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Eramos mentirosos/ We Were Liars
Eramos mentirosos/ We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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My fav reading buddy! He loves to cuddle while I read!!

#cuddle #dog #reading #wewereliars #cutie #readingbuddy #books

Balibee146 Oh I love your reading buddy 😍😍 2mo
Tangerinenoises @Balibee146 He‘s the sweetest!! 2mo
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart

Currently reading We Were Liars by E. Lockhart! Very good so far. Don‘t often trust BookTok on their picks, but this one did not disappoint so far. Hoping the plot twist doesn‘t ruin the book.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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This book is book is beautiful. It is sublime. So poetic, so captivating. Seriously I can‘t put it down. I understand it can be a bit polarising because of the style of the writing. However it works so well for me. Can see why this had blown up on Book Tok. Seriously - We Were Liars by E.Lockheart. It is worth a try.

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Yeah well. I read it because it won the #NewberyMedal and I needed that to finish the #52bookclub23, but finishing that challenge was about the greatest satisfaction I got out of the book. Let‘s just say I‘m not a fan of YA and the teen drama just doesn‘t work me. I can see though why my daughter loved it.

Smarkies Well done on finishing the challenge! 8mo
Read4life Congrats on finishing the challenge! 8mo
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Amiable I‘m with you re: YA. I‘m well past the age where I want to immerse myself in teen drama. 8mo
BarbaraBB @Amiable I realize I lately much prefer books about aging - and I start feeling ancient 👵🏼 😂 8mo
Librarybelle Congratulations on finishing the #52bookclub23 challenge! 8mo
squirrelbrain Well done on finishing! 🎉🎉🎉 8mo
Bluebird Lol! Congrats on finishing the challenge. I‘m still plugging away at it. I may finish before end of year. 🤞 8mo
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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I really enjoyed this one. While it was predictable, it still was done really well. I was sucked into the story and didn't want to stop to do anything else. I actually wish it had been a little longer because there was still so much I wanted to know about the family that never really got wrapped up.

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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While I definitely figured out where the book was going I didn't get all the twists. The writing, characters & storyline all make it a book worth your time.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Another day, another reading spot

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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My entire vacation is simply favorite reading spots & all the time to read

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Another summery read and a a long time tbr read!

Not a bad read, but nothing groundbreaking either. It was a good beach book if you‘re so inclined, and I semi-called the ending which is fun (even if I like my ending a little better :p)

We Were Liars | E Lockhart

I absolutely loved this book. At times it became a little confusing, but the end it such a surprise and I liked the plot line a lot. I would definitely recommend.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart

Not a fan of this but I did stick it out & finish it. It‘s a bit hard to follow. Makes sense when you realize it‘s from the pint of view if someone with a traumatic brain injury. It wasn‘t what I expected & I don‘t plan to read the prequel.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Updated reading bracket. Such a tough choice between We Were Liars and The Invisible Life

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.

+ twist ending & author‘s craft

1/3 for #awesomeapril

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 I must get to it. 1y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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This is my first time participating in a readathon ⭐️

My goal is to finish these 3 books from my TBR


Andrew65 Great to have you with us, I hope you enjoy it. Will be interested to see your thoughts on We We‘re Liars as I own a copy but yet to read it. 1y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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We Were Liars is a novel by E Lockhart that focuses on the life of Cadence Sinclair and what it's like to live in a seemingly perfect family torn apart by secrets and lies. If you like books that have you second-guessing everything you think you know, you'll like this one. The POV in this novel is first-person limited, this can be seen through the use of the pronouns “I“ and “me“ as well as the story being told solely from Cadence's viewpoint.

MissYaremcio I literally only read this book two weeks ago! What a story! I would have liked more on the summary of the novel, otherwise, good work. 5/6 1y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Good pace. Predictable plot.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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I really enjoyed listening to the audio book WAY more than reading this book! It was a pretty decent book however just reading it doesn‘t give you the full picture/ vibe that the audio book does.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Alright! About to start this book…. Poor things been on my shelf since last Christmas so I guess it‘s about time 😂

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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I enjoyed this YA thriller about four young people and summers spent on a private island off the coast of Massachusetts. It was completely unprepared for the shocking end!

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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I was a bit “meh” about this YA novel I‘d seen lots of buzz about; until I got to the final third and finale, which I was not expecting at all! I read books like this and wish them for my 16-year old self. It also gave me the feels of a younger, shorter The Paper Palace which I loved.

squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m intrigued now as I too loved The Paper Palace. 2y
LeeRHarry I think this is possibly one of my favourite YAs. 2y
TheLudicReader I loved this. Holy unreliable narrator, Batman! 2y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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That twist was shocking! I thought I knew and very quickly realized I had no idea. Wow. Good read! This was my September #doublespin too 😊 just a little late 😂 @TheAromaofBooks

Librariana I thoroughly enjoyed this one too, sis, and did not see the end coming either! I picked up the prequel 2y
CBee @Librariana if it‘s got more twists like this one, I‘m down 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
bookaholic1 I so loved this book 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
CBee @bookaholic1 it was great! 2y
AvidReader25 The twist shocked me too! 2y
CBee @AvidReader25 total jaw dropping moment!! 2y
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Miss. Joe
We Were Liars | E Lockhart

This is my most favourite teen fiction book, of all time. It kept me guessing until the last page. I would highly recommend this book.

