“Stability means figuring out how to prioritize what serves you, not feeling like a failure if you don't do everything perfectly, + just balancing everything as best you can.“
“Stability means figuring out how to prioritize what serves you, not feeling like a failure if you don't do everything perfectly, + just balancing everything as best you can.“
My kid loves graphic novels, but I had never read one. I heard about this graphic novel on bipolar Reddit and decided to try one out. It‘s pretty great.
This graphic memoir chronicles Forney‘s diagnosis with bipolar disorder, her initial refusal to take medication for it for fears of how it would after her output as an artist, and also some independent research into the connection between famous artists throughout history and mental illness. She uses a more cartoonish style in some panels, while other pages are ripped directly from her sketchbook for a more immediate feel.
#LilithJuly Day 22: A searing graphic novel memoir that tackles mental illness. When Forney was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, she experienced both a sense of doom, while at the same time being initiated into the folds of the tortured artist, the creative geniuses with a touch of mania. #ManicMonday. The images perfectly convey the sense of frenzied mania. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-eK5
Graphic memoir, shortly before her thirtieth birthday, Forney was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Marbles depicts her multi year journey through manic and depressive episodes, therapy, many many meditations to find the right combination for her and working through the fear and impact of the disorder vs meditation on her creativity.
#readingwomenchallenge2019 2. Mental illness
For any form of mental health issue, I think this book is really important. Whereas, it mostly goes deeply into bipolar depression, it still shows the difficulties of a diagnosis and how to handle everything that comes with it. There are so many brilliant things in this graphic novel, from a look into the medication and costliness and the thoughts that invade your mind and effect your outlook. The artwork was excellent and brave. Loved this!
Picked up a few graphic memoirs from the library today. Hoping to get through a couple for the #24B42019 read-a-thon.
I enjoyed this frank graphic memoir of the author's struggle with bipolar disorder, her sense of identity in being in the Club van Gogh of crazy artists and her worries that medication will dampen her creativity and impede her work as a cartoonist - that she won't feel true to herself. I found it interesting and relatable, with sections that resonated (sometimes uncomfortably).
Oof. This sounds familiar.
Marbles was a graphic memoir and the art style wasn‘t bad and the topic was up my alley but for me it was just soso. I got it at a library sale and when I finished it I dropped it off at a little free library so someone else can enjoy it.
#memoir #graphicmemoir #graphicnovel #librarysale #librarybooksale #littlefreelibrary #passiton #bipolar #bipolarmemoir
A very accurate portrayal of depression, mania & the struggles accompanying both. As a person who struggles with her own depression, this book really spoke to my heart. It's scary but also refreshing. I would highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with mental illness (personality/mood disorders).
A very accurate portrayal of slipping into a depression. Loving this book. It speaks to me 😉
#Depression #MoodDisorders #MentalIllness
So this week has kind of sucked in the depression department. Missed some work due to it, etc. So if I haven't been posting/commenting with my usual enthusiasm, apologies!
#FallIntoBooks Day 2: #BookRainbow - I featured this book for our #MentallyYours reading theme a few months back - a rollercoaster portrayal of the rainbows and raging storms of what it's like to suffer from a mood disorder. Love the rainbow 🌈 in the book cover too.
I'm not bipolar, but this goes for me as well in my mental health circles 😂😂
I'm two chapters in, and I love this so much. I love that she's acknowledging the romanticism of mental illness, especially when it come to artistic creativity. Can't wait to be able to finish this!
#bookmail! So very excited to dive into this soon. @Owlizabeth I will pass it to you when I'm done, I think it's up your alley too! ❤
Congrats, @Kristy_K ! You won the graphic novel for our first giveaway. Email your choice of graphic novel from the #drawme posts and your address to litsyfeministbookclub@gmail.com. Thanks to all that participated and keep your eyes on this page for more giveaways during #womenshistorymonth.
Happy birthday (yesterday) to Ellen Forney! She's a comic & graphic novelist who writes about mental health and her experience with bipolar, being bi, and general life stuff. She's pretty great. 👩🏼🎨 #bookishbirthdays
BONUS: Marbles is one of the graphic novels you can win if you enter our #DrawMe giveaway! Scroll back for details. Open internationally via Book Depository through midnight tonight! 🎉🎉 #Giveaway
Comics artist Ellen Forney was diagnosed with bipolar just before her 30th birthday. Marbles is the story of her years-long journey to find stability through medication, yoga, and therapy. Her biggest fear is losing her creativity by being heavily medicated. Gripping story and stark ink drawings
Yet another local author! I got Ellen Forney to sign her excellent graphic memoir for me at UBS. She had actually brought her Cornish College comics class to see Scott McCloud speak, so I got two sets of signatures that night! #signedsundays
Excellently-drawn memoir examining Forney's journey to treat her bipolar disorder/wonder if mood disorders & artistic sensibility are linked. She shares drawings made in her journals, a contrast to the carefully thought-out finished pages of the memoir. Similar to Lucy Knisley or Alison Bechdel.
My own brilliant, unique, personality was neatly outlined right there, in that intimate stack of paper. My personality was a disorder--shared by a group of people. Bipolar I Disorder 296.4
Holy crap. I've never read another book that so closely resembles my struggles with bipolar disorder.