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Sleep Like a Baby (Aurora Teagarden #10)
Sleep Like a Baby (Aurora Teagarden #10) | Charlaine Harris
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My first #seasonalcozies selection with @julieclair is so perfect! It was the first one I picked up off of my shelf, it takes place in July, and today my daughter is bringing home her baby girl! They were in the hospital for a few days and are so excited to be going home. She was born on Thursday 😍

Graciouswarriorprincess Congratulations!! 2mo
AnnCrystal 👏😘💕. 2mo
julieclair Love this!!! Perfect! And Happy Homecoming to sweet Rhiannon! 💕💗💓💖💞 2mo
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kspenmoll How wonderful! Congratulations!🎉🎈 2mo
Chrissyreadit Congrats!!!!!! 2mo
BooksNBowls Congratulations!! 🎉❤️❤️ 2mo
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Unlike the Sookie Stackhouse series, this mystery series improved as it progressed. The final book in the series wrapped up any loose ends from previous books as well as solving the mysteries in this book. Fun series!


I am so sad this book series is over. I feel like it finally got good drama and mystery right at the end too. And I love aurora. Definitely worth the read!


Enjoyable but not as good as the previous one

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#teaandabook #mycover
Roe Teagarden and lapsong souchong

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Fans of Aurora Teagarden will love this continuation of the series. Harris takes us for a visit with new mom Aurora after her nanny goes missing the same night a body is found in her backyard. Funny, frustrating, and endearingly Aurora, there are misdirects and puzzles everywhere. I love how Harris takes the mundane, and weaves it into a mystery to love.

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Ummm. So a bit mixed on this. It‘s not the best of this series, and the conclusion to the mystery is a bit left field but I think it does a good job of portraying the monotony of having a new baby. Not that I have any experience of a new baby but it tallies with stories I‘ve heard from people who do...

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Sunday night library book: the latest Aurora Teagarden book

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Tonight's read. I absolutely love anything by Charlaine Harris. I'm sure this won't dissapoint.

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Possibly unpopular opinion time - I love cozy mysteries in general, and I enjoyed earlier books in this series (the only reason I finished it) but this one felt terrible to me. Aurora‘s inner voice was obnoxious and grating, the story was crazy pants - maybe they‘re all like this and I just hadn‘t noticed it before??

merelybookish I feel like your cat is judging me. 😸 (Which is fair because she's a beauty!) 7y
bookwrm526 Kitty is very judgmental - but he gives himself bald spots so I don‘t think he has any right to be! 7y
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Finished & got it back to the library just a day late.📚😬Not my favorite book of the series-I felt like the first half was draggy & Aurora with a new baby & the flu is not a joy to be around, but the later half picked up & I didn't have part of the mystery figured out which is always a bonus in a cozy & makes it a pick. I do think I need to go back a few books in the series (before these last 'new' books) to refresh my memory on side characters.

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Well this was supposed to go back to the library today & it's not going back until tomorrow. I have about 70 pages left and I WILL finish it tonight. Sorry person next in the hold line--I generally have better library manners but needs must.😬 Taking a late work-from-home lunch & getting a few pages in over leftover Vegan Cheesy Loaded Baked Potato Soup & toppings from Sunday which is totally hitting the spot on this grey, drizzly day. 😋🥔🧀🍲❤️

LA_Mead Ooh! That soup looks good! And vegan too! Do you have the recipe? 7y
needleminding Oh my that sounds perfect on a cold night. 🤤 7y
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DebinHawaii @jaimeisbionic It's definitely a good cozy soup! 🍲👍 7y
LA_Mead Thanks @DebinHawaii ! I'm going to try that one for sure! 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @LA_Mead thanks, I was just opening the questions to ask that!!! 😊😊😊😊 it looks amazing doesn‘t it? 7y
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The easiest way to drive me insane is for an author to not name their characters consistently. When Angel has the baby in this series, she names it June. In this book, she refers to her baby as Lorna. Lorna is Arthur and Lynn's daughter in a prior book. It's such a minor detail and now it's all I can think about.

MinDea Ugh... that is annoying 7y
Bourriquet76 @MinDea 45% done the book, still thinking about names. 😂 7y
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I'm invested to see how this series ends. An awesome friend sent me the last one for my Kindle.

