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Feminasty: The Complicated Woman's Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death
Feminasty: The Complicated Woman's Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death | Erin Gibson
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Isabella the #littenkitten presents the next read from my #bedsidestack

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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

1) I have been convinced to buy a book by a fabulous title, but never passed up one because of a bad title.

2) tagged book is one I grabbed for the title (and still keep for reference!)

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 3y
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Let‘s go, girls. 😎

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Love this retro 70s cover. Gibson is funny. I enjoyed her stories, but if you are looking for feminist topics and ideas you have not heard before this book isn't much different then what is already out there.
I really needed the chapter on cosmetics though so will be keeping this around to refer back to that chapter and the list of companies she recommends.
If you haven't read much feminist think pieces this is a great start.

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Book 376 🎉🎉

I picked this up as a kindle daily deal and read it because my eyes were so swollen that I couldn‘t read print books.

That being said, I didn‘t love it. I‘m glad there‘s feminist humor out there for women who need to laugh before they cry about the patriarchy, but I‘ll take my feminism straight, no chaser. 🥃 3⭐️

ETA: this is not a bad book, just not my favorite.

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I don‘t know what to say other than...a brilliant woman wrote a short song about it!


I cracked up so loudly!

ravenlee If Sally was in space long enough to need 100 tampons, on what should have been a seven-day mission, I‘m thinking absorbency might have been the least of her concerns. 🤨 4y
Megabooks @ravenlee true story! 4y
KVanRead 🙄😂 4y
Megabooks @KVanRead right?? 4y
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😂😂 the tampon tax references

readingjedi Lower mezzanine?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 4y
Jgotham @readingjedi This book is so funny 😂 4y
KVanRead My god that‘s beautiful!😂😂😂 4y
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On sale today for $2.99 I decided to give this a try as I read a sample and really liked it. I‘m hoping I continue to like it as, for me, sometimes comedy books get tedious.

Megabooks Thanks for the heads up! I just got it! 4y
Jgotham @Megabooks ur welcome! I‘m enjoying so far 4y
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Overall, I enjoyed it, but I didn‘t love it. Her political humor is spot on, but I think with the current political climate, I just wasn‘t in the mood to joke about it 😂 I did learn some interesting things though, especially about women‘s healthcare. It was a funny book, it just didn‘t “hook” me as much as other books I‘ve read lately.


Gibson presents lots of interesting facts about womanhood and feminism (among other social issues) in a relatable/approachable way. Her writing reminds me vaguely of Jenny Lawson.


This book was pretty good! I thought Gibson was super funny and I liked a lot of her stories. She was so so relatable and was unapologetic and vulnerably honest. I definitely don't recommend if you are looking to learn more or read something challenging. This book was also VERY specific stories told from her perspective only. Not super inclusive.

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This is the appropriate book to listen to while taking down Christmas decor, right?! 🤷‍♀️

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Obsessed with this book. You will laugh, you'll cry, you'll drink a giant glass of wine, it will change your life. In all seriousness this book was laugh out loud funny and validating as fuck. Read it!

#feminasty #weshouldallbefeminists #fumikepence

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My food photos aren‘t great but this was homemade hash browns and monkey bread @toddred29 and my son served as breakfast in bed along with a side of feminism and a beautiful card for my bday. ❤️ #43imcomingforyou

Linsy Awww sweet! 5y
BlameJennyJane @Linsy I feel pretty lucky 😊 5y
tracey38 That's so sweet. Happy birthday! 5y
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MicheleinPhilly Happy Birthday! Googles “monkey bread.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 5y
BlameJennyJane Thank you @tracey38 💗 5y
BlameJennyJane @MicheleinPhilly it‘s so yummy! And thank you!! 5y
BlameJennyJane Thanks @JessClark78 🥰🥰 5y
Maria514626 Happy birthday, Litten! 👏👏 🎂 I added the book to my TBR. And now I want monkey bread. 😂 5y
BlameJennyJane @Maria514626 thank you! My house has been talking about more monkey bread since. It disappeared quickly! 5y
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I enjoyed this book a lot. The language was a little more crude then what I might say, but I feel like her points were either in line with mine or brought a new idea to the table.

#womenreading - I will be mailing this out tomorrow @Julie548 - @Melismatic @TheReadingMermaid - P.S. - Sorry for the delay. Back to school craziness.

Julie548 Same here! I will have two to mail out shortly! Almost done with the RBG book. 5y
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#riotgrams day 20 books and flowers. Trying to read this and the collected schizophrenias. Wish me luck.

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Relevant, funny, and informative...for instance, if you wear makeup and are tired of giving all your money to men, Erin Gibson has done her research in order to completely switch her traditional makeup loot to products made by women-owned, women-run companies.

