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Murder Games –
Murder Games – | James Patterson
Part one of a gripping five-part murder mystery from bestselling thriller writer James Patterson. A wealthy hedge fund manager is brutally murdered on the doorstep of his Upper East Side town house in Manhattan. Elizabeth Needham, the tenacious cop in charge of the case, turns to an unlikely ally – Dylan Reinhart, a brilliant professor whose book turned up in connection with the murder. Along with the book was one other clue: a single playing card. When another dead body and another playing card are found, Elizabeth and Dylan's worst fears are confirmed. They're hunting for a serial killer.
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Murder Games | James Patterson

Look, was this a groundbreaking novel? No. But it was fast and fun with an engaging storyline and fun, even if they predictable, characters. I really appreciated the fact that the main character could be gay and it just… is. No big emotional breakdowns or anything of that nature. A fun little ride.

Murder Games – | James Patterson
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A few years ago, the staff at my library did an internal summer reading program. All the titles and authors they read were put into this word cloud, then made into a poster. The image showed up in my online memories today and reminded me how much fun this was!

kspenmoll What a creative idea! 2y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Murder Games | James Patterson

Yes! I love this book, it could be my new favourite of Patterson‘s work. I love the development of the characters and the storyline. Can‘t wait to read the 2nd book.

Murder Games | James Patterson

Loved the book. Generally, this kinda books get on my mind and makes me gloomy. But this was nothing like that. And I loved the protagonist.

Murder Games | James Patterson

Human beings are pretty simple once you figure out what they want.

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Reading right now.

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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Loved it.. Will definitely be looking out for Part 2 & maybe the TV Series.. 😁

JoyBlue It wasn't until I started watching (well, listeningβ€”knitting at same time) the series for a second time (partner's first) that I realized that it was based on a book. Now reading. 3y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Current Read #1.. 😊

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Seems that this has been turned into serial drama. But,reading is better. ❀

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Finished this audiobook around 2am last night. It wasn‘t at good as some of his other ones, but I still liked it. #24b4monday #TeamSlaughter

TEArificbooks The sign on the right with the lights behind it looks likes someone in a costume approaching you. 5y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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I was planning to be sleeping already, but I only have an hour left. MUST finish! Who needs sleep, anyways, right? #24b4monday #teamslaughter

Murder Games | James Patterson
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I picked this up because CBS cancelled the show based on it and I wanted more of Dylan and Lizzie. As typical of many adaptations there are differences, but I enjoyed this. It was a fast paced read with short chapters, like any other Patterson I have read. I am curious to see where the next one goes and already have it on hold.

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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So I really love the show Instinct and didn‘t even know it was based off a book.

I‘m also a James Patterson fan so I thought why not!? And guess what came in the mail today!? Yes!!

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Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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My joy has everything to do with the fact that I'm on track of meeting my Goodreads reading challenge and also there's nothing more gratifying than picking a book and loving all of it in the end. This was a perfect thriller/mystery for any day. The pacing was phenomenal (I wish I could write like this), the serial killer was dubbed The Dealer so think 'deck of cards' and my favourite quote: β€œThe secret to staying alive? Never stop breathing.”

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
1. Murder Games by James Patterson and Howard Roughan (90% complete and still loving it)
2. Zodiac (It's based on the Zodiac Killer, directed by David Fincher and starring Robert Downing Jr, Jake Gyllenhaal and Mark Ruffalo just to name a few.)
3. Litchi juice? I'm simple.πŸ˜…

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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Normal behaviour, therefore, is when we collectively believe that the circumstances justify the behaviour. Likewise, abnormal behaviour is when we don‘t. But how much does behaviour actually tell us about the circumstances? Can we ever really judge behaviour simply by the behavior itself? 2/2

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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Human behaviour is context-driven. Meaning that changing the circumstances will often change the resulting behaviour. Thou shalt not kill, right? Unless of course it‘s in self-defense or during a war or, more controversially, an act of capital punishment. Put another way, we can be motivated to do almost anything depending on the circumstances... 1/2