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It's definitely a popcorn-for-dinner-with-a-book kind of Friday night and I'm guessing chocolate will be happening later. I needed Friday. 🍿🍽📚🍫

Tadams4 Enjoy! Happy Friday! 7y
DebinHawaii @Tadams4 Thank you! 😊 7y
Bourriquet76 I just downloaded that! I need to finish the series. :) 7y
BibliophileMomma Love this series. 7y
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#DecDays #Rockabye A little rockabye and you should sleep like a baby. 👶🏻💤I'm currently reading the tagged book which seemed to fit the prompt and here are seven more from my stacks with 'baby' in their titles--although not all involve infants and some may keep you awake.😱😆I have read all of these except for the tagged book which I just started.📚

Cinfhen I really liked 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen Me too! 👍 7y
bookwrm526 I‘ve been trying to get the tagged book forEVER but my library doesn‘t have it :( 7y
DebinHawaii @bookwrm526 Bummer! I hope they get it in. Mine transferred one in from another branch. I just got an email that a new one from another series I read is being held for me now too. Not so great for the #TBR stacks but I'm excited! 😆 7y
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A breakfast mash-up-Ambrosia Overnight Oats takes ingredients of classic ambrosia-pineapple, tangerine, coconut & marshmallows & puts them in creamy, cold overnight oatmeal. It's inspired by two scenes in Planes, Trains and Automobiles (November's film for my movie/food blogging group) but I read the tagged/pictured book while eating it & Neal & Del were sleeping like babies, cuddled up, "Those aren't pillows!"?in a classic scene. Recipe link??

DivineDiana I‘m going to try this! 7y
Zelma We just watched this the other night. A classic! 💕 and interesting ambrosia recipe. My mom‘s uses orange juice, pineapple and cool whip. We call it orange fluff. (edited) 7y
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DebinHawaii @DivineDiana I hope you like it! 👍😀@Zelma It's a fun one--i hadn't seen the whole movie in years. There are so many different ambrosia variations it appears--my mom's variation was fruit cocktail & marshmallows in (I think) whipped cream and no coconut. I was trying to go for more healthy but those marshmallows snuck in! 😋🤣 7y
Zelma @DebinHawaii 😆 there‘s also a green one that show up at all my large family gatherings (pistachio). So midwestern. 😋 7y
DebinHawaii @Zelma We didn't have it often--we were "Jello salad people!" ? 7y
Zelma @DebinHawaii (whispers) I actually don‘t like jello salad or fluff. 😳 7y
DebinHawaii @Zelma (whispers back) Me either, or canned fruit cocktail for that matter... but the fresher version of the salad was surprisingly good in oatmeal. 😉 7y
Zelma @DebinHawaii ha, I feel vindicated. I bet Mr. Z would love that oatmeal. He typically puts blueberries in his but that looks like a winner. 7y
SandyW Sounds delicious! (Hatred the movie though.) 7y
GalacticBookwyrm89 Yum. I love ambrosia. I have an issue with oatmeal, but I am always optimistic that I will like it someday and try it again. 7y
TNbookworm ❤ that movie! 7y
Purrfectpages That breakfast looks delicious! 7y
DebinHawaii @GalacticBookwyrm89 You know I have never been a big fan of oatmeal myself until I tried overnight oats and for whatever reason the cold and less "gummy" texture works for me. But I get not liking it! ?? 7y
GalacticBookwyrm89 @DebinHawaii I‘m gonna give it a go!! 7y
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This is my guilty pleasure mystery series. The MC can be annoying, the descriptions of everyday activities are tedious, solving the mystery is always quick and wraps up in the last 10 pages - yet I still keep coming back for more eye rolls and convenient mystery wrap ups!
This book (while I don't expect much but light entertainment) disappointed me with the world's biggest letdown of an ending.
And of course I'll still read the next 😝

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This series is my guilty pleasure read. I need this palate cleanser before I dive in to A Conjuring of Light!

