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Tiny Confessions
Tiny Confessions: The Secret Thoughts of Dogs, Cats and Everything | Christopher Rozzi
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Ever wonder what your dachshund, bulldog, great dane, or tabby cat are *really* thinking? Wonder no more, because artist and comedian Christopher Rozzi has channeled the innermost thoughts of canines and felines (along with the occasional rabbit or robot) and painted their portraits with great affection and humor. Garnering attention and raves from Flavorwire, Laughing Squid, Fab.com, and elsewhere, Tiny Confessions has attracted a growing fan base among pet lovers, art lovers, and anyone with a good sense of humor. In this endearing and very funny collection of color portraits, candid pets will reveal insights including: "What you see as dancing is just me desperately scrambling to earn ham." "That mess I made is my way of thanking you for my awesome name." "I forgot where I buried that thing that you loved."
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#AnglophileApril #BookishConfession #NeverEver have I read these popular books....I‘ve tried a few but bailed on every one 🙈🙊which popular book/series have you #NeverEver read????

vivastory I love a good #bookishconfession I've #neverever read Harry Potter, although I do love Galbraith (aka Rowling's) Cormoran Strike series 6y
Clwojick All of those! Lol. I read the first 4 HP books, but bailed on the 5th. Never read any of the others at all though. (edited) 6y
LeahBergen Hmm 🤔 Game of Thrones? 6y
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LeahBergen Eat, Pray, Love. I thought I wouldn‘t be able to stomach it. 😆 6y
BiblioLitten @LeahBergen Me neither. Also, Mortal Instruments 6y
batsy @LeahBergen Same to both of your answers 😆 6y
batsy I've also never read the Outlander series or the Divergent series or the Maze Runner series or a single John Green book 😁 6y
rretzler I refuse to read Twilight 6y
julesG Game of Thrones. Tried it. Couldn't get into it. Like @batsy Divergent, didn't even try. Same with Maze Runner and John Green. 😁 6y
Lovesbooks87 I have never read all of the books that you have pictured! 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! I‘m NOT a literary oddball after all!!!!! YOU ARE ALL MY PEOPLE XX @vivastory @Clwojick @LeahBergen @BiblioLitten @batsy @rretzler @julesG @Lovesbooks87 and I haven‘t read ANY of the other books you all mentioned 😜 6y
Cinfhen Oh wait @julesG and @batsy I did read FIOS by Green but I thought the movie was better 😁 (edited) 6y
jenniferw88 For those who have said Game of Thrones, it took me to near the end of book 1 to become a fan... 6y
jenniferw88 And I refuse to read Twilight! 6y
Megabooks I haven‘t read any of those either. I also have never read anything by Stephen King! 😬😳 6y
Cinfhen You‘re not into vampires @jenniferw88 ??? I‘ve read 2 King novels @Megabooks and they were just ok for me. I read Joyland and 6y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen I am, but I'm not into romance novels or sparkly vampires! 😂😂😂 i like Kim Newman's series on vampires, starting with 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha @jenniferw88 I love that #SparklyVampires 🧛🏼‍♀️🧛‍♂️ 6y
TrishB I haven‘t read Twilight 😁 but I‘ve been made to watch the films. I‘ve read all the others. Like @jenniferw88 I like scary vampires! 6y
Kalalalatja I have never read LoTR, and any crime/mystery series you can think of gets a big no from me as well 😄 6y
Chrissyreadit #bookishconfessions I‘ve read and loved all of those books.... 6y
Seekingtardis I tried the first Outlander book and I just couldn‘t. I got about 1/3 into it and had no idea what happened so I just put it away! 6y
KarenUK LOTR and Outlander..... never even tried.... also I‘ve never read Stephen King... 🙀 (edited) 6y
emilyhaldi I‘ve tried and bailed on all of them too! (Except LOTR). I don‘t have the patience for series I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm 🙋‍♀️☝️😬..I think my emojis are self explanatory! 😂 6y
Mdargusch I have never ever tried the top two series. 🙅🏼‍♀️ 6y
Clwojick @Megabooks Same! The only Stephen king book that I read what Shawshank, and its not even really a traditional “scary SK” book 6y
Melissa_J I‘ve never read the 50 shades books, I bailed on the Twilight series after the first book, and couldn‘t make it past the halfway point in the first LOTR book (love the movies though). I have read five of the Outlander books though, but don‘t have much interest in continuing. I love Harry Potter 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I've read Hunger Games and have started Outlander. But I have never read or seen Harry Potter. 6y
Reviewsbylola You bailed on Hunger Games?!? What kind of heathen are you!! 6y
Reviewsbylola What?!? @megabooks Granted, I‘m not a huge SK fan, but definitely try 6y
Reviewsbylola As for the other series you mentioned Cindy, I‘ve read 1-2 from each of them except LOTR. I‘m not at all interested in that one! 6y
BiblioLitten @batsy Me neither. 😁 6y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola That‘s the one I‘ve thought about trying! 6y
BarbaraBB I have read HP and liked it but all the others don‘t appeal to me at all. I did read a few SK but have sworn to #neverever do that again. The man is such a cliché. I mean the people in his books are. So annoying. 6y
RohitSawant I've been meaning to read Harry Potter for years now. 6y
britt_brooke I‘ve read Twilight, Hunger Games, and LOTR (this one just so my husband would stop badgering me). I‘ll eventually read HP if/when my sons are ready. I read the first one years back but didn‘t feel the need to continue then. Generally speaking, I‘m not usually one for series. 6y
Suet624 I haven‘t read any of those either. And I‘m okay admitting that! 6y
Cinfhen Seems like we‘re in good company @suet624 😍 6y
Cinfhen I love that you‘re waiting to read HP with your boys @britt_brooke 💚💚 6y
Cinfhen And I enjoyed hearing all of your #BookishConfessions @Clwojick @Melissa_J @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Reviewsbylola @BiblioLitten @BarbaraBB @rohit-sawant makes me feel validated in a weird way 😉😜🥳 6y
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At first I thought I had 5 but on reflection I may have left a smear or 2 of chocolate so only 4 points for me @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage I know I had to reflect on that one as well 😂🍫 6y
WhatThePuck Ummmm...... I'm at 1! Our library limit is 99. No matter how much I read I doubt I'll ever have 99 checked out at once. My copy of King's Different Seasons is a library book I swore I returned and my mom had to pay for when I was a teenager. I found it when I moved out and packed my things at 20. 😜 6y
Exbrarian 4points. 6y
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OrangeMooseReads @WhatThePuck lol unless you were having a hardcore kids lit night I think 99 at one time would be difficult. 6y
WhatThePuck @OrangeMooseReads 🤣🤣🤣 they get annoyed when you ask how many you can borrow at once too. I doubt anyone has ever reached the limit. The librarian seriously rolled her eyes at me when I asked ten years ago. 6y
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Day 20 of #FallIntoBooks #BookNerdConfessions
📚 I get excited if a landmark/place/town close to where I live or work is mentioned in a book
📚 I have to remove sleeves from hardcovers whilst reading because I'm afraid I'll rip them
📚 I like to have a hot drink whilst reading (even in summer)

