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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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This provocative, fiercely imaginative debut follows a woman trying to slip the shackles of society by controlling her body and mind in extreme ways. It was hard to be in the present, she said, but if her body were heavier and more in control, then her thoughts would clear and her mind would recover its power. An enigmatic young woman drastically transforms her body, working to become bigger, stronger, and stiller in the wake of a trauma. We see her through the eyes of three people, each uniquely mesmerized by her, as they reckon with the consequences of her bizarre metamorphosis. Each of them leaves us with a puzzle piece of who she was before she became someone else. Elliot, a recluse who notices her at the gym, witnesses her physical evolution and becomes her first acolyte. Bella, her mother, worries about the intense effect her daughter's new way of life is beginning to have on others, and she reflects on their relationship, a close cocoon from which her daughter has broken free. Susie, her ex-colleague and best friend, offers her sanctuary and support as she makes the transition to self-created online phenomenon, posting viral meditation videos that encourage her followers to join her in achieving self-sufficiency by isolating themselves from everyone else in their lives. Uncanny, alluring, and intimate, Chrysalis raises vital questions about selfhood and solitude. This daring novel asks if it is possible for a woman to have agency over her body while remaining part of society, and then offers its own explosive answer.
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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Chat #1: with Bill from Nairobi

Chrysalis by Anna Metcalfe

Chat #2: with Emily of The Book Cougars from Connecticut

The Memory of Animals by Claire Fuller

Unsettled Ground by Claire Fuller

Chat #3: with Lara from Newfoundland

This Is How We Love by Lisa Moore

February by Lisa Moore

Flannery by Lisa Moore

Chat #4: with Marina from Cyprus

O, the Brave Music by Dorothy Evelyn Smith

Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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I am not sure what to make of this book. The main character is a damaged woman, emerging again in a new form, physically and mentally. She transforms into someone with total control over her body, in motion, strength & stillness.
Three people close to her tell about her, but just like them, we never really get to know her. This sounds interesting but I am unsure what the author meant by writing this book or what I am supposed to take away from it.

Librarybelle That‘s a very unique cover 13mo
Cinfhen Cool photo but I think I‘ll pass on this book 🤪 13mo
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Megabooks I feel that way about some books. I loved this though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it would have made for interesting discussions at CL imo. 13mo
squirrelbrain Yes, I wasn‘t sure what to make of it either. But I agree with @Megabooks - it would have made a great CL book, and I‘m sure the discussions would have enlightened me somewhat! 13mo
Deblovestoread On my shelf but not rushing to read it. 13mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Like @squirrelbrain I agree that it would be a perfect CL read. Our discussion would definitely have added to the experience! And Helen and I are a bit of the odd ones out because all reviews on Litsy were raving! Yet I wouldn‘t rush @Cinfhen @Deblovestoread 😀 13mo
BarbaraBB @Librarybelle It‘s the UK edition I think 13mo
squirrelbrain I enjoyed it more than you Barbara, I think, but I didn‘t really understand it! 13mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Yes it was a pick for you too! 13mo
Ruthiella I didn‘t quite understand it either. At first I thought it was science fiction (in the first section at the gym). I never got a good sense of the woman-who and why she was… 13mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella Exactly! I didn‘t understand why she became the way she did. Was she traumatized? By what? En why the need for followers when you‘re looking for stillness? 13mo
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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#WeeklyForecast 39/23

I am in the middle of the new Piñeiro and it is fantastic. Just like Elena Knows, so well written. Next will be the tagged, to get rid of some challenge prompts. The Young Man is for #TitlesAndTunes

Cinfhen All 3 look/ sound fabulous ♥️ 13mo
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen They do 😍❤️ 13mo
squirrelbrain Be interested to hear what you think of 13mo
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Will let you know! 13mo
batsy Such vivid and interesting covers! Happy to hear that the Pineiro is good. 13mo
Ruthiella I will also be curious to read what you think of 13mo
BarbaraBB @batsy It is very very good! 13mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella I am about te start it and will tag you when I‘m done! 13mo
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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Three narrators each tell their story of their life revolving around the same woman. It‘s a fascinating study of how much one person can influence someone‘s life. With each story, you get more information about her and how her life unfolded. Highly recommended.

