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😳 I‘ve been bailing left & right on audiobooks, including the tagged novel, The Wren the Wren, two Toibin novels, among others.

I‘m in an audio drought. 🏜️🌵

Leftcoastzen It could be just me but honestly, I find it hard to listen to literary fiction in audio format. A good mystery, thriller, or compelling non fiction works for me. 4mo
TheBookHippie I cannot do audio at all so … 🤣😵‍💫😅 4mo
Tamra @Leftcoastzen I think that is true - I‘ve noticed the same. Requires more concentration. 4mo
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Tamra @TheBookHippie gotta be the right book! 😉 4mo
BarbaraBB I bailed on The Wren in print too and I didn‘t like your tagged book either. So maybe it‘s not you but the books 😀 4mo
Cuilin I also bailed on the Wren, and I usually love her writing. 4mo
squirrelbrain I really disliked the tagged, and can‘t imagine listening to it, so I don‘t think it‘s you. 4mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB @Cuilin @squirrelbrain glad I‘m not alone! 😅 4mo
Tamra @Cuilin I think I need to try another. 4mo
Cuilin @Tamra wonderful but incredibly sad story of hers that I recommend is 4mo
Tamra @Cuilin thank you for the recommendation! Stacking 4mo
Ruthiella I‘m with @Leftcoastzen . I prefer audio books with a strong plot. I also prefer series via audio because you have a built in familiarity with it. 4mo
jlhammar I hate when that happens! I also bailed on The Wren, The Wren audiobook. Hope you land on a good one soon 🎧 4mo
Tamra @Ruthiella strong plot definitely makes an audio easier to follow. 👍🏾 (edited) 4mo
Tamra @jlhammar 🤞🏾 Just a matter of time. But it‘s funny how dry spells run in streaks. 4mo
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On the #Booker2023 longlist

I've been reading the longlists since 2019 and this was a really good year in that small window. I gave five stars to four different books. I really liked that there was a lot of value given to poetic prose, not purple, but poetic and rhythmic, often personal and always generating reflection. Many of the authors are also published poets, and it shows.

I finished last week. My personal rankings are in the comments

Graywacke My five-star reads
1. Study for Obedience** by Sarah Bernstein (Canada)
2. Prophet Song** by Paul Lynch (Ireland)
3. In Ascension* by Martin Macinness (Scotland)
4. Western Lane** by Chetna Maroo (England - Kenya-born British Indian)
Graywacke Other fantastic reads - still highly recommended
5. The House of Doors* by Tan Twan Eng (Malaysia)
6. All the Little Bird-Hearts* by Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow (England)
7. How to Build a Boat** by Elaine Feeney (Ireland)
8. Pearl** by Siân Hughes (Wales)
Graywacke Great reads - still recommended
9. This Other Eden** by Paul Harding (USA)
10. A Spell of Good Things by Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀ (Nigeria)
11. Old God's Time* by Sebastian Barry (Ireland)

Good, but mixed - YMMV
12. The Bee Sting by Paul Murray (Ireland)
13. If I Survive You by Jonathan Escoffery (USA - Jamaican descent)
(edited) 4mo
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Graywacke * means I really liked the prose style and it has a really nice rhythm to it
** means I thought the prose was poetic in spirit
BarbaraBB Wow thank you for sharing this. You had a great reading experience, so many you thought fantastic! 4mo
TrishB Thanks 👍🏻 I still have a few of these on the pile to get to. 4mo
Graywacke @BarbaraBB 11 of 13 is pretty good. And the other two made the short list and have plenty of fans. Yeah, it was a fun year. 🙂 4mo
Graywacke @TrishB thank you. Do you have any favorites? 4mo
TrishB I‘ve read 2, 5, 6, 11 & 12 so far. I enjoyed them all except Bee Sting which I found numbingly boring! I have 3, 4 & 7 still on the pile to get to. 4mo
Graywacke @TrishB well, i loved those three you have waiting. How to Build a Boat is actually uplifting. 🙂 The other two, Western Lane and In Ascension, give them time for narrative flow to kick in. 4mo
rockpools I really like your approach to this. It‘s ridiculous, but I tend to think I‘ve missed the chance, if I haven‘t read the bulk of a list before the winner is announced. Will stop being daft and actually tackle this year‘s International Booker - thank you! (edited) 4mo
Graywacke @rockpools Awesome! I‘m working on the international booker. Less enamored, unfortunately. But it calls. And nothing had been bad so far. 4mo
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I enjoyed this curiosity, found it wonderfully done, found the writing, which focuses so much on the sound, always interesting and terrific, with its own rhythm and life. And I say this even I didn't really get it. (I missed a lot, as I discovered afterwards reading online reviews) This maybe should have won the Booker (and I loved the winner, Prophet Song)

