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Nowhere Man
Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
Spoken about only in whispers, it is said that when the Nowhere Man is reached by the truly desperate, he can and will do anything to save them. Evan Smoak is the Nowhere Man. Taken from a group home at twelve, Evan was raised and trained as part of the Orphan program, an off-the-books operation designed to create deniable intelligence assets i.e. assassins. Evan was Orphan X. He broke with the program, using everything he learned to disappear and reinvent himself as the Nowhere Man. But the new head of the Orphan program hasn t forgotten about him and is using all of his assets including the remaining Orphans to track down and eliminate Smoak.But this time, the attack comes from a different angle and Evan is caught unaware. Captured, drugged, and spirited off to a remote location, heavily guarded from all approaches. They think they have him trapped and helpless in a virtual cage but they don t know who they re dealing with that they ve trapped themselves inside that cage with one of the deadliest and most resourceful Orphans. Continuing his electrifying series featuring Evan Smoak, Gregg Hurwitz delivers a blistering, compelling new novel in the series launched with the breakout national bestseller, "Orphan X.""
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Evan Smoak answers a person‘s frantic call for help. Soon after saving that person, Evan is captured, drugged, and whisked away. He awakens, realizing he is someone‘s prisoner, but he has no idea who has kidnapped him, what they want from him, or where he is. Evan expends all of his energy and skill in an effort to escape his confinement. Meanwhile, he receives another call for help. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-nowhere-man

AnnCrystal 💕🌻💝. 1mo
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I loved that Evan was more fleshed out and he was very likable. Villain was easy to hate, and I love to hate them 😂

This was slower than the first book, Evan was in a tough situation and it felt so depressive. I still enjoyed, even though I would have loved to have some hope. After all he went through the ending felt a bit unsatisfying.

This was somehow really enjoyable/fun to read, and something I really needed at this moment.


TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖 1mo
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: John Wick

Klou Love this cover. 2y
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The second book in the Orphan X series really includes some big surprises! It‘s a fast listen and one that I enjoyed from its action-filled start to finish! The narrator does a great job and that cliffhanger of an ending has me thrilled the third book is also available through #KindleUnlimited (though a bit disappointed that the audio isn‘t included the way it was for the first two books). I love a good series and this is definitely one of those!

TrishB I love this series ♥️ 2y
TorieStorieS @TrishB Me too!! I actually started it out of order (with DARK HORSE) and now I‘m going back and catching up! It‘s really fun!! 2y
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This series is 🔥 🔥 🔥!!! So good. I nearly read this one in a single sitting!

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Book 43 of 2020❤️

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#roadtonowhere #wanderingjune
Evan is a great character 😁

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🚙 Road trip to Vancouver and we stopped by Revelstoke BC to enjoy this view - foggy morning 🏞

🚙 Aaron Kwok (HK singer and actor) at Kuala Lumpur. It was decades ago!

🚙 My somewhat OCD counts? I have an unhealthy obsession with cleaning which drives my family crazy!

🚙 None

🚙 Tagged!

Thanks for the #HumpDayPost @MinDea ! 😊

tonyahoswalt Beautiful picture! 6y
CouronneDhiver Revelstoke is cool. Love it! 6y
thereadingowlvina @tonyahoswalt Thank you! 😁 6y
thereadingowlvina @CouronneDhiver Yes, it is so beautiful! 🤗 6y
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I spent much of today putting up this book box for a friend in #Ipswich #Suffolk. Naturally I filled it with #bookcrossing registered books.

britt_brooke Love it! 6y
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On to book two!

AmCheri Much more Evan-focused but still plenty of ass kicking. 6y
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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Although I don‘t have a 45 Rpm record of #Yesterday, I couldn‘t let the last days of #HeyJune go by. Yes, I still have a lot of my old 45s and albums. I guess I can‘t forget yesterday. ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for a great trip down my Beatles Memory Lane!

