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Hotel New Hampshire
Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
"The first of my father's illusions was that bears could survive the life lived by human beings, and the second was that human beings could survive a life led in hotels".So says John Berry, son of a hapless dreamer, brother to a cadre of eccentric siblings, and chronicler of the lives lived, the loves experienced, the deaths met, and the myriad strange and wonderful times encountered by the family Berry. Hoteliers, pet-bear owners, friends of Freud (the animal trainer and vaudevillian, that is), and playthings of mad fate, they "dream on" in a funny, sad, outrageous, and moving novel by the remarkable author of A Son of the Circus and A Prayer for Owen Meany."Like Garp, [THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE] is a startlingly original family saga that combines macabre humor with Dickensian sentiment and outrage at cruelty, dogmatism and injustice".--Time"Rejoice! John Irving has written another book according to your world....You must read this book".--Los Angeles Times"Spellbinding...Intensely human...A high-wire act of dazzling virtuosity".--Cosmopolitan
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 👍🏼 1mo
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Leftcoastzen 👏 1y
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻 1y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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#savvysettings #airplane The Berry family doesn‘t believe in all flying together on the same plane. Actually,I don‘t want to talk about it , you will have to read the book.Sorrow floats .

Ruthiella This book, like many other Irving titles, broke my heart. 💔 3y
Leftcoastzen @Ruthiella broke my heart too . Right after I read it , I got on a plane, opened my Vogue magazine to an ad showing a dog like Sorrow leaping off the page!😳 3y
Trashcanman Hello from me to you 3y
Eggs 👏🏻💔✈️ 3y
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I'm a fan of John Irving, this is another lovely, loopy and lewd read from him. 🤪

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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. The Pillars of the Earth, which I'm currently chipping away at, was an impromptu gift from a friend.
2. We gave our daughter Priory of the Orange Tree and the Arc of a Scythe series for Christmas.
3. Tagged - definitely an unusual love story at the center of that one

Eggs Enjoyed the Scythe trilogy!! 3y
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#ConflictedWorlds #siblings “Keep passing the open windows”
“Sorrow floats”
An all time favorite, many trigger warnings.

Amiable John Irving is my all-time favorite author. 🥰 3y
Eggs Great choice 🙌🏻 3y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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Maybe not John Irving's best book (I would say either Garp or Owen Meany), but it will always be my favorite. I received an old, crumpled mass-market paperback copy from a friend in college as a gift, who said it was her favorite book of all time. Never having read anything by Irving before, I had no idea what awaited me when I cracked the cover. Recently reread after 20 years and love it as much as the first time. "Keep passing the open windows!"

britt_brooke I‘m finally getting around to reading Irving, so I‘m really glad you posted this! I just finished Owen Meany and have a massive book hangover. So good. Truly counting it as a favorite. 4y
The_Penniless_Author @britt_brooke All of his older stuff is great. I heard some of the more recent books were pretty disappointing, but there are enough excellent novels from the early and middle parts of his career to last you a while. Definitely one of my top five favorite authors! 4y
britt_brooke @The_Penniless_Author I‘m so excited to read more. There‘s nothing better than finally reading a “new-to-you” author. 4y
aa_guer2021 *shamelessly stacks another books to growing TBR mountain* 😂😂 4y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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Thanks @EadieB for the tag!

1. Hopefully The Dragon Waiting by John M Ford
2. Dinner is forever a last-minute choice with me
3. The Simpsons will always do in a pinch

Tagged: @Hilary427 @ruskigurl16 @christine_reads88 @MySharonaK @britt_brooke @Arvena @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheSpineView

EadieB Great answers! Thanks for playing! 4y
TheSpineView Thanks again for Tagging me! 🥰💙🏷 4y
MySharonaK Thank you for the tag 😘🌹 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Thanks for the tag! 😊👍 4y
aa_guer2021 Thanks for the tag! 👋🏻 new friend! 4y
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The Hotel New Hampshire by John Irving
Joe Hill
Half Jack by The Dresden Dolls

#ManicMonday #LetterH @JoScho

JoScho Oh yeah House is great. Thanks for playing 💚😊 4y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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Books that left a deep impression on me

Have you been tagged yet @thebluestocking ?

Leftcoastzen 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️Keep passing the open windows . 4y
Ruthiella @Leftcoastzen I need to give it a reread! 😀 4y
Leftcoastzen Me too! 4y
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Amiable “Sorrow floats.” Still think about that line! 4y
Ruthiella @Amiable His books really do stick with a reader, don‘t they! 😀 4y
Amiable @Ruthiella Irving is my favorite author! 4y
Ruthiella @Amiable I haven‘t read anything since A Widow for One Year. But I read pretty much everything he published in the last century! 4y
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Traveling for work, killing time with a $3 copy of THNH 🐻🏨🏍🇦🇹John Irving has been my favorite author since high school. His use of irony is (in my novice opinion) better than anyone else, his characters are lovable yet always have the most interesting defining traits, and he tends to leave you wondering about the influence of fate and the supernatural on his hum-drum families (I see that too in Owen Meany, Ave of Mysteries, etc)