Murder Games – | James Patterson
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I‘m looking for book recommendations. A murder mystery that is similar to Murder Games. I enjoyed the character Dylan Reinhart because he made the book a little lighter with his humour. Does anyone have any recommendations? A mystery with a bit of humour. Please recommend a few if you can because I‘m borrowing from a very small library. #bookrecommendations #recommendations

hermyknee I thought Big Little Lies added humor to a very serious mystery 5y
ejgbooknerd @hermyknee Thank you! I checked and they‘ve got it but it‘s on loan until 25th February. Just reserved it now. 5y
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hermyknee Awesome! Have you tried any of the Robert Galbraith novels? The Cuckoo‘s Calling is the first one 5y
ejgbooknerd @hermyknee The library doesn‘t have it 😭 But when I get paid, I‘m definitely getting it! It looks really interesting! 5y
hermyknee Yes! It‘s JK Rowling‘s pseudonym, so she‘s written four books in this series now: The Cuckoo‘s Calling, The Silkworm, Career of Evil, and Lethal White! 5y
ejgbooknerd @hermyknee I can‘t believe I didn‘t know that! Definitely want them now. 5y
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Murder Games – | James Patterson
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It‘s raining so I‘m inside with my blanket and my beautiful reading buddy, Aki πŸ₯°πŸ₯° #catsoflitsy #perfectlife

Slajaunie πŸ’šπŸΎ 5y
Mrs.C I have been dying to get a cat, but my eldest son and hubby are allergic 😭 5y
ejgbooknerd @Slajaunie I agree ❀️❀️ 5y
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ejgbooknerd @Tashaxlynn Oh no 😭😭😭😭 I have two and couldn‘t live without them (so much so that I brought my first cat over from Japan when I moved to Australia). 5y
Mrs.C I‘m such a cat person, it kills me that I can‘t have any now, I love them. I used to have three when I was younger. I‘ve been considering a hairless cat in the hopes that it wouldn‘t trigger their allergies lol 5y
Mrs.C Your cats traveled more than I have! πŸ˜‚ 5y
ejgbooknerd @Tashaxlynn Hairless cats aren‘t as nice to look at but they‘re still beautiful ❀️❀️❀️ I used to work at an animal shelter and one of the animal attendants was allergic to cats and she just got an allergy shot every week to keep the allergy at bay. πŸ˜‚ 5y
Slajaunie @Tashaxlynn my husband is allergic but we still have two. We do not let them in the bedroom and cover his chair. 5y
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Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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I loved watching this show over the summer so when I realized there was a novel, I had to grab it.

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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Reading with Jack #Dorkie #Dogsoflitsy

MrBook 😻😻😻😻 5y
Lauram Puppa!!! ❀️❀️ 5y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Did not see the CIA coming into play.

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan

Listened to this on audio. It was pretty good. Likable characters.

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan
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Next audiobook. Started it this morning on my way to work and it's going good so far.

Instinct (Previously Published as Murder Games) | James Patterson, Howard Roughan

Watching Instinct and knowing the answer:
Lizzie: "What is she wearing?"
Dylan: "Definitely Steampunk."
Lizzie: "Huh?"
Dylan: "Futuristic Sci-fi Aesthetic
inspired by the Victorian Era."
#learneditonlitsy #booksmart
#steampunk ?

Murder Games | James Patterson
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1st James Patterson book and definitely not my last. Twisty & engaging. Reading it myself was significantly better than listening to the #audiobook. The narratorβ€˜s voice and cadence was equivalent to static white noise for me. It was just there. #MurderGames #Bookly #readingstats #goodreads #bookreview https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2396218221

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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Yup....pretty accurate! #books #thegreatamericanread #readmore

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Murder Games | James Patterson
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I was unable to read as much as I intended to throughout the work week and this is a perfect opportunity for me to participate in my first mini-readathon πŸŽ‰ . Since I‘m a moody reader (if you can‘t already tell by the number of books I normally have in my READING stack), I‘ve chosen two books to consume in my 8 hours of reading for the #8intwo readathon. #staywithme #ayobamiadebayo #murdergames #jamespatterson #blitsy #blacklitsy #weekendreading

jouleian Stay with me is Amazing! 6y
Reading_Beyond_The_Book_Cover @jouleian I‘m really enjoying it so far. 😁 I‘m about halfway through and I can tell I‘m going to want to buy my own copy for re-reading. 6y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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After watching Alan Cumming's TV show Instinct; wanted to read book series was based on. I liked the characters. Elizabeth and Dylan make a good team. The tenacious cop and the brilliant Professor. Then there is Dylan's husband Tracy; he is such a sweetheart! He fights greedy landlords and protects children. Book was just different enough from TV to keep me interested. Although parts from POV of killer and victims was creepy. #whatIreadthisweekend

