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What Do You Do with an Idea?
What Do You Do with an Idea? | Kobi Yamada
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A young boy comes up with an idea and he keeps it safe until one day he realizes the amazing power it can have.
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Published: 2013
This story is told from the perspective of a little boy who has an idea but doesn't know what to do with it. At first he tries to hide it so other people would not see it. But he keeps finding himself going back to the idea and eventually decides to embrace it and soo discovers that it changes everything.
Awards: Independent Publisher Book Award for Children's Picture Books

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Three more for #bookaday.

mandarchy Love these. I have two in my library and one on my wishlist. 4y
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This book is so incredibly sweet and the message is awesome! I love the visuals in the book and the story behind it. This book is a fiction/ fantasy picture book as well as a New York Times best seller and gold independent published book award winner. I would use this book for partner reading because I think it would be great to draw connections and spark conversation and help with support from your peers.

Hannacallaham For ESOL I would use 2. Promote cooperation and 10. Teach think, pair, share strategies in cooperative groups. For UDL I would use 8.3 and 7.2 4y
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National best seller in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Publishers Weekly, is a story about a child who one day discovers he has an idea. This realistic fiction (RF) addresses many intriguing philosophical questions. I would use this book as a read aloud (RA) to get questions string within the classroom. Also this book is a Gold medal winner of the Independent Publishers Award an Washington State Book Award

LeahH UDL: active or supply background knowledge (3.1) - state the premise of the book by saying that the young boy has ideas and get the kids to talk about ideas they have had. EL: #4 link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge- ask about if students have had ideas and to share 5y
LeahH https://www.teachingbooks.net/tb.cgi?tid=44393 This website has book guides, activities and lessons for the teacher and students to use. 5y
Tabitha_H I love this book ! Teachingbooks.net is an awesome resource. The UDL principle 3.1 is a perfect choice for this book. Getting student to understand that the can also have idea and implement them is important. 5y
DrSpalding You could certainly read aloud this book and use the resource you noted. You could also perform an author study about this self published award winning author. 4y
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This F, Picture book was written by Kobi Yamada and Illustrated by Mae Besom is great for read aloud. The them is to trust yourself. This book encourages children to follow their ideas and what they think is correct. It also teaches them to be themselves no matter what others think and that a small idea can change the world.

Jennymmm It has received multiple awards, including the 2014 Scandiuzzi Children‘s Book Award for picture books, a Washington State Book Awards.

UDL 7.1 optimize individual choice and autonomy
ESOL 11 place language in meaningful context
DrSpalding This book would be excellent as a read aloud in your future classroom. 4y
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This F picture book, “What Do You Do with an Idea?” by Kobi Yamada, earned the Independent Publishers Book Award. This RA book teaches students that whoever they are they can always contribute to the world. I would absolutely read this book on the first day of school for inspiration. #UCFLAE3414SP20
UDL 3.2- Students come up with their own ideas. EL Strategy 15- Reread an important page if necessary and discuss the important pieces.

Kayla_C www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/BookModule/WhatDoYouDoWithAnIdea. This resource is amazing and provides educators with questions you could use in a philosophical discussion with students and allow them to have their own ideas. (edited) 5y
deiacovab I love the idea of a first day of class book. The illustrations of this look beautiful I definitely have this on my tbr list. 5y
DrSpalding Having the resource to have an effective discussion is helpful. You now also have an author study resource you could use as well. 4y
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This NY Times Best Seller, is an encouraging RF book about a boy that‘s so scared to share his idea at the beginning, but towards the end he grows more confident. When he finally releases his idea into the world, he sees its‘ beauty.

“And then, I realized what you do with an idea..

You change the world”

Ashley_B This book would be great as an AS. While using ESOL strategy 32 (Use student pairs for team learning, especially for reports, experiments, and projects), and pairing up my strong readers with ELs to show them where to follow along.