Cinfhen Oh WoW 🤩🤩🤩amazing 💕🙌🏻 6y
writerlibrarian Envy here. Dark green. 😁 6y
GypsyKat That‘s so awesome! ❤️ 6y
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peacegypsy Love, love, love. 6y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 6y
MaureenMc 👍 6y
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Fantastic! On to #3 ❤️

TrishB Three is another good one 👍🏻 I‘m just starting one of his stand alones - they are an addictive read! 7y
DeborahSmall @TrishB so addictive! I‘ve read a few of his stand alones, such a great thriller author. Thanks for recommending ❤️ 7y
minkyb Addictive is definitely the right word! 7y
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Waiting on my pastrami sandwich ❤️

Reecaspieces Love greg Hurwitz 7y
TrishB These are great aren‘t they 😁 7y
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My final monthly summary of 2017. Other than a whopping three bails, I had a really good month, more than 4000 pages and 50+ hours - reread some of my favorites (Red Rising & A Christmas Carol) and read some great new books as well. Looking forward to reading some more great reads in 2018 (January‘s most anticipated to come soon).

Andrew65 A great month, especially given the hiccup. 😊👍 7y
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Huge thanks to @TrishB for introducing me to Evan Smoak. The Nowhere Man is the sequel to Orphan X and I think it‘s even better than its predecessor. This is a taut, violent, edge-of-your-seat thriller with a villain worthy of the best James Bond film and an ending that will leave you screaming for the (not yet available) next book. Gregg Hurwitz has graduated to the rank of auto-buy author. Run, don‘t walk, to read this series! #AllTheStars

mjdowens WOW! Just read the sample for Orphan X. I️ would prefer the actual book, but I️ want to read this one right away so I️ just got the ebook. Any story that sucks me in that quick is a winner to me. Thanks for sharing👍 7y
LiteraryinPA Great review! 7y
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Rene really is a Bond villain!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

TrishB 😂😂👍🏻 7y
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Rene makes me think of the villain in the Bond film, Skyfall - trying so desperately to seem composed, cultured, and in control, but in reality, he‘s bat-crap crazy. I half expect him to remove some prosthetic causing his face to melt, or something equally disturbing.

TrishB Lol 😂 a great analogy! 7y
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Google translate is a wonderful thing. 😉

LibrarianJen Telling and death? Without seeing the whole passage it‘s hard to grasp the concept. 7y
DGRachel @LibrarianJen The quote is “tell him, Nando.” Perhaps not critical in context, but I appreciate being able to translate little phrases like this that pop up. I think it makes for a richer reading experience. 7y
Andrew65 I also use this facility when reading. 😊 7y
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Human trafficking. 😭

Andrew65 We should not be talking about this still in the 21st Century! 7y
DGRachel @Andrew65 I couldn‘t agree more. Sadly, it seems like the monsters just get sneakier. 💔 7y
Andrew65 @DGRachel The book I‘ve just finished had cutting (FGM) referred to in it, something else we shouldn‘t be talking about in the 21st Century! 7y
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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Just reading this (which I won from a giveaway from the lovely @TrishB ), while the dog balances a pig on her head. It's been there several minutes. She hasn't noticed. She's watching a squirrel. Excellent posture. #dogsoflitsy

callielafleur Aww pupper 🐶 7y
AmyG Hahahaha that is SO funny. (edited) 7y
DGRachel Adorable! 7y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Hahahaha!!! At first I had no idea what the image was...haven‘t had coffee yet! 7y
TrishB Lol 👍🏻 gorgeous ❤️ 7y
TricksyTails 😂😍🐶 I didn't think it possible to love her more! I can't get enough of Daisy!! ♥️♥️♥️ What a character. I bet she has you laughing a lot. 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
Ms_T She knows how to capture a Litsy audience 😂 7y
Oryx @TricksyTails she is endlessly entertaining. As I'm sure your boy is too, when he's not busy being handsome. 7y
Oryx @Ms_T Definitely! 7y
TricksyTails Awww! 🐶😘♥️ 7y
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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@Oryx I have your book with me if we manage to meet tonight! I am getting there about 5pm! I have red DM shoes on, black coat and short black/purple hair 😀😀 hopefully that's good enough!!

