Old me🤣🤣🤣🤣
Old me
Having fun with F
Old me🤣🤣🤣🤣
Old me
Having fun with F
Another quarter of #booked2019 complete! The tagged book was definitely my fav (#nyrb does it again) and Groff's short story (cli-fi) my least fav. Happy to say I finally read Tender is the Night but wow was it a slog!! And unpopular opinion alert... I thought There, There was just ok 🤷🏻♀️
Thanks for hosting, friends 😄
New fav reading spot is my side porch 🌱
Honey Flood (can you even with that name?!?!!) #dreams of making it big in London in the 60‘s. Using just her wit and charm she gets to work seducing one of the biggest literary stars in the city... just to find that perhaps making it big isn‘t what she wanted after all. I LOVED the Dud Avocado and am really looking forward to this one 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#traveltuesday • apparently not nearly as acclaimed as The Dud Avocado (somewhat based on the author‘s life) but always my favorite of the two by far. Again, I read this gem at least 3 or 4 times in my early 20s • to me, Honey Flood (“if that‘s her real name”) was a gutsier version of Edith Wharton‘s “Summer” protagonist Charity Royall, both of whom I identified with at that age.
#readingresolutions #photochallenge
I‘m learning about LibraryThing as I go. FYI: Barcodeless and/or ISBNless books can be added by searching the Library of Congress catalogue (or one of many others in various countries).
I‘m frustrated by the difficulty in adding ebooks, though—I like for even those covers & editions to match. Does anyone know of a good way to add them?
ETA: Overcat search is yielding great results!
Here are the purchases from my visit to the downtown indie bookstore today. They had loads of vintage books with new, affordable paperbacks nestled in between.
@Ole Check out the rugged 1926 edition of Barchester Towers that I found! It‘s inscribed in pencil to a Ms. Vivian Kelly Schultz, April 1930, Cornell University 😊
Hour 21: This is the funniest book so far! Winnie is ready for bed but I'm hoping for a few more hours of reading. #24in48 #Readathon #DogsofLitsy
#publishedinthe1960s #aprilbookshowers
Elaine Dundy - one of my all time favorites.
Such an engaging & intriguing book- part mystery in reverse, as we learn Honey's identity and her motives, part societal satire of life abroad in the early 60s, and part softcore psychological horror, as we watch two sociopaths circle each other in the friendliest way possible. Like the older, chillier spiritual successor to Dundy's The Dud Avocado- and every bit as good. 👓📖
"Why are we so sad?" I once asked in despair. "Why do we always feel so sad afterwards?" "Because we both belong to the same generation," I was told sadly, "and all our same worries come back to us at the same time..."
Weekend TBR: Starting the weekend early and going to find my read here! Aloha Friday 🌺
"So I went. I had nothing better to do, had I, except recount my money and repaint my finger-nails and die of frustration?"