UDL 9.2 (Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies) #UCFLAE3414SP20
(edited) 5y
McKaylaH Ashley, I love this post and the quote you used! I‘ve never heard of this book... but now it‘s definitely on my to read list! I agree that this would be awesome for choral reading, it gets the students engaged! 5y
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Brennap Yes I love this book and this author! This is a great choice! Love it 5y
Keishla.O I love the idea of this book! I love seeing a beautiful character development like the one you described of this main character. Thank you for sharing your resource, it‘s one I have never seen and will definitely be checking out later on. 5y
DrSpalding Lovely quote, helpful resource, and nice alignment to English learner and universal design principles. 4y
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“And then I realized what you do with an idea...you change the world”. If a teacher paused at this moment and let the students think, it would allow the children to think about an idea they could use to change the world.


This would be a great book to read to a class just before they start a project. It inspires children to do big things and it is wonderfully told


Award: Independent Publishers award
Review: This is a story of a brilliant idea and a child who makes it reality. As the child‘s confidence grow, so does the idea. This is a wonderful book to read for anyone of any age that has felt that they have an idea too big for them. What Do You Do With An Idea tells people to let an idea grow and watch what happens.

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“What Do You Do With An Idea?” by Kobi Yamada is an amazing MF book. We all have ideas and most of us become nervous when it comes to sharing those ideas. This book shows the kids that if an idea is important to you than that‘s all that matters. This book demonstrates how important it is to stick with your idea no matter what because it can change the world. https://www.lincolncottage.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/idea-portrait_web.pdf

Alexush Above is the website I chose to go with this book. This book has an Independent Publisher Book Award.The UDL I chose was 9.1 “Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation” because this book will motivate the students to follow and grow their ideas. The ESOL strategy that I would use for this book is #3. This book is for ages 4-8, though I think this book would benefit anyone who is striving to bring their idea to life. (edited) 5y
Alexush For this book I would use the LC teaching strategy. #ucflae3414f19 (edited) 5y
GroeningsC Great post! This book sounds like it sends an amazing message to students. 5y
Jewelwinkler Children at a young age should be taught that if you have a great idea to stick with it and not to let anyone take their idea away. It‘s always important to be positive with children so that it can help to shape their mindset for the future. I will definitely be looking into this book so I can read it and add it to my classroom library! 5y
DrSpalding Your author study author. You could cite your Piktochart URL here as well for others to access. 5y
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This RF picture book, “What Do You Do with an Idea?” written by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Mae Besom earned the Independent Publishers Book Award. This short story teaches students that whoever they are at any age, they can bring an idea into the world no matter how big, odd, or difficult.
Teaching Strategy- RA
UDL- 3.2: Students come up with their own ideas.
EL- 15: Reread an important page if necessary and discuss the important pieces.

gabbymartin Website: https://www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/BookModule/WhatDoYouDoWithAnIdea A philosophical discussion guideline for teachers to share with his/her students. 5y
gabbymartin #UCFLAE3414SU19 🍎 (edited) 5y
Macker11 I love the idea of this book! I had never heard of it before, what a great message for kids to hear at a young age. I like the discussion questions on your resource, this book could inspire kids to do great things!! 5y
DrSpalding Remember that you are copying and pasting the codes and verbiage for your principles and strategies. 5y
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What do you do with an idea? You change the world. I quickly fell in love with this MF book that was awarded the Independent Publishers Book Award. The writing by Kobi Yamada was accessible for young readers and the pictures by Mae Besom were some of the most beautiful and captivating I have seen in a child‘s book in a long time! This would make for a fantastic RA and it encourages children to foster and appreciate their own ideas. #UCFLAE3414SU19

