Last reminder (don‘t forget the gift swap too, if you want to participate)! I‘ve got a count of 10 for tomorrow and I can‘t wait to see each of you!
RJ Julia‘s Cafe
2:30 pm

Last reminder (don‘t forget the gift swap too, if you want to participate)! I‘ve got a count of 10 for tomorrow and I can‘t wait to see each of you!
RJ Julia‘s Cafe
2:30 pm
So this book is 👍, but here‘s my quibble: the narrative switches between two timelines, which is fine but there‘s no way to tell when it switches. I thought the epigraph-&-theme-song convention might be the key—quote/song contemporary with whatever timeline you are in—but no. It‘s arbitrary, and the shifting is constant and confusing. 😕
Every chapter of this memoir has both an epigraph and a theme song. I can‘t decide if I love this or if it will get 🙄
There's no better place I know of to get some peace and quiet
House for our friend weekend in Rye, NH. Like the Real World but with married 35 year old nerds.
Alright Littens, I'm giving you homework (even though I have no right to do so). Next time you read a good book, I want you to email the author and tell them. Especially if they're not super-famous. It's the simplest thing but I guarantee it will make their day. If you want, comment here and tell me who you wrote to!
Just wanted to prove that @saresmoore isn't the only Litten who can post an adorable dance class photo. She goes into class on her own now, and I was able to get started on Spillman's very good memoir.
Rob Spillman reading at the Point Street Reading series in Providence. Haven't read the book yet but it sounds amazing.
Today's Book Haul: some old, some new, some fiction and non-fiction too! Going to see Rob Spillman tomorrow. Excited to hear about his time in Germany!
I'm addicted to books set in or about Berlin so this memoir was perfect for me. Spillman's writing is fantastic & he alternates between his childhood in West Berlin & the US with less than typical parents & his return to Berlin when East Germany collapsed. It makes me wish I too could have partied at raves held in the subway under the abandoned wall! This is absolutely going on my top 5 for the year.
This was a terrific read especially if you're taste in music includes the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Smiths, New Order, etc. This is a man's life divided between growing up and adult years (back and forth chapters) mainly in Berlin (east and west), Baltimore, MD, and Aspen, CO. Each chapter begins with a quote from an artist/writer/musician and a song lyric. Quick read about an interesting life.
Day 2, Book 2 of #biblioweekend! Keeping pretty much on schedule I'd say-finished Carry On yesterday and started this last night. I was going to have a blueberry smoothie, but we made a bunch of our own tomato juice this week, so I figured a Bloody Mary was appropriate! 🍹📖
Took the plunge and bought a Nook GlowLight Plus. Loving the ability to read library ebooks so far.
Wonderful reading last night at the LIC Reading Series!
Did you know Rob Spillman once hurdled traffic cones down the middle of the Queensboro Bridge? Because Queens can be like the Bermuda Triangle and there are no rules.
Safety, comfort, and consistency were things you should get over if you wanted to be an artist.
You know how you read about someone's life and it's different from yours but FEELS like yours? It's like that.