*Image from pinterest 😊

Laura317 Same. Same. Same. 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 I get excited about close proximity locations or landmarks in books too. 7y
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#bookishconfession All this week I've started books at bedtime and read them way too long into the night. 🤦‍♀️ And now it's bedtime and I want to start a book! 🤷‍♀️#noregrets

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#bookishconfession #riotgrams
Hi. My name is Lisa. I read endings after only reading 3 or 4 chapters. 😣
Okay, so not necessarily the actual ending, but the last several pages.

SuperPunkNinja 😂😂😂 8y
TheBookAddict 😂 I used to do that when I was a teen. I would get so excited and anxious to know what happens in the end that I couldn't help myself. 8y
Melissa_J I know someone who reads the ending first. At least you do it after a few chapters 😉 8y
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BookFreakOut Hi, my name is Hannah. I skim ahead for characters I like and read large swaths out of order before forcing myself to go back. 😅 8y
Lmstraubie @TheBookAddict That's exactly it!!!! I can actually relax & enjoy the book after I have an inkling of what will happen. 😊 8y
Lmstraubie @Melissa_J 🤔 Hmmmm...I guess that is better. Thx! 😆 8y
Lmstraubie @BookFreakOut I completely get it!!! 8y
Daisey I don't do this much as I used to (I read more ebooks and I think it's harder with them), but I have often read books out of order, the end first, most of the middle, backwards by section, whatever! 8y
Lmstraubie @Daisey Hmmm...maybe I'll have to do more e-reading to break my habit!😁 8y
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