Latest book haul! 😯 Seriously excited to read all of these! #BookBuyingBanBeDamned!
Latest book haul! 😯 Seriously excited to read all of these! #BookBuyingBanBeDamned!
Eleanor, sweet Eleanor! I had to stay up past my bedtime to finish this, so I actually finished this book in a day. I can‘t remember when‘s the last time I did that! And the book was amazing, too! I couldn‘t stop myself cheering for Eleanor as she made me smile, sigh, laugh and feel sad.
Again, I‘m sad this is a library book, because I don‘t want to give it back!
I‘m tired, but #myhappiness is rising, because I‘m going to Iceland very, very soon. We are waiting to board at the moment, and then it is only a 3 hour flight. I can‘t wait to start this book set in Iceland, but I‘m not sure I can stay awake long enough to begin reading it on the flight 😅
Also, any tips for a book lover in Iceland? Where are the good bookstores at?? #bookbuyingbanbedamned