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The Martian | Weir, Andy
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Waited three days for this.

Mark Watney, #ASpacemanCameTravelling to Mars. He has #GoneAway on a research mission to Mars. Stranded on Mars he uses a #FreezeFrame camera to communicate with NASA on Earth.

#WinterWonderland @TrishB @Cinfhen

TrishB 😂👍🏻 not that we‘re obsessed with photo prompts!! Well done. 6y
Cinfhen Bravo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🏆🥇well done 6y
Tanisha_A Genius! 😎 6y
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Bklover Impressive!!👏👏👏👍 6y
Caroline2 Whey!! 👏 6y
BiblioLitten 🤩👏👏 6y
Andrew65 Loved this book! 6y
Reggie Nice multitasking!!!! 6y
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Gone, Baby, Gone | Dennis Lehane
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When a little girl goes missing, Kenzie and Gennaro are called in by the girl‘s aunt and uncle to investigate. The girl‘s mother is more interested in what cash and attention this brings her...she‘s otherwise less than concerned....My first or second Lehane novel and he does not pull his punches! Brutal but compelling. #goneaway #WinterWonderland

TrishB Not read any of this author yet. 6y
CaitlinR I enjoy Lehane. 6y
Ruthiella @TrishB I‘ve only read three from him but they were all good IMO.😀 6y
Ruthiella @CaitlinR I think he‘s a good writer! 😀 6y
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A Winter Away | Elizabeth Fair
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Young Maud has #GoneAway to the countryside to avoid her overbearing stepmother and lands a job cataloguing the library of the the crotchety Mr. Feniston. She soon finds herself embroiled with his (younger male) relations and other villagers in this 1957 comedy of domestic life.


AlaMich You have quite a collection of her books. I‘ve never heard of her, but this book sounds lovely. 6y
britt_brooke I love the term “crotchety.” 😆 6y
Ruthiella Are those Furrowed Middlebrow reprints? 😀 6y
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emilyhaldi Gosh, I've never even heard of Elizabeth Fair and here you have a fabulous collection of her books! #stacking 6y
LeahBergen @AlaMich It does sound good, doesn‘t it? I should really read it soon. 😆 6y
LeahBergen @britt_brooke I do, too (and I can get a bit crotchety myself every now and then 😉). 6y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Yes! I always love any of the “forgotten author” publishers. 😆 6y
LeahBergen @emilyhaldi I‘m hoping I enjoy these as I bought them all for a good deal without reading the author before. 😆 Well, I DID read bits of them all before purchasing so I should be safe. 🤞🏻 Have you read any Angela Thirkell? She seems to be frequently compared to her (I‘m a Thirkell fan). 6y
TrishB These look lovely 💕 6y
CarolynM I'm going to have try this one and see if it's up to the Thirkell standard😀 6y
batsy I know I said this all the time in your comments, but what a pretty cover! 😆 6y
erzascarletbookgasm What a pretty collection! Another author I don‘t know 🙈 but I‘ll be looking her up! Are these like Frances Brody type of books? 6y
saresmoore I just purchased one of hers in ebook form, and it was still the pretty cover that convinced me, though I won‘t be able to see it while I‘m reading. 🙃 6y
quietjenn I really love her books! 6y
britt_brooke @LeahBergen Yeah, me, too. 😬 6y
emilyhaldi Nope! Haven't read Thirkell but I will be looking into her too!! 6y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I like Thirkell too, so I should really check these out! 6y
rubyslippersreads Sounds like a “new” author to collect. 😊 6y
LauraBeth More than anyone else on Litsy, you‘ve introduced me to authors I‘ve never heard before ❤️ 6y
LeahBergen @LauraBeth 😆 Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 😘😘 6y
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A High Wind in Jamaica | Richard Hughes
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While traveling from Jamaica back home to England some children are unintentionally taken prisoner on a pirate ship ⚓️ Hughes takes a satirical and sometimes comedic look at childhood innocence & morality that might make you look at kids in a new light 🧸🍭 Brilliant!

Reviewsbylola I love the cover. Sounds like a weird book. 6y
LeahBergen On my shelf! 😬 6y
emilyhaldi It was a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me!! @LeahBergen it's a gem, you should move it up on your list 😉 6y
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emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola it's different for sure, but I love hughes' take on the innocence- or not so innocence- of childhood. 6y
Cinfhen So a Jamaican adventure a la Lord of the Flies ?!?! Sounds wonderful😂🤣 6y
TrishB Interesting! 6y
batsy It's on my shelf, too! (And has been for years 🙈) Love this cover. I have an older NYRB edition that I found by chance in a used store. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ll get this book just for the cover! Story sounds interesting too. 6y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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Dick Hickock and Perry Smith had #goneaway to Mexico after they brutally killed the Clutter family in 1959. Unfortunately for them though, they decided to come back to the US, where they were hung for their crimes.

