Really enjoyed my second #roll100 read for March. Very, very weird, and at times hard to keep track of what was really, and what was a dream, a pretty wild ride!
I‘m now a David Mitchell completionist! Unfortunately, this was probably my least favorite of all his books. It was unrelentingly odd in a madcap way and my attention span at the moment is not the best. It took me over two weeks to get through and I probably should have set it aside for a better time, but oh well.
DNF. Another dud as a day-dreaming Japanese teen tries to find his father. I used to really like David Mitchell, but of the last two of his that I've read I've DNF''d both of them
I don‘t know how to feel about this book. It is my first Mitchell and his writing is absolutely gorgeous, but I don‘t know if I liked this or not. There were some really gratuitously violent parts, and some chapters that seemed unnecessary in the middle. I can‘t tell if this is a book beyond my understanding and tastes, or just a pretentious one. Either way, I find myself still thinking about it, so Mitchell seems to have worked his way in. 3⭐️
Jumping on the book cart trend! This is something I have wanted to do for awhile and I finally made it happen. Now I can keep my TBR better organized for participation in #bookspin, #roll100, #pemberlittens, etc. 😀
This was a #LMBPC read and as I have to pass it on I will just say nothing. I don‘t want to influence the other readers in any way. @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @carlthecattt @AmandaBorchers
Hi #groupD! I am following Takara‘s lead here and throwing up some books/authors I am considering for #round13. The 400 page limit narrowed my selection a bit but if these don‘t interest you guys I can happily round up a few more! Let me know if any of these look good to you or if I‘ve chosen authors you can‘t stand 😂 -Amanda
We already know I love David Mitchell, and this one is an easier read than the others I‘ve read. Fell in love with almost all of the characters immediately (the good guys, that is). Mitchell‘s voice is beautiful, powerful, and profound, and this novel delivers on themes of young adulthood, Family, disappointment, and purpose.
Morning routine! Coffee, downstairs book, pet cats. This is my 4th David Mitchell novel and I definitely classify him as one of my top five fav authors. A king of the realistic sci fi! Happy Monday everyone 💛
Mitchell's novel, set in Japan, is a virtuosic reimagining of the coming of age story. Eiji is trying to find his father, and his wild imagination manifests itself on the page.
Currently reading - this has Mitchell's trademark magical realism plus a Tokyo setting. So far, so good.
#wildestdreams #augustgrrrl
The only David Mitchell book I haven't read yet. I love him so much that I can't bear the idea of having read them all so I can't read this until a new one comes out.
Really looking forward to this one! ❤️ David Mitchell! #riotgrams #NumberTitles
#riotgrams #numbertitles
A number title by my favorite author!
Spent much of the day manually adding book purchases from 1996-1997 to Goodreads, which is tedious in spite of having Leo and Peebie helping. Picked up a stack of freebies and near freebies as well. Hope some of them are good. #catsoflitsy
Has anyone read this?! I've been waiting for this markdown for 5 years. I'm pretty persistent. 😃 #kindledeal #kindle #amazon
My second post of David Mitchell this month, but I can't help it. (#noshame) This book had a rocky start for me but that changed dramatically by the end. It's a quirky take on the timeless tale of a boy searching for his father. In Tokyo. Among Tokyo's finest. Including the Yakuza. 😵So creative and so much fun to read! #onewordtitles #photoadaynov16
I'm having a hard time picking out my #readathon books because I typically pick books based on what strikes my fancy in the moment. Here's my first try at coming up with a stack I can use to select my books. Any thoughts or recommendations?
Will you be participating Saturday? What are your plans?
Another excellent book by David Mitchell full of magical realism and Japan. ❤️ #numberintitle
I was left with chills after finishing. This was (for the most part) a very engaging and intricate Bildungsroman, at its most pleasurable, it is like enjoying a fizzing, crackling candy. The sweeping finale brings meaning to the whole and crashes upon the reader on the very last page.
I feel like this book started off like a great date: it was funny, clever, and exciting, but then it goes on too long on an asinine tangent and I am left wondering: What happened to that great story you were telling me?
The phrase 'cloud atlas' appears in number9dream, David Mitchell's second novel, a novel he wrote before he wrote Cloud Atlas. What does it mean!?