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We Were Liars | E Lockhart

I liked this book but I personally feel that it was very hyped but I just didn‘t understand the massive amount of hype ❤️

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Very much enjoyed the reread with my favourite treat. I wasn‘t sure how I‘d like it given that I knew the twist, but it‘s so well-written that I enjoyed thoroughly.

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Not all that it‘s hyped up to be…

Liz_M Well how could it compete with this view? 😍 2y
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Holidays 😎

We Were Liars | E Lockhart

Incredible book! Bounces back & forth between past and current times. HUGE plot twist toward the end that sent my head spinning!

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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1. Yes—it‘s hard to beat a good twist!
2. My students read this for a choice book and didn‘t see the twist coming either. Their minds were blown!!
3. I can‘t think of one that does it consistently. 🤷‍♀️

BookmarkTavern What a fun thing to share with your students! Thank you for posting! 💜 2y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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The tale of a tragedy. Tear-worthy. Incredibly well written.

We are liars
We are beautiful and privileged
We are cracked and broken
A tale of love and romance
A tale of tragedy
Which are lies?
Which is the truth?
You decide

We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Re-read. Still didn't like it. But gonna give a try - Family of Liars next 🤓 I'm curious

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Almost forgot! This month‘s prompts are fun! Let‘s do ittt! #bookmoods #wordchallenge #lies

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my #TBR shelf 📚📚 2y
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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I have not actually read this (should I?), but it was my first thought for today‘s prompt.


Eggs Yes you should 😉 also Family of Liars is a companion book to it 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve heard it is good! 🖤 2y
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Beautiful prose and a devastating but real picture of grief and loss. Nothing like I was expecting but truly excellent. I saw the ending coming but still hard hitting. I expected more of a YA thriller but it‘s more of a mystery. Shows that even the super rich are not exempt from horrific tragedies.

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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart

I almost bailed on this book. I also guessed the twist at the end, but the ending does make up for the rather slow first half.

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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While I think the plot was alright, the way this book was written just didn‘t appeal to me. I didn‘t like how it tried to be poetic at times or how some of the dialogue was placed. Basically, the narrator struggles to remember an accident, and she thinks being with her friends will help. She calls the group of them The Liars, but never explains why. In bonus content, the author stated the reason got cut from the novel - then why keep the nickname?

BkClubCare Ha! I had different issues with this book but I was amazed how hot it became. Anyway, different strokes, right? I panned it, too. 2y
BriannaT @BkClubCare Happy to know I‘m not the only one! Yeah I don‘t think it deserved the hype, but I guess I got it for 20% off at Target for a reason lol 2y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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Good quick read! I wasn‘t blown away by the twist but it was shocking. Up until that point the whole story was just choppy and I gave up trying to piece it together. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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This book is about a teenage girl in New York who goes through a traumatic event at her family‘s island. Unfortunately she is unable to remember the event and no one will tell her what actually happened as it is believed that it will be best for her to remember it on her own. So she returns to the island around 2 years later to find out the truth. Along her journey to find the truth, she discovers her own family‘s faults and how they

elayna.vucurevich are not as perfect as they seem to be. It‘s the end of the book it is discovered that Cadence, they main character and her three cousins had burnt down their grandfathers house in an attempt to fix their problems. Unfortunately the three cousin all perished in the fire, which was the secret that everyone was hiding from her. It was also during this night that she sustained her head injury. If you like books that deal with teenagers who go through 2y
elayna.vucurevich traumatic events then you will like this book. The point of view in this book is first person and it is told through Cadences point of view. Through her point of view the audience learns about events from her perspective and how her family isn‘t as perfect as they appear to be. 2y
elayna.vucurevich The author uses techniques such as expressing Cadence's feelings and thoughts to establish that the story is told through her eyes. 2y
elayna.vucurevich I would give this book a 6/10 because it got kind of boring and repetitive but I liked the plot twist at the end. 2y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Elayna! I loved this book! 6/6 2y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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I did NOT see that plot twist coming! While it dragged a bit at first, this was a great read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

GondorGirl Later this year she's releasing a prequel novel! 2y
Kyndrill Looks intriguing! 2y
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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Cadence Sinclair comes from a wealthy, seemingly perfect family who spend their summers on a private island. Her summers were once filled with playing with her cousins and spending time with Gat; who she is in love with. However it all changes when Cadence has an accident and can‘t remember what happened due to the traumatic brain injury. However her mother won‘t tell her what happened so she returns to the island, determined to find out the truth

elayna.vucurevich If you like to read books that are based on teenagers and the hardships they go through you will like this book. A them in this book is the desire to find out the truth. Cadence is not only determined to find out the truth about what happened the night of her accident but also why her family acts the way they do. Such as why her grandpa suddenly built a new house or why her one aunt denies going for a walk in the middle of the night. 2y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Elayna! 6/6 2y
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We Were Liars | E Lockhart

Loved this book, the book was kind of a mystery, but it was also about romance. Loved the ending, worth the read

We Were Liars | E Lockhart
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This book was a heart wrenching, page turner. I read this in one sitting, and since I was hunched over a book for a few hours, my back hurts. But it‘s all worth it. I could sense that there was a huge plot twist coming up, and when it came, it blew me away. I have to say, at times, the ages of the characters and the way they behave don‘t match, but other than that, this was an absolutely brilliant book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

We Were Liars | E Lockhart

What if we could stop being different colors, different backgrounds, and just be in love?