Lreads I just watched the first episode of Instinct (TV show) and really liked it! Now I have something good to watch on Sunday nights. 6y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @QuietlyLaura Me too! I love Alan Cumming! 6y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Who else has done this? I listened to Library Audio CDs on the way to Sunday Morning Yoga and while running errands. Was so into it that I bought Kindle edition when I got home. Wanted to finish & Audio wasn't going to work with menfolk in & out of house. My Library didn't have Kindle edition. This way I can return the Cds when I'm in town tomorrow. Someone else might want to read. Just being considerate right? πŸ€“

DGRachel I *might* have done something similar on one or two (hundred) occasions. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 6y
Zelma That is the height of consideration! Way to take one for the team. πŸ‘πŸ˜† 6y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Bahaha!The British Hacker sounds like Stewie from Family Guy. 🀣 #audiobooks

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Did anyone else watch the pilot episode of Instinct last night? It‘s based on the tagged book. The jury‘s still out as far as I‘m concerned, but it has potential, and I do love Alan Cumming.

(Images from IMDb and Goodreads)

ApoptyGina69 I‘m planning to watch it tonight. I ❀️Alan Cumming lots! 6y
Alfoster Yes! I liked it! But you‘re right...we‘ll see how it pans out over the season! So far I like him more than her!😍 6y
CrowCAH I did; I liked it!!! 6y
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Pamwurtzler Darn was that last night? I was watching basketball. (Sadly). I‘ll have to see if I can catch that on demand. 6y
DGRachel @Pamwurtzler Yes, it came on after 60 minutes. I actually recorded it - so thankful that AT&T U-verse lets me change the end time of the recording, since the show itself started nearly 45 minutes later than scheduled because the basketball game ran over. 6y
DGRachel @Alfoster @CrowCAH @ApoptyGina69 I enjoyed it and definitely liked Alan Cumming‘s character better than the detective. I‘m really interested to see where it goes. 6y
DivineDiana Going to try and find this! News to me! Thank you! 6y
DGRachel @DivineDiana It‘s on CBS, if that helps. 6y
DivineDiana @DGRachel Thank you! 6y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I'm listening to audio book after watching the Pilot. I would have been totally okay if they had deviated from the book and Dylan was Scottish. Love Alan Cummings! It's so rare to get to hear the glorious accent. 😍 6y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Not terrible. Not memorable. Finished in the early, early morning. Sending to a friend that may be more of a James Patterson fan than I am.

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Another fun book by Patterson. A serial killer is on the loose and leaving playing cards ♠️ on his victims. Is he able to kill from his grave? Hopefully a new series!!!

Monica5 On my TBR list 7y
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Murder Games | James Patterson

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Thought this was a good read. Hope this becomes a series.

Murder Games | James Patterson

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 fun read! ♦️♣️β™₯️♠️ I especially enjoy card and psych themes.. πŸƒ πŸ‘πŸ»

Murder Games | James Patterson
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Grrrrrrr if I didn't have to go to work I'd sit here and finish this now πŸ˜₯πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ‘‹πŸ»

mrozzz Work is always getting in the way of my towering TBR pile πŸ˜‰ 7y
guinsgirlreads Mine too, ugh 7y
Sassy_Steph Damn life for getting in the way of reading!!! 7y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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23 pages in and I'm thinking this is going to be a GOOD one! Fun stuff already! πŸ’­ πŸ€—

Murder Games | James Patterson
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My library stack is growing again πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ.. a little JP next! #currentread

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Murder Games | James Patterson
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My first set of August #mostanticipated
Includes my #whodunitbymail read and the #agathachristieclub read


JoeStalksBeck πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β€ΌοΈβ€οΈ 7y
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Murder Games | James Patterson
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Hey guys!

Murder Games | James Patterson
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This is how I'm spending a lazy day off work, reading a good book with my dog beside me. Murder Games is very good so far.

Murder Games | James Patterson
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#TBRtemptation post 3! Any James Patterson fans here? I know there's a bunch of you πŸ˜†πŸ‘ŠπŸ». This is his latest, due out in bookstores this week. A serial killer is loose in Manhattan. Dubbed The Dealer for leaving a playing card on each victim. Officer Elizabeth Needham teams up with professor Dylan Reinhart to figure out how all of the victims are connected before more folks die. Sounds like another great JP thriller! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Bookladylinda I ❀️ JP!!! 7y
MrBook @Bookladylinda Then I know who to tag in future JP posts πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»! I met him at #BEA17 this month 😎. 7y
Bookladylinda @MrBook please do! I would totally love that. I would love to meet him one day. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ» 7y
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