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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
Leftcoastzen Keep passing the open windows.😉 5y
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Still on my TBR, but Irving doesn‘t usually disappoint. #hotel #letstravelaugust @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🏨 5y
Leftcoastzen It‘s weird, but I love it. 5y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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#FavAuthor #fallintoreading Could not just pick one, but honestly,I have so many favorites!

merelybookish Cool covers! 6y
Leftcoastzen @merelybookish the Irving is a hardcover first edition, that real old On the Road paperback reproduced the original dust jacket art from the original hardcover. 6y
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merelybookish A John Irving first edition! I would imagine that's worth something! 6y
Leftcoastzen @merelybookish Not that much really. it‘s precious to me. Mine is not signed,plus , his publisher produced a limited signed slipcased edition. 6y
vkois88 Same!!! 6y
bookcollecter That's one Irving I haven't read yet. 6y
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Hotel New Hampshire | John Irving
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📚Hotel New Hampshire A special shout out to Larry McMurtrys Horseman, Pass By
✍️Ernest Hemingway
🎬High Fidelity 📺How I met Your Mother
🥪Ham on Rye (did you see what I did there?😀)
#manicmonday #letterH

JoScho Legend-wait for it-dary! 6y
Leftcoastzen @JoScho 😂😂😂😂👍 6y
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Walked down to the local farmers‘ market, and I have to pass a bookstore. This was half off so I have to help the local economy. Add it to #MountTBR. (Although I have read it many moons ago) 😜

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#stateintitle #readingresolutions If you follow my posts you had to see this coming.😂”keep passing the open windows .”

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Cold, rainy day. Perfect chance to curl up and finish this book! I wished I had finished in time for book club but everyone kept hush about the last 100 pages that I hadn‘t read. It was soooo good! What a dysfunctional family. All throughout the story, I had a WTF reaction to all the craziness. Definitely a unique story. 😳

Molly_the_mezzo SUCH a good book! 7y
Cortg @Molly_the_mezzo I know! And I had no idea going into it 😃 7y
Suet624 I thought I was the only one who drank Chock Full of Nuts! 7y
Cortg @Suet624 I drink it when my hubby‘s out of town. Otherwise he likes Eight O‘Clock whole bean that grinds in the coffee maker. 7y
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Morning snuggles! Still chugging along. Book club is in 3 hours. Sad I won‘t finish in time but looking forward to discussing it anyway. I should be 3/4 of the way through. #dogsoflitsy

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Not going to finish this before book club tomorrow afternoon but I am going to enjoy my new patio and some gorgeous 70 degree weather to kick off November!

suvata Wow! I remember that book. As I recall, I enjoyed it. 7y
Cortg @suvata It‘s a fantastic book, but long. I‘m about 1/2 way through it but life‘s been busy the past 2 weeks and I‘m a slow reader. 7y
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Starting this one today for book club! We meet Friday afternoon and I‘m hoping I manage to finish it in time. My first John Irving book 👀

AmyG When you are done with that, read 7y
Cortg @AmyG Ok. I added it to my TBR list! 7y
Cortg @AmyG Oooh, I just read the description for Owen Meany! My son plays JV baseball, looks good but I hope it doesn‘t terrify me when watching live games 😂 7y
AmyG @Cortg It's one of the best books I have ever read. 7y
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#junetunz #taintedlove
This is odd as i googled images of hotel new Hampshire and realised its a john irving based film ive not seen. I love JI and each book triggers memories of when and where i was when i read them, this was a post uni course in Chester.
This was definitely tainted love between 2 siblings. The question i have is whether to reread or not, i always worry abt rereading fave books.

DeborahSmall Love John Irving too 7y
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@Liberty the weirdest is difficult. For wacky characters, I love John Irving and Neil Gaiman, but the weird descriptions of the ghosts in Lincoln in the Bardo keep coming back to me. #COMEONEILEEN

tpixie #Comeoneileen is our family's favorite one hit wonder! @liberty 7y
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You've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed.

Crysboehne John Irving = love of my life. 8y
Bee I had forgotten about this book. I love this book and I love John Irving 8y
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Rushing out the door to the airport, but wanted to get in a quick post for #septphotochallenge This is the first John Irving I read and it has stayed with me always. A wonderful story with memorable characters and led me directly to love so many more John Irving novels. #MadeMeCry #somethingforsept

MrBook Sounds great! Safe travels! 8y
RealLifeReading Have a good trip and thanks for taking the time to post! 8y
Dragon My first was The World According to Garp then I read Hotel New Hampshire 8y
ApoptyGina69 @Dragon have you A Prayer for Owen Meany? My absolute favorite of his. 8y
Dragon Love A Prayer For Owen Meany! Now that's another book that made me cry. Widow For One Year made me change the way I drive. 8y
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Maybe not my #favsiblings but definitely the most memorable. #augustphotochallenge

CherylDeFranceschi Awesome! 8y
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What I remember most about this book is the bear. I don't remember when I read this but I think I was too young for it.

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