I decided to reread this true crime trailblazer on audio. It was fantastic, and I was reminded of just how well Capote weaves a horrific tragedy into a compelling narrative. #winterwonderland

Samplergal One of my all time favorites. I‘ve read it at least ten times. 6y
emilyhaldi So good (edited) 6y
LeahBergen A brilliant read. 👏🏻 6y
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BarbaraBB Such a good book. 6y
Ruthiella Creepy but compelling! 6y
Cinfhen My first #TrueCrime and probably one of the greatest 6y
TrishB @Samplergal 10 times! There‘s very few books I‘ve re-read never mind 10 times! 6y
Cathythoughts I reread this one this year .... so good 👍🏻 6y
Samplergal @TrishB well I‘m 63, and I read it when it first came out. My parents never questioned ANY of my book choices. I was lucky. 6y
TrishB Mine too! I have some frightening memories 😁 6y
Reviewsbylola @samplergal that‘s how I was with Helter Skelter. And it‘s funny to say @britt_brooke because I know I just commented about how my mom wouldn‘t let me watch Dawson‘s Creek as a teenager but she had no problem with me reading shelter Skelter. On the flip side, I was not allowed to read (edited) 6y
Samplergal @TrishB 😂😂😂 6y
Samplergal The only book/tv show I couldn‘t watch was Peyton place. Lol. I was shooed out of the room, but I read the book in between my mom putting it down. I had no idea what I was reading, but I knew it was juicy. 😂 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola I‘m just seeing this, haha! I think I understand @Mdargusch ‘s priorities and if I‘d have had girls, I might be the same way. 😆 (edited) 6y
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A year to remember | Marjorie Moore
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#WinterWonderland #GoneAway

A throwback cover from the ‘60s; love the yellow!

LeahBergen What a great cover. 😍 6y
CrowCAH @LeahBergen totally groovy 😆 6y
Cinfhen I think you‘d like this cover @CarolynM 6y
TrishB Very old school cool 👍🏻 6y
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Gone for Good | Harlan Coben
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Two of my favourite thrillers that fit with the #GoneAway theme. Thoroughly recommend these books.


TrishB Good picks 👍🏻 think I‘ve read all Barclay‘s but only one so far of Coben‘s - have a few more on my kindle. 6y
Andrew65 @TrishB Harlan Coben would be one of my favourite authors, I love his books. 6y
Cinfhen I love Harlan Coben but I can‘t believe I don‘t remember this one!!!!! 6y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen It is one of my favourites by him. 6y
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#winterwonderland #goneaway
It's a while since i read this and when i saw the cover when it was nominated for the bailey's prize and it was the only one of the shortlist i could find i thought no that's not for me but i couldn't put it down and didn't stop laughing, loved it. Bernadette the eponymous mother of the narrator disappears and the hunt leads to frozen Antarctica. The moral is of course never judge a book by its cover.

saresmoore I loved this book, too! It was one of the few newly published novels I actually finished when my children girls were toddlers. 6y
Cathythoughts Nice pick 👍🏻 6y
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Love You Forever | Robert N Munsch
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I did my holiday baking today. My mom's spice bread recipe. She passed 5 years ago and it's only the 2nd holiday that I am baking something from her recipe book. I put my twist on it. Mimi loafs and mini bites with the left over batter. A bitter sweet memory since she's #goneaway. #winterwonderland
IG photos of the recipe. https://www.instagram.com/p/Brf5o9hl18D/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=11a9tn...
@TrishB @Cinfhen

TrishB Understand totally. My Mums been gone 6 years and I find this time of year has considerable bitter sweet moments. Sending hugs 💕 6y
JacqMac I lost my mom three years ago. I always use her recipe book for our yummy holiday treats. I find it comforting. It‘s like having a piece of her here. 💕 6y
Cinfhen Such a beautiful way to remember your mom 💕I‘m sure they are extra special xx 6y
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Ballet Shoes | Noel Streatfeild
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Great Uncle Matthew (aka GUM) has #goneaway, leaving his charges Pauline, Petrova, and Posy enough money to last five years. When he doesn't return and the funds run out, the Fossil girls start training in hopes of eventually earning $$ as dancers. 👩‍👧‍👧👯
Finally reading this charming classic for the first time.
#winterwonderland @trishb @Cinfhen

batsy One of my faves 😍 6y
TrishB Sounds cute 💕 6y
Cinfhen I remember the cover but not the story 6y
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merelybookish @Cinfhen I have so many books like that 6y
merelybookish @batsy so many people whose taste I admire love this book! 6y
LeahBergen A fave! ❤️❤️ 6y
JillR Bella and I read this not long ago and loved it, we enjoyed the BBC adaptation too :) 6y
larah17 This just looks so cute and fun! 6y
Andrew65 Love this! 6y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Another good one I missed reading as a kid! 6y
merelybookish @JillR That's fun! My daughter is too old to read it now. And I will check out the series. 6y
merelybookish @larah17 Yes! It's living up to the hype. 🙂 6y
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