "death".

Paula | Isabel Allende


Paula | Isabel Allende
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#heatofjuly #californiagurls

Isabel Allende and her daughter Paula are my #californiagurls Although Chilean they moved to California. This memoir evolved from the letter that Isabel started to her daughter when she went into a coma. I loved this back in the 90s, now that I have a daughter myself I imagine it would be hard to read some parts.

Lidia It's such an emotional book 6y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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One of my favorite Isabel Allende books which is both autobiographical and a memoir to her daughter, Paula, who was in a coma while she wrote this book. She wrote about her family and childhood memories along with whispered secrets to her daughter. Beautifully written book! Should not be missed!
#Readingwomenmonth #paula #isabelallende

ephemeralwaltz Sounds beautiful! 6y
Weaponxgirl I have this on my shelf 😀 6y
EadieB @ephemeralwaltz @Weaponxgirl You both have to read this beautiful book! 6y
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Weaponxgirl @EadieB I'm a huge fan of Allende anyway so no need for more encouragement 😀 6y
LikelyLibrarian I just heard about this book a few weeks ago. I heard it was really good. Thanks for reminding me about it! 6y
EadieB @LikelyLibrarian You‘re welcome! Yes, it is really good! 6y
Melissa_J Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
EadieB @Melissa_J you‘re welcome! Hope you get a chance to read it. 6y
Lidia It's a great book 6y
mrp27 I enjoyed this one. 6y
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Paula | Isabel Allende

Haunting and heartbreaking

Paula | Isabel Allende
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These bright, cheery Chilean doors belie the serious nature of this memoir. While it includes plenty of what must be magical realism, it's a letter written by Allende to her gravely ill daughter. Part Chilean history lesson, part family and personal memoir, part exploration of motherhood, life and death. The heavy alternates with the fanciful, for sure. I loved many moments, but only liked the book overall.

Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com

aloslibrary This book kills me 😩 Isabel grieving her daughter 💔 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I know. It's desperately sad in those parts. 😰 7y
Gezemice Love the quote - that's why I read history, in addition of fiction. Many real historical events would not sound credible in fiction. For example, a queen who was saved because the page carrying her arrest warrant lost it and one of her ladies found it. If that was in a novel, we would have rolled our eyes - too convenient... 7y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Finished my lunch and my book. Now off to my next appointment, although I'll be thinking about my book review for the rest of the day. #nonfictionchallenge17 #bookblogger #lunchandbook

MarticaMustRead Oh man, such a beautiful 💔 of a book!! Live all her books but this memoir...so many feels. 😢 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MarticaMustRead I agree. She is so unique in expressing her life's experience. Really a good read! 7y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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New library book that I started a few days ago. I've enjoyed her writing in the past, and thought this would fit the "Central or South American author" prompt for #readharder2017. I'm finding it a little hard to get into, though.

BarbaraBB She is one of those writers everyone loved at a certain moment and then suddenly it is over. I enjoyed House with the Spirits in the 80s/90s (?) and Of love and Shadow, but afterwards her books were disappointing to me (including Paula) so I stopped reading her. Looking forward to what you think! 7y
LeeRHarry I slogged my way through this one only because it was a book group pick - and back in the day I would always finish book group picks...don't do that anymore 😏 - I have read Of Love and Shadow and thought it was ok. I found her autobiography fascinating mind you 😊 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry I'm not giving up yet. I need a concentrated period of time to dive in and decide. 7y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Currently reading

Paula | Isabel Allende
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When you go back to your childhood home for a short vacation to visit the parents and find books to bring back with you #latinxauthors #bookstoreread #alwaysareader

Paula | Isabel Allende
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Some of my college reads. I particularly liked Paula, the memoir by Isabel Allende dedicated to her daughter Paula who died very young from a rare disease. It was powerful and heartbreaking. #readinschool #photoadaynov16

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Paula | Isabel Allende
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Read this memoir when it came out- heart-wrenching but beautiful read. Non-fiction, written to her daughter as she was dying in a coma. She calls on the spirits of her ancestors to help her tell her daughter her life story. The reality of the present- loss, grief, and the dying process, is intermingled with Allende's evoking the spirit world. #booktober#bookssetinSAmerica

bookishnerd I loved this book when I read it. So sad! 8y
kspenmoll @Bookishnerd me too. Heartbreaking. 8y
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Paula | Isabel Allende
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"Listen, Paula." #firstlines