Oryx I'll keep an eye out! Really looking forward to it. Thanks again for letting me know about the event! 7y
TrishB @Oryx hopefully see you later 😀 7y
GatheringBooks i love the look of a brand new book. i can almost smell it! have fun with your meet-up! :) 7y
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A big happy birthday to @TrishB What a lovely, thoughtful way to celebrate! The last Gregg Hurwitz book I read was while I was sat next to my son‘s hospital bed in Alder Hey after surgery on his legs, so it‘s been a while (4 years!). #50birthdaygiveaway

Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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My buddy and birthday girl is celebrating her big day in true Litsy spirit🙌🏻 with a #50thbirthdaygiveaway 💝I'd love a chance to read Nowhere Man, although I still have Orphan X sitting on my shelf @TrishB 😉They could keep each other company!!! Thanks for #PayingItForward and again happiest wishes 😘

Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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A BIG Happy Birthday to @TrishB today!!!! 🎉🍾🎊🎂🥂I definitely want to join in the fun and I haven‘t read any of these but I do own the Power. So I‘d love One of Us is Lying and The Nowhere Man. Thank you for doing this #50thbirthdaygiveaway

Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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Happy 50th birthday @TrishB Thanks for running a giveaway. I haven't read nowhere man, so that would be my pick. Enjoy the rest of your day! #50thbirthdaygiveaway

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This was an unexpected second instalment for Orphan X. You expect a story where The Nowhere Man is saving people but instead you have a story where he needs to save himself. What sometimes feels like a slow burn is actually a great ploy to help you appreciate the helplessness Evan finds himself in. With twisted psychpathic characters pulling the strings the story unfolds, with a few predictable bits, this is a good thriller.

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Happy Book Lovers Day 😍💖📚

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I've had the most beautiful view this weekend as I've been away 😍☁️ #lake #prosecco #books #love #litsynewbie #followme

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And the sequel has been delivered! 😍 SO EXCITED FOR THIS! I love this cover! He shines a charcoal grey/silvery colour 😭 #gregghurwitz #thenowhereman #orphanx #teaandbooks #booklover #litsynewbie #disney


Just as exciting as the first book. Smoak is given a more human depiction this time as we see him battle guilt, love and loss throughout. Of course there's just as much action as the first one but who doesn't love a tough guy with a heart!

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Excited to start reading the sequel to Orphan X! I hope it's as good as the first. #readingwiththesoundofrainoutside

BookishMarginalia Welcome to Litsy! 7y
Nikki15 Thanks I'm super excited! 7y
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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"Animal from the Muppets is my spirit animal." A rare bit of humor in this fast-paced thriller. Scott Brick rocks the narration. Highly recommended.

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The sequel to Orphan X is every bit as exciting as the first book. Evan Smoak is the former operative now working freelance, and he finds himself taken hostage and becoming the one who need help. The story follows him as he tries to free himself and save two people who need him.
It's wide open for a follow up. I hope it comes soon.

TrishB I enjoyed this too 😀 8y
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Just what I needed, full on thriller 😀 many twists and turns in this one especially right at the end! It still reads like a series of 24 to me - the good ones!

Reecaspieces Great book!! 8y
minkyb Very accurate description. Loved it! 8y
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Long, hard week in work!! Just fancied a no-nonsense, page-turning thriller 😀

dylanisreading My first thought upon seeing this was that the guy isn't wearing pants. 😂 8y
TrishB @Bianca I can't unsee that now 😋 8y
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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A couple of years ago, I met Gregg Hurwitz at Murder & Mayhem in Muskego - a one day conference featuring lots of mystery author. I was quite surprised to find mention of Muskego and Jon Jordan (Crimespree Magazine) in the book! It's also a great book - I'm liking Evan Smoak.

Nowhere Man | Gregg Hurwitz
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One of the best thriller writers out there - can't wait to start.

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