Such a nice break from all the psychological thrillers reading and My Favorite Murder listening.
Such a nice break from all the psychological thrillers reading and My Favorite Murder listening.
Is it bad that I work in an academic library and visit a public library twice a week and still have a BOTM subscription? As I typed that out, I answered my own question. Nope, not bad at all.
How you know your move is official! Ridiculously excited for my new library card.
"It was just the two of us, living in the saddest house of happy memories." I've struggled to put this same thought in words before. So beautifully expressed.
Guys, packing books is no joke. Any tips or tricks I should know about? #septphotochallenge #numberintitle
My #currentlyreading pile. The King and Gaiman collections I read in spurts when I'm in the mood for short stories, the new HP I can only read in small increments before anger and shattered childhood dreams take over, and the rest I rotate through every night. #augustphotochallenge
It's National Dog Day! Here are Mabel Flannery and Melville Leroy wishing you a most spectacular weekend!
A small sampling of #whitespines. #augustphotochallenge
I remember being so fascinated with these books when my parents first got them. When my mom passed and my dad moved, I brought these books home with me because I couldn't bring myself to put them in the donate pile. I had forgotten about them until I saw today's challenge, and now I can't wait to read them again! #booksandstationery #epistolary #augustphotochallenge
Holy guacamole, I am so behind on the #augustphotochallenge! #favfemalecharacter Lilith Iyapo!! If you haven't read the Lilith's Brood trilogy (or any of Butler's other works), get yourself to a library ASAP.
I adore scouring library book sales for #usedbooks and this is one of my all time favorite scores. Written by Kellogg, who in addition to being the father of cold cereal was also a doctor at Battle Creek Sanitarium. My Spanish grandfather spent some time there and loved to talk about the "fufu" (tofu) turkey they served at Thanksgiving. #augustphotochallenge
This is part one of my #favplacetorelax - my crafting library! It's itty bitty, covered in piles of books, and there are bots of yarns and thread floating everywhere, but I love it. #augustphotochallenge
I know I'm only about a third of the way in, but somebody please tell me that Harry stops being a total raging hemorrhoid!
I can't say it's my favorite yet as it is currently sitting in my TBR pile, but I've heard wonderful things and our students have loved it. #augustphotochallenge #authorcollab #twoheadsarebetterthanone
So I was struggling to find peach spines on my shelves and coming up empty handed. Then I remembered that I got this last week. It counts, right? Anyone read this yet? #peachbooks #augustphotochallenge
Many people don't know that I'm very heavily tattooed. I have to cover them all for work, so it's always fun to see a student in the wild. This is one from my book leg, which has been the hardest to fill because I have too many ideas and not enough space. #augustphotochallenge #day14 #uniquefact
From about 4th grade through 8th grade I was OBSESSED with Michael Jordan. I invited him to multiple birthday parties (he never came, in case you were wondering), had an MJ shrine, and was convinced we would someday become besties. Kids are weird. Still have this book and my autographed photo. #funfridayphoto
I don't have many books about politics, but this is one of the few and it is great. I had to read it for a class in high school, and it was the first time in my rather sheltered upbringing that I really remember realizing that our modern political system can deliberately ignore and demonize an entire group of people. It turned my world upside down. #politicsandbooks #augustphotochallenge
Despite having read the glowing reviews, I still wasn't prepared for this to be as powerful as it was. All the stars.
I have the most tremendous husband who surprised me with this little goodie when I got home from work today.
My favorite #laidbackbook is a good mystery. This one had me in stitches. I can only describe it as Fargo meets Veronica Mars. It's not going to change your world, but it's highly enjoyable! #augustphotochallenge
The soul-crushing sadness of going back to work after a lovely summer off was somewhat alleviated by finding six boxes of books on my desk. Any suggestions as to which I should read first?
Well this was excruciating. #alltimefavebooks #augustphotochallenge
I can (and have) read Naked over and over again. It never fails to make me snort laugh hysterically. #augustphotochallenge #day8
Because I've always been a huge animal lover, I immediately thought of animal/human friendships, my favorite of which is the one between Jody and Flag, despite its tragic end. The Yearling is a quiet book, but it packs a wallop. #augustphotochallenge #favbookishfriendship
Folks, I made pain au levain with made-from-scratch starter. Now I know why Martha Stewart seems like such a boss - this is quite the ego-boost (I have yet to taste it, so it could still prove to be a disaster). If you're looking to get into bread baking, I can't recommend this book highly enough!
"All morons hate it when you call them a moron." Holden Caulfield, such a gem. He's one character to which I have a wildly different reaction on each reading. #augustphotochallenge #minimalisticcovers
Really digging the theme for this week's #funfridayphoto as I am sick to death of the Florida heat. So there are two books/series that come to mind when I think of cold weather, one heart-warming and the other terrifying. The first is HP because Christmas at Hogwarts is one thing I wish I could experience in my life. The second is The Road, which is one of my favorite books and also one of the most horrifying.
#day5 of the #augustphotochallenge is a doozy. I'm not a sports fan, and I don't often pick #booksandsports. That said, Boy21 is just fantastic. It's an important one for me personally because it was the first book I recommended as a librarian that the patron came back to tell me how much he enjoyed the book and that he made his mom read it because he loved it so - librarian life goal achieved.
Harry Potter and his crew are my ultimate squad goals, but for the #augustphotochallenge I'm going to go with a more recent read. Kaz and his #bookishsquad are the group I'd dream of joining if I lived in a fantasy world, had magical powers and perhaps a criminal past, and were far more daring than I am at present. (Minor details, right?)
I have been waiting for this book for months and was finally able to check it out today. So excited to get started on my last "adult" book of the summer before the school year begins and I'm all day YA.
#funfridayphoto The Shining is the first adult book I vividly remember reading. I read this the summer between fifth and sixth grade. My parents and I were on a trip to Maine and New Hampshire and were staying at the Mount Washington Hotel, which so eerily matched the Overlook that I didn't sleep for our entire stay. I wonder now what my sixth grade teacher thought when I gave my book report complete with Overlook shoebox diorama.
So very sad that this book is over! 5🌟. What a tense, creepy, thrilling, and oddly comforting read. Is it too soon to read it again?
So very sad that this book is over! 5🌟. What a tense, creepy, thrilling, and oddly comforting read. Is it too soon to read it again?
Really wanted to like this one, but the ending a mess and the characters were pretty unlikable. That cover is lovely, though!
Received these today. Now which one do I read first?
Decided it was time to clear out the space under my nightstand. It was like Mary Poppins' bag - who knew I could fit so many books in such a tiny space?
Weekend plans: a little bit of sewing, a lot of reading. Very excited for a small break from YA with the new @joe_hill