You might be a bookworm if you read literary theory on your phone while bored at work. Yes, the former English major in me is coming out.
You might be a bookworm if you read literary theory on your phone while bored at work. Yes, the former English major in me is coming out.
I have no idea what I‘m going to read this month, I haven‘t got a specific #AprilTBR, I‘m just plucking books at random from the piles in my house in an ongoing effort to reduce the number of books I possess!
#AcrossApril @Eggs
Vacation day - sitting in the cafe at Barnes & Noble enjoying a treat and the Winter 2019 issue of Lapham‘s Quarterly. Tagged book is by Francine Prose, one of the contributors in this issue. 📚☕️
School is cancelled today and tomorrow for the ridiculous wind chills, so I'm probably not moving from this spot for the next 48 hours 🔥. I'll be finishing up The Heart's Invisible Furies soon, but I'm having trouble choosing where to go next. What advice can you give, Littens? #isthisthenorthpole?
So I recently read Shadow of the Fox recently, and I loved it. It‘s also the only book by Julie Kagawa I‘ve actually read. I was thinking about starting Talon or the iron fey series while I wait for the sequel to SOTF. Any recommendations as to which one?
Alright gang...what am I reading next? I just finished a fairy tale with Jewish and Russian roots.
Hello Litsy, I still don't know you very well, but I was wondering if you could help me out and suggest some books. Books you loved, books you got lost in. I have been stuck in a rut for way too long and I'm trying to give this app a proper go now!
Books about books are the best books!
I loved all of these books! And I am itching to read a big book. Something current (but it doesn‘t have to be a new release). Help a girl out—what big book do you recommend? As is fairly obvious based on the above, I tend to like historical fiction/family sagas. But Capital is not historical, but does have lots of characters with various stories. Suggest me a book, and why you think I might like it! Pretty please 📖📖👍🏼👍🏼
No one conveys the passion for books and reading quite like Francine Prose. This should be read slowly but I truly loved every word.
I forgot to share this last week but I received this early copy last week and have never been so excited about a book (released 7/3)! As you can tell by the background books, I have a nerdy obsession with books about books and reading📚🤓. I plan on starting this tonight.
Thanks so much @HarperCollins
I ❤️❤️❤️ Prose's Reading Like a Writer but What to Read and Why is like its pale third cousin. It feels like a random collection of essays, which aren't particularly compelling or intersectional, and the "why" part is pretty vague. Two chapters are good - "On Clarity" and "What Makes a Short Story?" - but these come at the end of the book. Too little, too late. Skip this, unless you die hard on the hill of "Books about Books" then borrow.
Possibly...but this also discounts the flip side that e-reading has no covers advertising what you are reading. So you can escape the judgy-pants on the bus while reading your erotica.