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O vermelho e o negro
O vermelho e o negro | , Stendhal
Entre todos os romances produzidos na histria da literatura mundial, O vermelho e o negro o mais clssico, vasto, clebre, radical e brilhante. A saga romntica de Julien Sorel e suas "eternas e definitivas" amadas Sra. de Rnal e Mathilde de La Mole um livro marco dentro da arte de escrever e do romance, alm de retratar como ningum as complexas relaes sociais na Frana do perodo da Restaurao napolenica. Inspirado em fatos reais (um escndalo entre famlias de destaque da burguesia francesa), O vermelho e o negro rompe com a tradio do romantismo, introduzindo o realismo no romance francs. Henri Beyle, dito Stendhal, nasceu em Grenoble, na Frana, em 1783 e morreu em Paris em 1842. Brilhante, culto, foi figura de destaque no mundo intelectual de sua poca. Lutou na Itlia e permaneceu no exrcito at 1802. Sua experincia italiana rendeu-lhe muitas obras, entre elas o famoso relato Promenade dans Rome. Escreveu vrios ensaios sobre arte e uma Histria da pintura. Como romancista, suas obras mais importantes so este O vermelho e o negro e A cartuxa de Parma.
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I had never read this classic before and was interested to see what this protagonist Julien Sorel designed by Stendhal, a visionary, ground-breaking author and creator of the psychological novel 200 years ago and who inspired several other novels over these last two centuries, was all about.

Wikipedia says "rouge et noir" was also a then-popular card game, an allusion to chance and luck, which determined Julien's fate.

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It was fun to talk about mimetic rivalry on our latest episode. The idea that people don't really desire what they think they desire, but rather what they see others (whom they admire/envy) desiring. It's a fascinating concept and the key to understanding this novel.


NikkiM5 Intriguing! Looking forward to listening 👍🏾 3y
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We did it! The Red and the Black episode is up and out! It's the longest episode we've recorded thus far and there's a lot to unpack. I think we do a serviceable job but I'll let you be the judge of that. Enjoy!


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Really pulling out all the stops for our Red and the Black episode. Lot going on in that book. Gonna be a long episode. But good too! Don't worry

bibliothecarivs It's interesting how classic art is used and reused for book covers. That self-portrait of Jacques-Louis David will always take me back to the Penguin Classics edition of The Count of Monte Cristo that I read nearly 20 years ago. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/142047897117-0-1/s-l1000.jpg 3y
Therewillbebooks @bibliothecarivs Ha! Yeah that's true. Probably something to do with being in the public domain. If paintings can be in the public domain 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚👏🏻 3y
Eggs 🖤❤️🖤 3y
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Day 8 of #haunted and my #blackandorange is this cozy crocheted Afghan, perfect for cozy fall book dates 🍁 @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs So cozy and colorful! 3y
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Le Rouge et le Noir | Stendhal Stendhal
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2⭐️ I had a hard time reading this novel. Yes, I noted the concept of hypocrisy in the society, and the conflicts between thinking and feeling; I just wish that it was not in the form of exasperating cheesy romance. I lost my patience as I encountered too many of “his/her eyes filled with tears”, or “flung him/herself to her/his arms.” Seriously, did people cry a lot in the 19th century?!!!

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I had a traumatic experience when I read Madame Bovary. Everyone cried in that novel. Emma Bovary cried, her lover cried, her husband cried. It was such a frustrating read! And now, I‘m experiencing it all over again with the tagged book. Tears! Tremble! 🙄 I didn‘t expect this from such famous work of Stendhal; hopefully things will depart from this cheesy romance part and get more exciting

vivastory 😂 I wish you luck! 4y
Tanisha_A 😂 4y
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The main character of the novel, Julien Sorel — he memorized the New Testament in Latin!!! 🤯 May he please be brought to life to teach me Latin? ☺️

Gissy 😄 4y
KarouBlue Love this post! ❤️ 🙃 4y
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Finally I get to read this

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#BookReport #DaiseysReadingWeek
📚 It‘s been another busy week and although I‘ve made some reading time, I only read sections of each print book.
🎧 Finished two audiobooks

📚 6 currently in progress, including for readalongs and others

📚 I just plan to continue the books in progress and hopefully finish something. I‘ve got a few other possibilities lined up for if or when I do.

