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Bluebeard's Egg and Other Stories
Bluebeard's Egg and Other Stories | Margaret Atwood
A man finds himself surrounded by women who are becoming paler, more silent and literally smaller; a woman's intimate life is strangely dominated by the fear of nuclear warfare; a melancholy teenage love is swept away by a hurricane, while a tired, middle-aged affection is rekindled by the spectacle of rare Jamaican birds... In these exceptional short stories, by turns funny and searingly honest, Margaret Atwood captures brilliantly the complex forces that govern our relationships, and the powerful emotions that guide them.
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Earth and insects; art and nuclear war; men and women and children; Atwood covers all this and more with her inimitable prose, and her unique way of looking at the world that acknowledges the harsh realities without stooping to despair or giving in to sentimentality. You can see the twinkle in those blue eyes through every sentence. Highly recommended.

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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Sunday afternoon read.

Leftcoastzen Nice cover ! 3y
Lcsmcat @Leftcoastzen It‘s the Canadian edition by McClelland & Stewart. I think it‘s prettier than some of the others I‘ve seen. (edited) 3y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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I could read Margaret Atwood for years without getting bored and I always love her short stories. Different from the novels I‘ve read, kind of starker and quieter, but she‘s an absolute short story master. I really recommend them if you haven‘t tried them!

Cathythoughts I really liked The Blind Assassin... But havnt like one as much sinse 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Molly_the_mezzo Margaret Atwood is one of the few people whose short stories I will read. One of the others is Octavia Butler. I really liked this collection. 5y
BookieBiker I love MA as well. That said, have you read The Heart Goes Last? Oh man, it had the bones of an amazing read but ... oh it was a doozy for me. I hate criticizing what I could never do myself. Thankfully so many other brilliant reads by her! 5y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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I‘m not as much of a fan of short stories in general anyway, but these stories were full of hapless women and mostly ambiguous endings. Yes that‘s probably trademark Atwood, but done better in novel form, I think. Warning: one story “Uglypuss” is especially disturbing, due to animal cruelty 😢.

I‘m going to try reading “The Robber Bride” next for #authoraMonth, but not immediately.

Soubhiville Great photo! You‘re the first to complete an #authoramonth book, congratulations! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Soubhiville it was a quick read since it was a short story collection. Now the next one is 531 pages, so I may be pushing my luck 🙂 5y
Leftcoastzen I liked the Robber Bride a lot.I felt for a long book it read fast.All the characters were intriguing. 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Leftcoastzen of the Atwood TBRs I have, this one‘s plot intrigued me the most even though it‘s the longest. Glad to know you liked it!! 5y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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I‘m going to try the #authoramonth challenge hosted by @Soubhiville — this month the challenge is to read Margaret Atwood!

When I find an author I like, I pick up their titles when I find them (used bookstores or occasionally book outlet) 😁. Left stack are her books I‘ve already read.

I‘m not going to try reading all the rest this month but maybe I‘ll get to more than one 🤞! Starting with a short story collection, Bluebeard‘s Egg.

cathysaid ❤ Alias Grace 5y
jchawkins Yesss!! I do the same thing! Picked up most of Murakamis and Calvinos books and now I'm on a hunt for Amos Oz. Though Oz has been much harder to find. 🤔 5y
ValerieAndBooks @cathysaid I loved Alias Grace (thanks @Lmstraubie ) but didn‘t get around to reviewing it! 5y
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ValerieAndBooks @jchawkins Murakami for me, too 😂, still looking for a few more of his! I have not yet read Calvino or Oz, although I plan to eventually as both authors are also on the #1001Books list (edited) 5y
jchawkins @ValerieAndBooks Calvinos works are short, so you don't have to set aside a lot of time for him :) and I didn't know that ! That's great! Also now I need to check that list out lol...thanks! 🙌 5y
readordierachel Love this! (And Atwood ❤) Happy reading! 5y
Soubhiville Yay! I hope you love it! 5y
Lmstraubie @ValerieAndBooks I'm so glad you liked it! It's my favorite Atwood (so far).😬 5y
Ruthiella Atwood fan here!!! Like you I‘ve only read about half her oeuvre but want to become a completist!😀 5y
ValerieAndBooks @jchawkins I‘ll keep trying to look for Calvino — our used bookstores here don‘t seem to have him! If you decide to do #1001Books and have an iPhone there is a great app that tracks your reading/TBR ($4.99 I believe but worth every penny)! I do have a hard copy of an edition, too. 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Lmstraubie did you see the series yet (I haven‘t)? If so what did you think? 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Soubhiville I think this will be a fun project; thanks! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @readordierachel She is so good 💖! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Ruthiella ha, completist is a great way to describe it! 5y
jchawkins @ValerieAndBooks there's a reason why he doesn't pop up in used bookstores--no one wants to part with his books! 😉 I actually found the spreadsheet on Goodreads, so I'm ready to go! 5y
Lmstraubie @ValerieAndBooks I haven't. I'm always worried that the movie/series won't live up to the book. I really should check it out. LMK if you do. 5y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt”

