It‘s school holidays! First day of two weeks. And it‘s the perfect day (cold, wet, dark) for reading. If only I had the perfect book… oh wait… squee. #preview #septemberrso2021 #grabbyhands #fantasy #polticalintrigue #romance #firstinanewseries
It‘s school holidays! First day of two weeks. And it‘s the perfect day (cold, wet, dark) for reading. If only I had the perfect book… oh wait… squee. #preview #septemberrso2021 #grabbyhands #fantasy #polticalintrigue #romance #firstinanewseries
Another #squeeee #grabbyhands read for me #preview #julyrso202 #romance #weddings #rachellynnsolomon
I have squeed and glee-ed on getting my #grabbyhands on this baby. Thanks to my reading partner Pauline who I hassled and harangued to supply this for me. Over the moon 🌓 is not a strong enough phrase to express my feelings. I am SO excited. I have such HIGH expectations. And it‘s Friday. Yay 😃 yay 😃 yay 😃. #settledowntrish #butalsoyay #currentlyreading #preview #january2020release #brigidkemmerer 📚📚📚😃❤️❤️❤️🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
I got my grubby hands on it!! #BookExpo #bookexpo19
Looking at this amazing list from @Moray_Reads and planning my reads for January. The only two books I've read are Woolf's Orlando and Sayers' Gaudy Night, and a good number of the other books are on my radar, so I'm excited to see how many I can fit in! 💜 #NewYearWhoDis @monalyisha
I was looking for something light to read and this popped up on my Kindle screen for only 90 cents 🎉 #grabbyhands I love the board game and the 1985 movie but I assumed, because I hadn't heard anything about it, that this would be pretty bad. I was wrong! It's very much in the vein of the movie and fun! The butler breaks the fourth wall and the characters have been updated. I'm excited to read the other issues (they're not all 90 cents 😆).
Thanks to everyone entering the giveaways! There are a lot more great books coming tomorrow. I‘ve given you a hint about one of them in the photo. See you Littens in the morning. ☺️
I adored this book! It's is physically GORGEOUSLY designed on the outside, under the dust jacket and the inside.
There is basically no romance...IN A YA HISTORICAL FANTASY FICTION *shocked smile* told through past and present tense chapters
The sister love and personal development is so good and important and well done. Life got members of this family down a lot and it broke my heart but they're so resilient and strong and I love it SO MUCH!
SQUEE!!!! I know I said the only book I cared about this month was the new John Le Carre, but I LIED. I'm a lying liar! I knew a sequel was coming, but I didn't realize this one comes out on the 12th of September! Cue the #grabbyhands and #muppetarmflails.
Darktown was one of the best books I read last year. I. CANNOT. WAIT!!!!!! (and yes, the yelling is totally legitimate).