Chelsea.Poole Glad it worked for you! Thanks for the tag 😊 14mo
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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Another brilliant cover! Readers, I loved it! But this won‘t be for everyone. A character study of a woman who endured abuse and goes to outrageous lengths to overcome the emotional trauma. Told from the perspective of 3 individuals close to her: a random guy at the gym, her mother, her former roommate. This makes for an unknowable/detached connection from the reader which I know was what the author was going for. Influencer culture plays a part.

BarbaraBB Great review. I bought this one because of @Megabooks review but still need to read it. Will bump it up my TBR 1y
Ruthiella I definitely want to read this! Like @BarbaraBB , you are making me move in to the top of the pile! (edited) 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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I enjoyed learning about the main character through the eyes of three people around her who are watching her grow and change. The story pulled me in right away. Beautiful writing, however I was left a bit unsatisfied. Not sure I really understood the message.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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It‘s incredible how a book about a nameless main character, told through three POVs of people in her orbit, can be so engaging! I agree with other reviewers - this would be a fantastic book for discussion (I‘m almost sorry it didn‘t make the cut for #CampLitsy, as it would‘ve been fun to read with others and rehash); I also agree it left me wanting more. I really, really didn‘t like the nameless woman who is the focus here. 👇🏻

CBee I felt sorry for those in her orbit, and couldn‘t figure out what exactly made her the way she was. She almost seemed to have antisocial tendencies, IMO; she never seems to feel remorse about the terrible way she treats people. In fact, she almost doesn‘t even seem to care (I‘m sure her childhood condition and isolation contributed, but still). It was baffling and I couldn‘t stop reading! (edited) 1y
batsy Great review! Sounds like my kind of strange. Adding to the TBR! 1y
CBee @batsy I think you‘d like it! I don‘t know if it‘s my usual cup of tea, but I really couldn‘t stop reading and would think about it when I wasn‘t. 1y
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JamieArc I had very similar thoughts and feelings on this one. 1y
CBee @JamieArc I agreed with your review on so many levels! Such a strange but riveting book. 1y
squirrelbrain I think this would have been fab for #camplitsy too - we‘d have had so many great discussions… the benefit of hindsight, hey?! 🤣 1y
CBee @squirrelbrain yes!! Very thought provoking and discussion worthy! 😊🙌🏻 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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I really liked this, but wish it had gone deeper in many areas. The MC is observed by 3 people as she begins to change both her body and her mind, to become the strongest she can be. This narrative device lends a distance and I never felt like I got inside the MC‘s head.

Still, it left me with many questions, and I can‘t stop thinking about it. (Maybe that is the point, questions rather than answers?)

squirrelbrain Comments for @megabooks, @monalyisha @JamieArc in spoiler ⬇️ 1y
squirrelbrain I thought your comment on Cultish really interesting Alyisha, but I thought the fact of her childhood trauma detracted from this a bit. Was she only trying to help herself or was she aiming to create a following? 1y
squirrelbrain Also, I completely agree with you all - I totally thought something was going to happen to Susie. It seemed like she‘d been drugged by the drink he gave her. 🤷‍♀️ 1y
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squirrelbrain And finally, for now(!), not doing any social media myself (other than here of course) I didn‘t feel that the commentary on this went into enough depth, or maybe that‘s my lack of understanding of the medium? 1y
squirrelbrain Thanks for nominating for #camplitsy23 @MicheleinPhilly - I wouldn‘t have come across it otherwise. It would have made for a great discussion! 🏃‍♀️ 🤣 1y
MicheleinPhilly TOLD YA SO!!! 1y
BarbaraBB Too bad it didn‘t make it. I think I voted for it! 1y
BarbaraBB I will read your spoilers later! 1y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - I didn‘t read the others‘ spoilers until after I‘d finished. I resisted, for once! 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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I did so well on the #MagnificantMay readathon!
✅Finish Every Soul a Star
✅Finish Land of Spices
✅Read/finish Vladimir
❌Make progress in Demon Copperhead
Instead of DC, I read Chrysalis.
Thanks for hosting @Andrew65 🎉

actualdisneyprincess Demon Copperhead was a slog for me; I felt like it could have been cut down by at least 150 pages (maybe 250) and still made its point. 😬 1y
JamieArc @actualdisneyprincess I‘ve been trying to read it for months! I like it enough while I‘m reading, but have a hard time wanting to pick it back up. 1y
Andrew65 Brilliant, thanks for playing along 👏👏👏🙌🍾🥂🥳 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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If you don‘t have loads of social media followers, do you even exist? Chrysalis follows a woman from being a child with tremors to an abused woman to an influencer who promotes cutting ties from family and seeking isolation. It‘s fitting that this story is told from the POVs of three people who knew here, keeping us at constant distance from the MC. She remained an enigma and I found it quite frustrating to not understand her.

