Cathy and Hareton
I was doing chapter a day with the #PemberLittens but I couldn‘t resist and finished today. What a wild ride! Never trust anyone who says classics are boring!
Poor Mr. Lockwood thinks these people can't really be as ill-tempered as they seem. 😆😆 Late to the party but catching up! I am surprised how funny the first couple of chapters are. I saw a movie version recently, and it had no humor.
#wanderingthroughwutheringheights #pemberlittens @Crinoline_Laphroaig
I just started this classic book and it has captivated me from the beginning❤️ Have you read it??
"Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where I woke sobbing for joy." ----- Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
Starting Wuthering Heights audiobook today. First time with the story. Pictured is a gift from a coworker compared to my usual octopus coffee cup. Needless to say, my circ manager is sarcastic as hell. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's 30 oz.
It‘s been awhile since I‘ve had pure peace and quiet. I almost read the entire book last night after everyone was asleep. Luckily my parents have a good collection I can borrow from #wutheringheights #emilybronte #readeverything #readinglist #howmanycanireadinaweek #classics
Current read, I‘ll be reading this for 30-60 minutes each day.
My first reading of Wuthering Heights Happy May Day🌷
I have not broken your heart - you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine.
There is a lot of Love and a lot of Hate for this book. Where do you stand? I personally did not care for it. #wurtheringheights
[...]playing and trifling are completely banished out of my mind[...]
Catherine Linton
Here it is, fellow Bibliophiles. The cut for my first ReadAThon. I am confident that I can finish the top three, and will push to conquer the study texts below those. See you soon, and THANK YOU for this community!
I want to finish Wuthering Heights and Dear Edward this Readathon, along with some major reading for the studies📚☕️📚🥃📚
Finished the decade with a 1*-read (tagged) but other than that, I'm pretty happy with my reading in 2019 📚 Well and truly excited for 2020 - I'll see you all on the other side! 💃💃
I am seeing a couple cool variations of #Top10oftheDecade going around. In the past decade, I read a lot of classics. While I loved so many I read, here are 10 of my LEAST favorite...
Wuthering Heights being a suprise dislike. What classics didn't you enjoy?
I have not been more thrilled to delve into a literary classic. As I sit beside a fire I can almost remove myself from this modern world and awaken into the early 19th century.
I did not enjoy this book. I really really wanted to. This is supposed to be one of those classics you love...😫
Re-read for book club. This one still bugs me. But it always leaves me thinking...
I'm so glad I chose to revisit this book and re read it. I enjoyed it when I read it for school but I loved it this time around. I think being older allowed for me to truly appreciate the authors skill in conveying the devestation and raw emotions of the characters. It is a credit to an author who can make you feel so invested in a story even though you don't really like most of the characters.
At last year‘s Cheltenham Literature Festival, one of the events I attended was a discussion entitled Heathcliff vs Darcy - Who‘s the Biggest Sh*t? After the cases for both sides had been presented, an audience vote concluded that Heathcliff was by far the biggest sh*t of the two, so I reckon that makes him #Obnoxious.
And, anyway, who doesn‘t want a picture of Tom Hardy (as Heathcliff) in the morning?*
*UK time!
Y‘all this book is killing me softly. It is so heart wrenching but I can‘t stop.
It‘s the last Saturday of the excavation season, I‘ve submitted my final report, and I have my last pair of book covers ready to go. I am certain everyone will have opinions about these covers—let me know if you have a favorite!