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Lindy On September 4 I‘m going to be at a week-long fibre arts retreat without power or internet. So I will see it the next week. 5mo
LiteraryHoarderPenny @Lindy oh wow okay! Have a great time!! 5mo
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She‘s like, “yeah, right” 🙄 But it‘s my next read and I‘m looking forward to it. #booker2023

RaeLovesToRead Kitty 🥰🥰🥰 6mo
Jari-chan 😻😻😻 6mo
Aimeesue What a pretty cat! 6mo
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Cathythoughts Great picture 👌🏻 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
Graywacke @RaeLovesToRead @Jari-chan @Aimeesue @Cathythoughts @dabbe I appreciate your comments. Nikki, well please forgive her neglect, she‘s a cat after all. 6mo
dabbe @Graywacke And a gorgeous one, too! 🤩🐾🤩 6mo
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I feel like there‘s a really excellent, moody, disturbing short story buried in this book. But as a novel, even a short one, it‘s a meandering mess. And yet it‘s a prize winner! Baffling. #tob24 longlist

BarbaraBB Agree!! 8mo
squirrelbrain Completely agree! 😬 8mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🖤🩶🖤 8mo
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The reminded me of 'Discomfort of evening' in its depiction of an unsettling narrator within an uncomfortable environment. It is a disconcerting read as we find ourselves possibly considering uncertain sibling abuse as well local folkloric belief in witchraft. The theme of the living with the sins of the holocaust also is implicit. A challenging read + I put it down, scratching my head but wanting to pick up again.

Tamra I‘m curious about this one. 10mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I am glad you got from it what I didn‘t. I like the comparison to Discomfort! 10mo
Anna40 Great review 10mo
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I‘m so torn on this one! I listened to the audiobook quickly; it was over before I could get my bearings. I kept thinking the setting was northern UK in 1666 (where my previous read took place!) but then the narrator would speak about Microsoft Teams! This is somewhat brilliant on the author‘s part: a timeless story, layering experiences of women over millennia of abuse and forced obedience. However, it was a confusing reading experience.

Chelsea.Poole There were definitely some things I missed here…but it felt like a grown up fairytale. Also, spoiler, was she poisoning/killing/hurting her brother? Hardcore unreliable narrator territory! 10mo
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AmyG Let me just say….this is my Aunt‘s name. Made me chuckle. 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @AmyG lol! (edited) 10mo
Hooked_on_books Curious! The hold for this one at my library is super long, but I‘m on it regardless. Not sure I want to see this make the short list, as if it doesn‘t I may skip it. But you have me intrigued. 10mo
TheKidUpstairs My least favourite of the year. I was left with an overwhelming feeling of “Why?!“ Why tell this story, in this way? Why these characters? Nothing felt in any way justified or necessary to be told. And every article or interview I read where she talks about the book, I feel totally disconnected, like I read a completely different book than the one she wrote! 10mo
BarbaraBB I can‘t remember much beyond not liking it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @TheKidUpstairs yes, solid point. There are many titles that are celebrated by prizes/lists that baffle me. If you want to make a point to your readers, do so, and don‘t be so obscure with the meaning. By no means a favorite of mine either, but I did appreciate the feeling of timelessness the author created. Also, at least it‘s short, lol! 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB probably because everything is so vague to begin with…nothing to really hang on to with this. Except for me it‘ll be the book “where the adult sister dresses her adult brother” 😬 10mo
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This year's #GillerPrize Longlist was incredibly strong, diverse, intriguing, thought-provoking, and challenging, with many beautiful, engaging stories that played with style while delivering on substance and story. I'm glad other readers are finding more in Obedience than I did.

I highly recommend checking out some of the other titles from the list, especially The Double Life of Benson Yu, All the Colour in the World, and We Meant Well.

BookNAround I haven‘t read this one but did really like We Meant Well. 10mo
TheKidUpstairs @BookNAround this was, by far, my least favourite on the list. I guess I'm missing something! 10mo
Lindy This was my favourite on the shortlist, so I‘m delighted to see Bernstein win. 10mo
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BarbaraBB So surprised by this… there were so many books on that list I‘d preferred to win 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
TheKidUpstairs @Lindy I'm glad to hear it worked for you! It seems to be one of those books you either love or hate, very little middle ground. 10mo
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB me too. Some of my favourite reads of the year came from the Giller list, so I was disappointed that my least favourite won. @squirrelbrain did you see this? What do you guys think, will she go 2 for 2 and take the Booker as well? 10mo
squirrelbrain It would be unusual for one author to win 2 prizes in a year, I think but, clearly, what do I know about book prizes?! 🤣 10mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain I agree it would be weird, but I was so surprised it won last night it just feels like anything could happen! 10mo
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