JamieArc The concept of transformation is ever-present, if not a bit over-done. I did a lot of thinking about “the medium is the message.” How we seek certain things in life but our attachment to social media undermines those values. I was particularly struck by a scene in which the MC shares a video of her self being perfectly still, yet the video is done at a fast speed. Promoting stillness through a video that is sped up; ⬇️ 1y
JamieArc Promoting isolating and cutting ties while being an influencer of a large community… it all made me think what a harmful mindf*ck social media is. I also couldn‘t understand what hold the MC had over each of the three POVs; why they allowed her to dictate their lives and emotions so much. 1y
JamieArc Despite the MC being a pretty maddening character for me, this book gave me a lot to think about, and I kept thinking about it when I wasn‘t reading, and will keep thinking about it for a while. I do wish this were a #CampLitsy pick for the discussion! 1y
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JamieArc @monalyisha @Megabooks For you below ⬇️ 1y
JamieArc We‘re you on the edge of your seat thinking something was going to happen to Susie too??? I thought she must have been drugged and was going to be locked away. 1y
sarahbarnes This one sounds so intriguing! 1y
Cinfhen Fantastic review! This does seem like a perfect discussion book 1y
Cathythoughts Great review and picture 👍🏻👍🏻♥️♥️ 1y
squirrelbrain It sounds like this would have been great for #camplitsy. 1y
monalyisha @JamieArc Oh, when she goes to get the MC‘s stuff back from her ex? Yes. Although, I honestly read that part pretty quickly so I wasn‘t worried for too long. 🙈 I think it felt almost just as sinister for her to be momentarily charmed by his apparent normalcy, instead. That gaslighting! 1y
Megabooks I felt the same way @JamieArc . He made me really nervous but so did the MC. I liked a lot of the points @monalyisha made about her as a cult leader. I like the distance the author created by telling the story from those three characters perspectives in that order. I liked seeing a bit of who the MC would become after her transformation before hearing about her childhood. But I really dig nonlinear storytelling and multiple perspectives anyway! 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen it definitely would‘ve been a good one to discuss! 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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I really ought to stop looking on #netgalley…! Just had the following 3 approved today and already I‘m struggling to stay ahead of pub dates. 😬

Actually, Chrysalis is a total #blameitonmegabooks! I may try to read next week, Meg.

Roman Stories jumped out at me from the #netgalley front page, due to the author, and luckily it‘s not out until October so I have plenty of time.

And I can‘t even remember where I heard about My Husband! 🤣

AmyG Ha! Blameitonmegabooks 1y
BarbaraBB Haha I have so many #blameitonmegabooks 💕 @Megabooks 1y
Chelsea.Poole I have mannyyyyy of those too @BarbaraBB @Megabooks 1y
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jlhammar I‘m excited for the new Lahiri! 1y
JamieArc Interesting cover to Chrysalis! I finished it last night and am hoping to post my review today (in short, it‘s definitely a recommend!) 1y
squirrelbrain I look forward to reading your review! @JamieArc 1y
Cathythoughts Chrysalis sounds good ! Look forward to your review 👍🏻❤️ 1y
batsy My Husband looks intriguing, so that seems like reason enough 😁 An interesting array of books! 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole you all influence me a lot too! Litsy has expanded my read a million fold over the past 7 years! I hope you like Chrysalis, Helen!! 1y
Megabooks @JamieArc awesome! It‘s such an interesting one!! 1y
Megabooks Also, I didn‘t know Lahiri had a new one. Eagerly awaiting your review! 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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A young girl suffering from an undiagnosed condition that causes full body tremors grows into the type of adult who can inspire full body tremors. I felt for her at times, given the abuse that she experienced…but what we witness as readers is her transition into a cult leader. She becomes a social media sensation based on a unique blend of meditation & performance art, then encourages her followers to cut ties from family, friends & community.👇🏻