DawnS This would make for a great class discussion and https://www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/BookModule/WhatDoYouDoWithAnIdea has some excellent sample questions to ask the class. It will work into UDL 7.2 optimizing relevance, value, and authenticity and EL 36 asking questions which require higher level thinking responses. I literally cannot day enough good things about this book in the allotted amount of characters... read it! 5y
DawnS The story follows our main character through discovery of his materialized idea as well as fear of rejection because of his idea. In the end, he realizes it is his idea and he loves it. That self confidence and will power to believe leads to the evolution of the character and the idea. Truly one of my favorite reads! 5y
galacticbees This book is amazing. I love how it teaches kids to never let go of who they truly are, no matter what anyone around you says or thinks. I think this is the perfect book for a RA as it brings up a lot of great convos in the classroom. 5y
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DawnS @galacticbees this is the first time I had heard of this book and I really love it! BTW it‘s like 50% off on Amazon for Prime Deals 🙌 5y
Apeacock12 I saw this book when I was at Barnes and Noble and put it on my wish list. After reading your review and the comment of others I‘m definitely going to be getting it! 5y
DrSpalding Agreed! This would make a wonderful read aloud especially at the beginning of the school year. Your post has inspired a peer to purchase the book! Wonderful job. 5y
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I discovered this quite by accident while on a non book related outing the other day, and it made me so happy! It may be my new favorite picture book!

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This is honestly the sweetest book I have ever read. It has such a sweet and gentle tone to to it.

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This MF picture book by Kobi Yamada is a New York Times Best Seller and Independent Publishing Book Award winner that I would use during RA for grades K-3. This book follows a child who has an idea which is initially ignored due to fear of ridicule. The idea grows and follows the child, and the child comes to love the idea. When he shares the idea, he‘s made fun of, but decides he doesn‘t care what others think. #ucflae3414sp18

AndreaG This is a sweet book that teaches children to embrace their ideas and they individuality. This link provides comprehension questions at varying levels of depth. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/35C1809B-B30D-450E-AE7C-1F399C7CA5AF/175763/... 7y
AndreaG I would use this book as a RA to discuss individuality, diversity, and respect for others. ELL strategies 1, 6, 14. UDL: 7.3 (edited) 7y
juliette_kathleen This is SUCH a cool book. I want to order it this moment. I love the visualization this book creates about an idea and how it grows!! It truly is the perfect book for depth of comprehension and higher order thinking questions!! You could even throw in some problem and solution finding skills!! 7y
AndreaG @juliette_kathleen I agree. Such a sweet book. Kids are always so worried about what peers think, I feel this book sweetly addressed those fears and gives confidence to validate and embrace their ideas. 7y
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F. S. This book has won the Independent Publisher Book Award for Children's Picture Books. It is a cute story about a little boy who has an idea. It follows his journey and the reader is able to watch the little boy grow and embrace his idea, regardless of what anyone else thinks of it. I believe this would be a great story to introduce to younger students because it can help them become confident in their own ideas. #UCFLAE3414SP18

ambera UDL 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. ESOL 2. Promote cooperation (small groups) 7y
ambera http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/35C1809B-B30D-450E-AE7C-1F399C7CA5AF/175763/... This link brings you to a chart that contains questions to ask you students. There are questions for grades pre-k through 5th grade. 7y
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This F is best used as an RA due to teaching students the lesson behind it. I was excited to add this to my pb after a bookboost introduced this series as well as what do you with a problem. An independent publisher just to show you about there own great idea success. These stories are so relatable it will help student figure themselves and concepts out! Using Udl: 9.3 and EL:10 #ucflae3414f17

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#UCFLA3414F17 What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada is a realistic fiction text and has won the Independent Publishers Award. It is the story about a boy who helps bring an idea into the world and the maturation between the idea and the boy growing up together.

ProfessorOak Link http://www.lincolncottage.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/idea-portrait_web.pdf I have to use UDL 1.3 offer alternatives for visual information. I would use ESOL 13 to preview and review activities. #UCFLA3414F17 7y
JanaLL I created a lesson plan for this in my RED course. Great book! 7y
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Independent Publisher award winning F PB, What Do You Do With An Idea? By Kobi Yamada& illustrated by Mae Besom, could be read to students of all ages as a RA. Charmingly illustrated, this story follows a little boy and his idea. Afraid of what people would think, he almost abandoned this idea, but soon realized he should give it all of his attention. After it became everything he ever imagined, he reminds us that ideas change the world.

