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Where I'm Reading From: The Changing World of Books | Tim Parks
23 posts | 4 read | 23 to read
Should you finish every book you start? How has your family influenced the way you read? What is literary style? How is the Nobel Prize like the World Cup? Why do you hate the book your friend likes? Is writing really just like any other job? What happens to your brain when you read a good book? As a novelist, translator and critic, Tim Parks is well-placed to investigate any questions we have about books and reading. In this collection of lively and provocative pieces he talks about what readers want from books and how to look at the literature we encounter in a new light. These pieces were originally published as columns in the New York Review of Books.
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Beautiful day to be outside watching the littles run off some energy. Just so happens to be a perfect reading day as well!

Avanders So nice! 🥰 3y
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I‘ve not been buying physical books for a while due to a planned move to the East Coast when I expect I‘ll have to dispose of many of the 5000 or so physical books I have on my shelf. But I had lunch with a friend at a favorite used book store and couldn‘t resist these—excellent condition and good prices. I‘ve read a couple of the essays in the tagged book, and he makes lots of good points. Expect me to post a few quotes.

Tanisha_A 5000. WOW 😶 6y
RidgewayGirl I would have picked those two books up, too. 6y
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Sunday bedtime-book... ✨

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This book contains a series of essays by novelist and translator Tim Parks about the changing nature of how, why, and which books we read.

I found much of it to be interesting and relevant to me, but it was definitely more academic in nature than I initially thought. That wasn‘t necessarily a problem as I‘m considering academic work in literature, but it would be if you‘re looking for a lighter read.

I liked it and learned a lot.

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rockpools 😍 6y
Libby1 Hi, @RachelO ! 😃 6y
LeahBergen So pretty! 😍 6y
Zelma Oooh, very pretty! 6y
Libby1 I‘ve gained a whole new appreciation of endpapers since finding Litsy, @LeahBergen and @Zelma . 😃 6y
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Happy to find these at the library! (I didn‘t find the cat there, of course.)

rubyslippersreads Is that a cat pillow behind the actual cat? Both are adorable. 😻 6y
Dolly Aww 😻 6y
Dragon 😻 6y
LisaJo 😹🙀😺 6y
Libby1 @rubyslippersreads , @Dolly , @Dragon , @LisaJo - yes, it is a cat next to a cat cushion. 😻 6y
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Saw this in a bookstore yesterday (for the record- I resisted!). I‘d like to read it - but my mounting TBR piles says you have to knuckles down and read, not read about reading?!?!? 😂

Suet624 I understand. 6y
DivineDiana Cheers to your inner strength! 📚👏🏻📚 6y
Mitch It appears in small quantities @DivineDiana ! 6y
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minkyb Impressive willpower! 6y
Ligaya “For the record, I resisted” - this time! Fixed that for you! 😹 6y
Mitch 😂😂😂 6y
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What an absorbing book!

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Well, not just yet. But I have a porch swing, people! Not much to look at in the middle of winter, but I can't wait to read the heck outta some books when it gets warmer. And I will have a dedicated reading room. 😄 #riotgrams #whereIread

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At the risk of sounding like Sheldon, "That's my spot." I read here, I eat here, I frequently fall asleep here. #whereiread #riotgrams

Cinfhen 😂😂😂 7y
dariazeoli It even looks like his couch! 😁 7y
CocoReads @dariazeoli I hadn't thought about it but you're right! Except our cushions don't come off. But it was free and is without a doubt the most comfy couch I've ever had! 7y
MyNamesParadise I'm totally Sheldon. I'll tell guests "hey that's my spot". 7y
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I have had this (very pink) couch for over 20 years. I finally have it broken in for reading. 😁 And, it is really deep so I can curl up on it easily. This is where you'll find Tink and I most of the time. #riotgrams #whereiread

CaroPi I love the blanket!! 7y
saresmoore Mmm, broken in couches are the best! 7y
DebinHawaii Looks cozy and inviting! 🐱📚👍💜 7y
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Alfoster @Suzze I checked the date from my Michael Connelly pic and it was 1998! Yikes😳 7y
Suzze @Alfoster In '98 I was still managing a mystery bookstore. And I was married. 7y
Alfoster Same (except teaching and married)😳! 7y
Suzze @Alfoster Did I tell you my major was education? I quit when I got married. We still did that sometimes in the early 70's. I could kick myself now. 7y
Alfoster But how cool to manage a bookstore!📚And we're both retired so it's all good!❤❤❤ 7y
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Here are my two favorite reading places. Love seeing all of your cozy spots!! Hygge ❤

Joybishoptx So cozy! 7y
2BR02B Nothing beats tons of natural light for reading. 😊 7y
Zelma Love them! That chair with the reading lamp looks perfect. 7y
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Day 2 of #riotgrams is #whereiread This is the same room where the bookshelves are that I posted yesterday - I've just turned around and those shelves are behind me. It's a tiny room, but it's cozy.