YaYa_Reads 🦸🏻‍♀️ 5y
CafeMom Dry White Season is on my TBR list this year. Will see if it gets picked. 5y
Daisey @CafeMom It‘s my TBR Takedown book for February. Hoping I can fit it in soon. 5y
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Balthazar photo bombed my picture, but he says it‘s ok because he‘s got black fur. #blackinthetitle #gratefulreads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Leftcoastzen 😂👍lovely name for a kitty! 5y
Caroline2 😆 5y
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Soubhiville Pet photobombs are the best. Plus, obviously you must have put it there for him to see/smell/sit on! 💜 5y
Lcsmcat @Leftcoastzen Thanks! It seems to suit him. 5y
Lcsmcat @Soubhiville He‘s not sure how he feels about Stendhal. There‘s not much petting, but there is fish, so it‘s a struggle to decide what its value is. 😸 5y
Soubhiville 😂🤣😂🐟 5y
BookNAround I agree with him. 😻 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😹 5y
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Red and the Black: A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century (Revised) | Stendhal, Stendahl, Catherine Stendhal Slater
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#LiteraryLuck - Spell March With Book Titles

The only one on my tbr is the tagged one.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Circe 🖤🧡 6y
BillBlume March Squared! Well played. 6y
vkois88 Circle is so beautiful 😍😍😍 it's on my TBR. Just need to pick up a copy at some point 6y
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My two copies, one in English which I have read, and one in French, which I resolve to get off my TBR. Some day. #red #readingresolutions @Jess7

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"Le bonheur, pour ces séminaristes, comme pour les héros des romans de Voltaire, consiste surtout à bien dîner."

Stendhal indulging in a little snark.

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I need to pick my #tbr for my #24in48!! I really want to make it to 24 hours this time!!

Reecaspieces Me too...life may get in the way...sigh 7y
britt_brooke Good luck!! 7y
elyseh Good luck! It's my first one I'm pretty excited! 7y
saresmoore Best of luck! I‘m aiming for it, too! 7y
Suet624 Have fun!!! 7y
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#black #rocktober Wanted to post black in the title too!

BarbaraBB You‘ve got a lot of them! 🙌 7y
batsy Have you read the Stendhal and West? They sound wonderful. You have a fascinating collection of books 7y
Leftcoastzen @batsy I started Stendhal once , have to try again. Just got distracted with something else. The West , the thrill of the hunt , lol, took me forever to find it and haven‘t read it yet.TBR is like Mount Everest! 7y
batsy I understand! If I find a copy of the West (and I do want it!) maybe we can read it together to motivate us to tackle Mount TBR 😀 7y
Leftcoastzen @batsy Yep ,maybe we should buddy read it. Let me know if you find it . 7y
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looking for some fresh air in this hot august, I'm reading outside 🌳🌿🌞📖
the only downside: I'm surrounded by mosquitos!!

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Soo, I really didn't connect with Julien, and I really didn't feel his contradictions were part a complex soul or character, but rather just a quite annoying trait. For most of the novel I couldn't see the coherence between the description of Julien by the narrator and his thoughts and actions but, to be fair, in the last ~100 pages we see a tremendous evolution and refinement of Julien that makes for all prior frustration. I would rate tR&tB 7/10

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"Dentro de quince años la señora De Renal adorará a mi hijo, y tú le habrás olvidado."

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Julien Sorel was insecure, but also one could say to him - #youresovain. #junetunz @Cinfhen

Cinfhen That cover is intense 😮 7y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Norton Critical Edition--yay!! 7y
Lcsmcat @CindyMyLifeIsLit Ihave to confess I've only read that one, but I hope to tackle it in French one of these days. 7y
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A ler para o Clube dos Clássicos Vivos!!!

victor.digemeos Ótima leitura! Super recomendo :D 6y
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This bookmark makes every read epic 🐉🐉 I'm really enjoying the Red and the Black, though I'm not sure what to make of Sorel...

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Second chance to this one! I love the quote introducing the first part of the book: "the truth, the bitter truth" from Dalton. #theRedandtheBlack #Stendhal #adulterousEurope

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#feistyfeb day 24 @RealLifeReading
I searched on my french literature shelf for today's pick: #bildungsroman.
I've read both of them in highschool, for my french class, but I need to re-read The red and the Black 📚📚

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I'm currently reading Stendhal in Spanish and I find it quite disappointing :/ Might be the translatin though...

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Molto intrigante la prima parte, che permette di capire le dinamiche interiori del protagonista, Julien Sorel. Molto scorrevole, piacevole agli occhi e alla mente. Ho apprezzato un po' meno la seconda, incentrata invece sulla parte politica e sociale del secolo (come dopotutto era già anticipato nel sottotitolo del libro). Troppo prolisso nelle prime pagine della seconda parte e troppo dinamico - e a tratti confusionale - verso la fine.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀 8y
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A good book is an event in my life.

tea_stankovic I love this book and this quote :) 8y
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GinaAnderson Another one in my stack I'm dying to get to. 8y
Hobbinol I read this book such a very long time ago, but I remember thinking how strange it was that the main characters were always going up and down ladders! 🙄 8y
tea_stankovic @GinaAnderson Great one! @Hobbinol Yup, his love life was also going up and down all the time 8y
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Comes in at 532 pages for the #2016ReadHarderChallenge! I've read a lot of classic British literature but not much French. This was racy, funny, with more than a touch of melodrama, but also educational on the history and culture of France at the time.

SusanInTiburon Great book, great photo! 8y
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One of the best things about reading the right book at the right time is how the book becomes intertwined with that time in life.

tea_stankovic I love this quote! 😊 8y
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Paris reading. 🇫🇷📕