SarahWynne ttps://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/What-Do-You-Do-With-an-Idea-by-Kobi-Yamada-1839888 The link provides an entire literature unit for students based off of the book. Discussion questions, a craft, and a handout. Strategies:
UDL: 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity 7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy
ESOL: 8. Use direct instruction: Modeling 22. Give enough wait time for second language learners to respond to questions
Samantha.K This book is so good. It‘s the perfect book to read to students when they are struggling with what to do. The illustrations are beautiful and I love how at the end the illustrations just burst. (edited) 7y
SarahWynne @Samantha.K I also love the illustrations! And yes, such a good read for students caught in the “what to do” phase. 7y
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What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Mae Besom is a F book about a child who happens to have an idea and doesn‘t know what to do with it out of fear of the unknown. He didn‘t know how people would react and didn‘t have the confidence to find out, but that changes when he gets attached. An Independent Publisher Book Award winner, it makes an exceptional book for IR, or RA. One of my favorite books!!


AshleyAA The lesson plan provided, alongside the book, can meet UDL principles 3.2 and 8.3, which relate to highlighting big ideas and relationships and fostering collaboration and community and promoting. It also meets EL 2 and 3 that relate to promoting collaboration and encouraging self-talk. A fantastic book that can be used to motivate students and build confidence. (edited) 7y
DrSpalding Many students are going to need your assistance with building confidence and motivation. This book can help you help them! Excellent choice. 7y
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What Do You Do With An Idea is an inspiring read that won an Independent Publishers Gold Book Award. The author takes you through the adventure one young boy has when he discovers and idea he has. Throughout the story, the boy grows confident in his ability to keep his idea, and at the end realizes that his ideas can change the world. I would love to include this book in my future classroom because, it teaches children to believe in themselves.

Sabrinac http://meramecchoiceart.blogspot.com/2015/08/what-do-you-do-with-idea.html (This website takes you to an activity you can use in the classroom, where children are able to post the ideas they have and share them on their class bulletin board.) 7y
Sabrinac UDI: 8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives. UDI: 9.1 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation. ESOL: 3 Encourage self-talk (positive thinking) by encouraging students to always believe in themselves and the ideas they create. 7y
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DrSpalding For the message in this text, your principles and strategies are spot on. Very well done. These self published titles have been on the NYTBS which shows they have had a positive response in our nation. 7y
AndreaC I think this is a great pic for a classroom library! Also love the illustration style 7y
Sabrinac @AndreaC Thank you so much Andrea! 7y
Sabrinac @DrSpalding Thank you so much Dr. Spalding! 7y
amandagrant This book is so beautifully illustrated with a clear and easy to understand message to be taken from it. Very high quality. The UDL strategies you picked align perfectly. Nice job :) 7y
Sabrinac @amandagrant Thank you so much! I love this book, it's so well written and has a great meaning! 7y
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I picked up a copy of this beautifully illustrated picture book and adorable idea plushie for a birthday party.
I should've picked up one for my kiddo. It's so nice and the message is really important.
Heck...it's really profound for anyone at any age...

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I love a children's book that tells a story the adult reader, as well as the child, needs to hear. ❤️

#raisingreaders #childrensbooks #booksforallages

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Our breakfast book today☀️Such a sweet picture book. Inspirational for kids and adults alike.

tpixie So love the cover! 8y
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Kobe Yamada wrote a story all about ideas. This book empowers children to take their dreams and see what happens with them. Never give up, even when others doubt, keep dreaming and planning. A must read!

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I liked being with my idea. It made me feel more alive, like I could do anything.


This book is elegant and honest on every level.