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Back from vacation, unpacked...sorta...and in my pajamas for reading and relaxing.

ReadingOver50 Looks interesting 5y
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Turns out I can‘t walk past this book at the library and NOT take it with me.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I had so much fun with this book! 5y
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Given the state of my overall mental health and mid-thesis anxieties, these are probably not the best book choices, let alone best book combo. But... this is what my weekend looks like. I‘m definitely reading Feminasty because of @Riveted_Reader_Melissa posts! ☺️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I hope it makes you laugh at the insanity like it did for me! 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve definitely laughed out loud several times already! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @PerksOfBeingABookworm Yay! That‘s always my fear, that what I find funny won‘t work for someone else. 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I listened to an episode of her podcast before buying the book. She‘s certainly funny. It‘s a good book to keep my brain thinking about current events without feeling totally beaten down by the heteropatriarchy. 5y
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I absolute loved this ballsy, umm vaginasy, book! She pulls no punches and takes no prisoners as she eviscerates with sass, class, humor, and a liberal dose of cursing this crazy upside-down surreal time we find ourselves living in.

Lady Power!

*and really isn‘t that cover just the best!

And thanks @Expandingbookshelf for putting this book on my radar.... #BlameItOnLitsy!

xxjenadanxx I loved this book. And yes the cover (and title of course!) was the reason I grabbed it in the first place! 5y
Megabooks My library only has audio. Did you perhaps listen? I‘m excited about it. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Megabooks no, I read...it‘s the only version I could get. But if she reads it herself I bet it‘s amazing on audiobook! 5y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Megabooks She also has a podcast, I found out while reading....so hopefully I can check that out soon too! 5y
Megabooks Awesome! Thank you! 5y
AlaMich That definitely wins Best Cover Award!!🥇 5y
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Yea! ✊

Where is my promised Harriet Tubman bills?!?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa @SW-T Yes, I remember reading something about that early in his tenure....so disappointing though. 5y
BillBlume @SW-T good grief. How much dumber can the Trump administration get? If the point of changes is to thwart counterfeiters, that seems like a strong argument for changing the picture to Tubman. 🙄 5y
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Oh no, this definitely needs to be a real word!

““Non-pology” is a made-up word I use to describe a fake apology that acknowledges the reaction to the wrongdoing while avoiding blame for doing the bad thing in the first place.”

“I have a hypothesis for male scientists that I think will help them understand: If a woman is offended by your words, then you are saying something repugnant.”

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I‘m reading it 🤫

BethM 😂 5y
LauraJ 😹 5y
Lindy 🤣😂😆 5y
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“Here‘s how you can handle it with humor. Next time a man is looking at your tits, try this: Look them in the eyes, giggle lightly, and say—loudly—“ It‘s so funny that you‘re trying to look at my boobs!” Now you‘ve got everyone‘s attention. Escalate your laugh into a deep, maniacal cackle. He‘ll try to leave the area, but you block him with your laugh-scream and shout, “It‘s so funny that you‘re trying to see my titties, ‘CAUSE YOU‘RE NEVER...”

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...”‘CAUSE YOU‘RE NEVER GONNA SEE THEM. EVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRRR!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!” And then you keep laughing until no one knows what to do so they pack up their things and leave the building out of fear for their own safety.” 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I laughed so hard reading that I think I scared my cat! 5y
Reggie You made me buy this book. Lololol 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Reggie 😂 Right! It‘s definitely a #BlameItOnLitsy book, this is where I saw it first too. 5y
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Again, something I hadn‘t thought of that way, but she‘s right.....how do we make her less confrontational and less demanding, make her a little girl!

gradcat I love this post, too...great commentary on the statue! 5y
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gradcat 👊🏼 5y
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About the Girl Power phenomena...I‘ve never thought about it quite that way, but she‘s right..😕

SW-T Such a good book to read! Funny how you see things but don‘t pay attention until someone points it out to you. She does that a lot and I‘m glad she did. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @SW-T I completely agree, I‘m finding that a lot in this essay. 5y
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I think I want to be her when I grow up! 🤣

CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Nice 5y
Slajaunie 😂 5y
Emily92Bibliophile I never have wanted a book so much 😂 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Emily92Bibliophile Right, it‘s all so true and it‘s great to hear it verbalized sometimes, especially in such a take no prisoners way! 5y
Megabooks Sold! 5y
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“...horny, flaky-scalped, lizard-lipped man gets a free tax ride but I have to pay an extra 9 percent to soak up my monthly Nightmare on Panty Street? Even some cotton balls are tax exempt! Ques que le difference, tax code? A tampon is just an orgy of cotton balls climbing a gym-class rope up into my crampy vagina. Tampons are subject to sales tax because they are considered a luxury item.”...(cont.)