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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Starting the weekend with a bit of Margaret Atwood. This quote takes me right back to my grandparents house in the late ‘60s. Beautiful writing.

Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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#QuotsyJuly18 #electric

Someday I shall finally get this book of Margaret Atwood stories read. 💙⚡️

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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Thought the quote from the tagged book fit today's prompts. With the predicted snow storm approaching it does not feel very spring like in NJ at the moment.
#MagicalMarch #SpringHasSprung @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
#Readingresolutions #spring @Jess7
#MarchInBooks #welcomespring @maich

dariazeoli If we get an East Coast blizzard in April, I‘m going to be really annoyed! 😬 7y
Jess7 Cute! 7y
Jess7 It‘s supposed to snow tonight in Cincinnati too! 😞 The weather and the season need to get on the same page dang it - it‘s Spring today!! 🌷🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s warm one day here and cold the next!!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
GripLitGrl @dariazeoli I'm annoyed with the current forecast i couldn't handle more snow in April😱 7y
GripLitGrl @Jess7 Agreed it's spring WTH is up with the snow? I want flowers💐 for spring not snow❄😵 7y
GripLitGrl @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks weathers a bit wacky all over i guess. We're all waiting for spring to settle in & kick winter out i guess😄 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GripLitGrl so true!!! ☺️☺️ 7y
vkois88 Same here 😑 7y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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@emily_m_tubb What amazing choices, I love everything and well done choosing 3 books I haven't read, I'm well aware I'm not the easiest person to buy for! Thank you so much for your kind thoughtful gifts and your generosity. Happy solstice and Merry Christmas 🎄🎁♥️

emily_m_tubb I'm so glad you like them! I had such fun shopping for you! 😁 Hope you have a very merry Christmas 🌟🎁🎄 7y
Kalalalatja Lovely gifts 👏👏 7y
LeahBergen Lovely! 7y
Moray_Reads @emily_m_tubb thank you again for my lovely box. Those truffles were delicious, a huge holiday hit with my whole family x 7y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Winnie wants to know if I'm done reading yet #dogsoflitsy

Soubhiville 💖🐶 8y
ElizaTodd Sooo cute!! 8y
Cinfhen Cute🐶🐶🐶 8y
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Redjewel_7734 Cute!!! 8y
cathysaid Such expressive eyes! 8y
LeahBergen 💗💗💗 8y
kylienoele 😍😍😍 8y
LauraBeth I hope you said yes! 🐶💕 8y
mrsh62010 Def time for a walk haha! 🐕🐾🐾🐾💕🐶 8y
ReadingEnvy @LauraBeth @mrsh62010 Usually I put down the book and she raises her front paws and does a silly dance until I scoop her up and scratch her tummy. She's funny. 8y
mrsh62010 Awwww lol I love the belly rub requests. Cute pup. My boy gets closer and closer to my face, then if I keep ignoring him he'll bark one little "YIP!" in my face, then run away ? That's if he's hungry or needs potty. 8y
Bookchipmunk Your Winnie is irresistible! Those eyes would definitely work at our house 🤓🐶🐾🐾 8y
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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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Today's #bookhaul means four for Little, four for my Atwood shelf.

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Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood

A beautiful and sometimes perturbing collection of short stories, full of surreal truths.

Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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"Providence appears to protect such women, maybe out of astonishment. Or else, sooner or later, it doesn't."

Bluebeard's Egg | Margaret Atwood
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"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."