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On our way back home, mom stole my Kindle. She sits with her finger cocked and ready for the next page. Little does she know her very own kindle is sitting in my closet waiting for Christmas! ❤

coffeewithbooks Abigail getting amazon kindle to for Christmas for her aunts in South Carolina and she getting a pink case 😊 7y
HiddenGemBooks She makes reading from a kindle look very intense 😂 7y
LauraJ Mom looks very content. It‘s got to be soooo hard keeping that present a secret. 7y
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rubyslippersreads She'll be so excited to have her own! 😊 7y
ValerieAndBooks I‘m sure your mom will love her gift. Safe travels the rest of the way! 7y
Bookzombie I would be fighting the urge to tell her! Great gift! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww I love this!!!! 😊❤️ 7y
Rachbb3 Aww! Sweet gift! 7y
aprilpohren Love this!! 7y
LeahBergen Aww! Lovely. 💕💕 7y
moranadatter 💗 7y
CoverToCoverGirl What a wonderful picture and what a wonderful surprise you have in store for her... she‘s gonna love it! 😁 7y
EchoLogical So sweet! 7y
tpixie She will be thrilled! 7y
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This is how I‘m spending this chilly Sunday night- reading the new Aurora Teagarden novel and snuggled up under a blanket with both dogs!

Suelizbeth I didn‘t know this was a book series. I‘ve seen the series on the Hallmark channel. The books are so much better, right? They have to be. I‘m not sure I would read them, even so. 7y
NikkiKey94 @Suelizbeth I enjoy the movies but I definitely think the books are so much better! There are several of the mystery movies that come on Hallmark that are series of books. 7y
Suelizbeth @NikkiKey94 Do the books qualify as cozy mysteries? Those are always great for winter reading. ❄️ 7y
NikkiKey94 @Suelizbeth Yes I believe they do qualify as cozy mysteries. I love reading cozies because they are such a light easy read and like you said they are great for winter reading! 7y
Suelizbeth @NikkiKey94 📚❤️ 7y
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As always just couldn‘t get enough

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Finally starting this

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This was between a so-so and a pick for me. The mystery was good, but I was annoyed with Aurora in this book. She seemed grouchy, thankless, and snooty. (At least that was my interpretation)

DrexEdit Sometimes grouchy, thankless, and snooty can work for a character and make them interesting. When it doesn't work though, it's just annoying. 7y
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Library hold came in! The new Aurora Teagarden, I really like this series.

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Working on the new Aurora Teagarden book 😁 This is the series that got me into cozy mysteries to begin with (I'm honestly still pretty picky though)

#amreading #cozymystery #aurorateagarden

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My #currentread that I have to somehow speed through this weekend because it was only a 7 day rental for the #library

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Like all of the Roe books, this was fast to the point of "oh God the book is almost over, better wrap things up!" eleventh-hour resolution, but it was enjoyable. (Sheer cozy mystery fluff usually is.) #sleeplikeababy #charlaineharris #aurorateagarden

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Sometimes I find Roe's character to be inconsistent, and wildly immature, but it doesn't stop me from being glad this series has continued. (It doesn't hurt that they're just really easy reads.) #sleeplikeababy #charlaineharris #aurorateagarden

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Another bonus of #librarylife -- getting first dibs on new releases! ;) Pretty excited to have this one in hand! #sleeplikeababy #aurorateagarden #charlaineharris

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Whew! That was a fast listen! None of the Aurora Teagarden books are very long, but this just zoomed by in 2 Days.

The story was tight; the characters are old friends by now; and I‘m current on yet another series now 🙂

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Starting this today 😊. It should be a quick one...

OSChamberlain I‘m soooo behind on my CH. My fiancé has a great deal of her books. Love her writing. 7y
Sweettartlaura @OSChamberlain I love listening to her books. It‘s like sitting down & catching up on gossip with a friend 😉. 7y
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Started reading this book this morning. Thank you to @stmartinspress for sending me an advanced copy! I'm almost halfway through it and really intrigued by the mystery this story is centered around. Trouble does not stray far from Roe Teagarden!

#bookblogger #bookreviewer #booknerdigans #bibliophile #readersofinstagram #readmorebooks #charlaineharris #aurorateagarden #mystery #stmartinspress #booknerdsunite #currentlyreading #amreading

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Book mail! Thank you to @stmartinspress for sending me the next book of the Aurora Teagarden mysteries by Charlaine Harris! I binge read books 1-9 last year and really enjoyed them so I'm looking forward to seeing what Aurora is up to now.

#bookstagram #bookblogger #bibliophile #booknerdigans #booknerds #bookreviewer #readersofinstagram #readmorebooks #aurorateagarden #charlaineharris #instabook #igreads

BibliophileMomma They sent me this too! I'm so excited to read it. 7y
thewornbookmark @Tiffy_Reads Yay! Can't wait to see your thoughts on it! 7y
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