Tonight‘s poem of months to come. I hope January does “bring(s) snow”! ❄️❄️❄️
Tonight‘s poem of months to come. I hope January does “bring(s) snow”! ❄️❄️❄️
Last‘s night‘s poem. A fresh read this morning before I am off to work.
“ Take heart with the day and begin again.”
Daffodils and spring.Daffodils have bloomed in my yard this weekend. Seniors in my HS are studying this lovely poem right now- chosen for today‘s date in the tagged book.
In the next week or so, we have 2 days with temps below mid 30s, but most days we have 40s, 50s, temps. A thaw truly is in sight.
In memory of Martin Luther King who still was “climbin‘” decades after Langston wrote this poem.
#playfulpoetry #apoemforeverynightoftheyear
A little fun read before bed.
#poetry #apoemforeverynightoftheyear
I learned to savor and appreciate this poem when co-teaching English with a now retired, incredible teacher, published author, and poet in her own right.
Tonight‘s poem.
My daughter and I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of reading a poem together every night at bedtime. This is a lovely selection of poems with lots of variety in terms of style, form & subject matter, some modern, some old, some well-known & some a new discovery. It really is a great introduction to poetry & we have bought the companion volume because we don't want to lose this part of our day! Recommended for children & adults alike!
1 January: New Every Morning by Susan Coolidge
Every day is a fresh beginning,
Listen my soul to the glad refrain.
And, spite of old sorrows
And older sinnng,
Troubles forecasted
And possible pain,
Take heart with a day and begin again.
Happy New Year‘s night Littens!
Reading poem # 1 tomorrow evening, January 1. I hope to be more diligent in reading a poem a night in 2022.🎉🎉
#poetry #moonlight
31 January * In the Quiet Night
The floor before my bed is bright:
Moonlight – like hoarfrost - in my room.
I lift my head and watch the moon.
I drop my head and think of home.
Goodnight Littens. Sleep well.
This book... not only is it beautiful, but the poem for 4th November, the anniversary of the death of Wilfred Owen, is Dulce Et Decorum Est. Such a powerful poem....
Every year both of my children get a book that coincides with their birthday. This is Florence‘s book for 2018. I love the idea of reading a poem every night before bed. I think the pages could have been a better quality and would have loved more illustrations but the small blurbs about each poem are excellent.
These two are projects that will keep me going, one for months, the other for the whole year. Anyone else got any longer term projects going?
Loved this beautiful book!
Takes you on a journey through history, seasons, tells of festivals and traditions from different countries, cultures, and religions. Even poems including historical events. Each poem includes an introductory paragraph as well.
Some of the poets featured are Shakespeare, Angelou, Carroll, Yeats, A.A. Milne, Carol Anne Duffy and many more.
I didnt love every poem but most I did. Great way to add poetry to your day.
I'm excited to catch up on the past two months worth of poems and then add the nightly routine of reading a poem ❤
I've been so excited about this book arriving!
#bookishresolutions I have a few for the coming year. Mainly, I want to read more poetry and have this book that has a poem for each day of the year. Also, I have a lot of unread books on my shelf and on my Kindle, so I want to put more effort into reading those, so I'll limit book buys and the number I check out from the library. Finally, I'm excited to start my new reading log for 2017. #readjanuary
My best boy received this for Christmas, and I'm going to do my best to read a poem to him and his big sister every night of 2017.
Such a beautiful poetry book and a little something for everyday! I found today's entry particularly perfect- the Hogwart's sorting song! 😊😊😊