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...”You know, private jets, infinity pools, super-absorbency tampons.” 5y
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Damn! Tell us how you really feel! 🔥 🔥

Augustdana Oh man. I requested this book a while ago at the library. Might just have to go out and get it myself! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Augustdana It‘s just the cathartic Nasty Woman read I didn‘t even know I needed. 5y
SW-T Lot of good stuff in her book! 5y
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I love her cursing, frank, no holds barred style.

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Susanita TBH this man is why I‘m not all that keen on impeachment. 5y
Bookcation74 Obviously (😉) I purchased this book today after reading your posted quotes - thanks! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Susanita Right!?! They‘d both need to go together! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookcation74 Haha! And that‘s just the first essay in the book! But yes, I read the intro and was like, YES, this is the book I‘m reading next! And you‘re welcome! #BlameItOnLitsy 5y
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😂🤣😂🤣😂. That‘s a Mike Pence story I had not heard before, and I agree with the author “Unearthed by Andrew Kaczynski for BuzzFeed, who deserves a medal for finding it.”

Eyelit Holy cannoli that‘s crazy pants (yet not at all surprising) 🙄 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Eyelit Right! I knew about conversion therapy and a lot of his other horrible policies....but this is crazy. Crazy, but at lest it‘s making me laugh about how crazy our world is that THIS guy could become VP. 5y
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“They‘re like a Christian mullet—religion in the front, evil in the back.” 👍😂

Bookwomble I literally dropped my jaw at what Roger Rivard said. How are people like this elected to power? 😡 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwomble We live in a crazy surreal world at the moment!🤯 5y
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Not what I‘m supposed to be reading today, but I‘m already more intrigued by this intro. than my supposed to be reading book.... sorry, not sorry! 🤷‍♀️

RebL This is a common experience for me too! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @RebL We are Rebels! 5y
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A friend finished this yesterday and left it on my doorstep just now so I can read it, then meet her for Manhattans to discuss. 😍

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Ladies, I‘d like to offer this up for a nonfiction suggestion for our next #LMPBC - have any of you read it? It‘s hilarious but also heartbreaking and informative... Let me know! 🤗 #GroupO @WriterAtHeart @TheReadingMermaid @Julie548

WriterAtHeart Looks good to me! 6y
BeansPage 👍🏻😁👍🏻 6y
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I tried to listen to this one on audiobook and halfway through the first CD, I had to turn it off. Reading the book may be different but this was not funny to me. I am an intersectional feminist and agreed with everything she said so it was just like listening to my own mental rantings in audio form. I'm angry enough at the current events without listening to it while I drive.

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The Complicated Women‘s Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death. Obviously, I was going to love this. Smart, funny, current, & relevant. I think I would‘ve enjoyed this more on audio. I‘ve never listened to Erin Gibson‘s podcast, but I bet she talks exactly like she writes, and I think it would work better for me on audio.

#relatedtoapodcast #booked2019

Cinfhen I‘m intrigued and always looking for audio suggestions ~ thanks 🙏🏻 6y
alisiakae Awesome choice for this prompt! 6y
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Sanitary supplies definitely aren‘t luxury items. Glad those days are behind me, but it‘s irritating to think you‘re paying tax on a necessity just because it‘s so profitable. Interesting and informative read. Lots of topics covered. Would definitely recommend.

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Never gave much thought to who owned makeup companies other than whether it was natural, animal tested, etc. Gibson provides a list of women-owned, women-run companies. Nice!

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Such a hard list to put together! In no particular order:

The Sun Is Also A Star
Iron and Magic
Stamped from the Beginning
Ancillary Mercy
White Trash
The Heritage
Sweet Home Cafe
Ancillary Sword
A Duke by Default
All Systems Red
Things That Make White People Uncomfortable
Malice of Crows
The Dire King
Artificial Condition
Rogue Protocol
Ancillary Justice

Honorable mention: The Arena, Rafi Kohan

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I read a lot of books that are billed as “laugh out loud funny” but none of them have made me snort with laughter on a busy subway (sorry about that, Orange Line). “Feminasty” is probably the funniest book I have read all year. Every page is full of gems. I can‘t wait to see what Erin Gibson does next, and until then I‘ll just keep rereading this.

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Nothing really Earth-shattering in this book, but you get to laugh while reading/hearing about the same old bs that women have to put up with. And bonus points for the cover - it's the best!


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I saw the back of this book...and I knew I needed to read it immediately

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Stacking that one!👍 6y
mreads I saw this at the library today look forward to your review. I went feminist adjacent and got 6y
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Fun and angry (fangry?). Worth reading.