DeborahSmall ❤️ 7y
PurpleyPumpkin 😍😍😍 7y
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#WhereIRead - Anywhere, really! But since I posted the "currently reading" nook yesterday, I figured I'd show you the corner of sofa just below it. With cushions, blanket, and the sofa dog. #riotgrams

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#RiotGrams #whereIread I'm usually in my library when I'm home alone or the sunroom when the weather is nice. My 'Reading chair' has ended up in kids living room so I sit in there when they take over the family room, which is where I read most nights ❤️📚

kspenmoll Great photos! Love your window with a view! 📚 7y
BillBlume Great pics! 7y
scripturient Great pictures. Your view looks a lot like the view of my neighborhood. :) Where are you located? 7y
DeborahSmall @scripturient I'm in carrickfergus, not far from Belfast. My sunroom looks over Belfast Lough in 2 directions, we're high up at the back of the town so get a great view 💕 7y
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#day2 #riotgrams #whereiread You'll always find me in one of these 4 spots..... patio, backyard, my reading spot in the corner of the living room or in/on my bed!

TrishB That patio 😀💗 7y
LitHousewife Such nice places! 7y
NatalieR Beautiful! ❤ 7y
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Cinfhen They are all so awesome 💜💚💛 7y
Reviewsbylola Those are all perfect! 7y
KarenUK @TrishB @LitHousewife @NatalieR @cinfhen @Reviewsbylola It may be hot as hades for couple of months a year, but I do feel so lucky to enjoy reading on the patio/in the yard for most of the year here in south FL... 😎🌴... A BIG change from home... 7y
Cinfhen I really love all the colors, prints and fabrics too!!! 7y
TrishB I'd get about 2 days a year to sit outside! 7y
Chachic Love the outdoor areas where you can read! 7y
Merethebookgal This time of year is when I miss living in Florida! 7y
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#riotgrams #bookriot #whereiread ... Is mostly on the bed. But when it's cool enough to sit outside, I like to sit out on the kitchen patio where I can see my baby apple tree and listen to my chooks chattering. 🍎 🌳 🐔

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"Sollen wir Bücher zu Ende lesen?", diese Frage stellt Parks schon in seinem zweiten Kapitel und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass es nicht mal bei "guten" Büchern notwendig sei. Ich schließe mich dem an und höre bei Teil 2 des Buches auf, da es mich nicht mehr so stark anspricht, auch wenn es viele kluge Ansichten und Ideen enthält.

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Heute Abend werde ich nach einiger Zeit wieder zu diesem Schmuckstück greifen. Dem Kater gefällt kuscheln und lesen auf dem Sofa auch immer besonders gut. #Lesen #Literatur #catsandbooks #catsoflitsy

Sarah83 Ich bin gespannt, wie du das Buch findest. Hatte es selbst auch schon in der Hand 😍 8y
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Ich habe in meiner Jugend auch alle Bücher zu Ende lesen müssen. Es war eine auferlegte Regel von mir. Woher die kam, weiß ich nicht. Mittlerweile habe ich sie aufgegeben. Zum Glück. #Lesen

Horrortorte Ist doch reine Lebenszeitverschwendung, Bücher zu Ende zu lesen, die einen langweilen oder aus sonstigen Gründen das Interesse nicht halten können. Habe ich mir auch vor vielen Jahren abgewöhnt. Zum Glück für den SuB 😁 8y
Moony Es geht in dem Kapitel sogar darum, dass auch ein Abbruch von Büchern die einem Spaß machen, keine Schande ist, sondern manchmal sogar sinnvoll. Als Leser kann man seinen Schluss erträumen und auch Autoren nimmt es die Angst den perfekten Abschluss schreiben zu müssen. #Finish #Ende 8y
Papiergefluester Ich breche auch an, wenn mir ein Buch nicht gefällt. Wie @Horrortorte schreibt, der SUB freut sich. 😉 8y
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Heute in der Bibliothek für mich angekommen. War eine Empfehlung von Kapri-ziös und ich bin wahnsinnig gespannt. http://kapri-zioes.de

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'Other writers deploy what I would call a catharsis of exhaustion: their books present themselves as rich and extremely taxing experiences that simply come to an end at some point where writer, reader, and indeed characters all feel they've had enough.' Hilarious!!

MrBook Nice pic! 😊 8y
CharlotteK Thanks 😊 8y
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