monalyisha 1/4: I found the story engaging. Every time I put it down, I was eager to return to it…which is saying something because I‘m not typically one for unlikeable characters (and, with the exception of Bella, there are disturbing and desperate personalities here in spades). I think it was missing something, though. (edited) 1y
monalyisha 2/4: When I read Amanda Montell‘s Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism, what I found most interesting was her investigation into *why* people join cultish groups. She explains that it‘s not necessarily trauma, gullibility, or foolishness that makes people vulnerable; oftentimes, it‘s optimism, big dreams, & the desire for radical change. (edited) 1y
monalyisha 3/4: I think Chrysalis would have been enriched if we‘d heard more from a character like this - & it would have been just as (if not more!) disturbing to see someone well-adjusted become enthralled. We only encounter those who knew her through different stages of her metamorphosis - not anyone who begins following her after (& only through a screen).

I also think it‘s interesting that we never hear directly from the nameless woman at its center.
(edited) 1y
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monalyisha 4/4: The blurb for this novel claims that it “asks if it is possible for a woman to have agency over her own body while remaining a part of society, and then gives its own explosive answer” — but I don‘t think that‘s what it‘s about. It *is* about solitude, isolation, & community - & the role that technology plays in it all. It‘s about desperation, longing, mental health, & the profound failure of modern medicine (& really, all of our systems). (edited) 1y
monalyisha This was a #CampLitsy longlist title. @Megabooks I‘m done reading if you want to chat! 1y
Deblovestoread Great review! I picked this up Saturday and hope to get to it soon. 1y
Megabooks Chef‘s kiss on the insights here!! I have to run out of town for the afternoon, but I‘ll reply when I get back this evening!! 1y
monalyisha @Megabooks Looking forward to it! Hope you enjoy your day. 1y
BarbaraBB Such a thoughtful review. I can‘t wait to read it too. 1y
JamieArc I‘m about halfway through Bella‘s part! And thinking a lot about it too when I‘m not reading it. 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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We moved I to our house a year ago, and despite having a gorgeous library just down the street, I‘ve been using my old library system. But today, I checked out my first book from my new library! A total #BlameItOnLitsy choice.

Ruthiella You can never have too many library cards! 😃 1y
BarbaraBB I am so curious about this one! 1y
Larkken @Ruthiella having multiple library cards is bliss - esp if one doesn‘t have hoopla! (I miss hoopla) 1y
monalyisha Applauding your library adventures! 1y
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Chrysalis | Anna Metcalfe
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#CampLitsy23 longlist gem!! Thank to the Litten who nominated. 🤩 Now, please someone else read this because there is so much to discuss!!

Elliott, a misfit loner at the gym, notices a new woman. She seems self-possessed and strong in a way that is intriguing. He continues to get to know her as she transforms. Through him, her mother, and her friend, you get to know different facets of this enigmatic woman.

squirrelbrain I saw a really positive review of this in the UK Times last weekend. Trots off to #netgalley to have a looky-see. 🏃‍♀️ 1y
squirrelbrain It‘s available so I‘ve requested…. 🤞 1y
BarbaraBB I think @MicheleinPhilly nominated this one. I want to read it too! 1y
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JamieArc Intrigued… 1y
JamieArc And I have it waiting for me at the library, plan to pick it up tomorrow 😁 1y
Bookwormjillk I had been avoiding this one because the cover is a little gross but you have talked me into it 1y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk it is a weird cover but a very cool premise! 1y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk and we‘ll executed too! 1y
Megabooks @JamieArc I can‘t wait to read your opinion!! 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thank you @MicheleinPhilly !! I hope you try it Barbara! 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain 🤞🏻🤞🏻 you get approved! 1y
JamieArc I saw on StoryGraph that @monalyisha is reading this right now. 1y
monalyisha I am! I‘ve only just started and we‘ve got a busy weekend ahead but I‘ll be sure to let you know once I‘ve got thoughts. 🦋 1y
Megabooks @monalyisha very excited to see what you think! Your reviews are alway insightful! 1y
MicheleinPhilly I did nominate this and I bought it last weekend! No promises when I‘ll read it though. 😂 1y
Cinfhen Im gonna look to #BorrowNotBuy because I‘ve been wayyyyyy out of control but it sounds fab!! 1y
monalyisha Thanks for the compliment, @Megabooks! I don't know what this says about me but I actually love the cover... 1y
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