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I've been...Not great?.. in posting my reads lately, & I'm not sure what's worth posting now 🤪
Case in point: March! Well, at least my fav (tagged) should get a shout out. Spot on cougar narration, man! If they were to do things like narrate, that is.
+ I'm impressed I got through so many #tob2024/#LitsyToB24 selections! I plan to continue with those lists, but possibly not very diligently, given that the tournament-immediacy is, um, over.

BarbaraBB Haha no hurry indeed! However, CampLitsy is approaching 😀😀 3mo
Larkken @BarbaraBB exactly! So many new shinies to get into instead 😇😍 3mo
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We have our #LitsyToB24 winner! All the Sinners Bleed takes ways the turkey 🥇 🏆
Thank you all for participating in our very own tournament of books, thanks to you we‘ve read a bunch of very good books!!

Meg, Helen and I hope to see you all again at #CampLitsy2024 in a few months time!

Abailliekaras Loved that book 4mo
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merelybookish Thanks for hosting and all the work you put into it!! @squirrelbrain @Megbooks 4mo
CatLass007 This probably was my favorite of all the books I was able to read before the voting began. Thanks @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain and @Megabooks I appreciate you all so very much. 4mo
Suet624 Yippee!!!! Thank you all so much for doing this. While I didn‘t read all of the books, it was a wonderful opportunity to read ones I might otherwise have missed. 4mo
KarenUK Thanks for hosting! Some really great books! @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB 💕 4mo
kwmg40 Great to see this as the winner. Thank you @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain and @Megabooks for hosting! 4mo
AmyG Hooray! I am so happy it‘s a book I not only read, but loved. Thank you all….this was so fun. 4mo
CatMS Kudos to S.A. Cosby, well deserved. 4mo
sarahbarnes Thank you all for a fun tournament! 🦃 4mo
MicheleinPhilly Thrilled with this result! Thanks for the fun Helen, Meg, and Barbara! 4mo
Bookwormjillk Thank you all. This was fun. I‘m looking forward to #CampLitsy this summer and to going back and reading all of the books I missed from LitsyTOB. 4mo
Deblovestoread Yay for ATSB! I didn‘t end up reading all the books but read some great ones that I might not have read otherwise. Always fun to read along! 4mo
Jas16 Thank you all for doing this! This was so much better than the actual TOB this year ( and not just because the book I was pulling for won😉). 4mo
Ruthiella Thank you to @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain for organizing and running this! I It‘s great fun for the rest of us and I read some great books as a result! 👏👏👏 4mo
Hooked_on_books I would have loved to see Idlewild take it, but Cosby is a worthy winner and I‘m glad he‘s our turkey! (I‘m sure he would be proud. 😬) Thank you to our hosts! 4mo
Kitta Thanks for hosting!! I missed reading this one but it‘s definitely on my TBR now! 4mo
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Funky Turkeys | Benjamin Zephaniah
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Okay, there we go! Which book are you rooting for in the #LitsyToB24 finals and should take away the Turkey 🦃? Bring it on below! We can‘t wait to see your votes!!

BkClubCare My vote 🗳️ goes to 4mo
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kwmg40 I did like Idlewild a lot but my vote goes to 4mo
fredthemoose I‘m a there a poll or are we voting@on comments? 4mo
fredthemoose Also, thank you, @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain and @Megabooks for running the #LitsyToB24! This has been fun! But now I‘m having trouble deciding what to read without having a list to work through! 4mo
AmyG All the Sinners Bleed 4mo
sarahbarnes A vote for 4mo
Decalino All the Sinners Bleed 4mo
BarbaraBB @fredthemoose In the comments please! 4mo
BarbaraBB My vote goes to 4mo
squirrelbrain @fredthemoose - not long until #camplitsy! In the meantime, how about joining those of us who are reading the #womensprize list(s)?! And no poll this time, just put your choice in the comments. 4mo
squirrelbrain My vote goes to 4mo
Suet624 Sinners has an unfair advantage in my mind because I never found time to read Idlewild. But I have really liked all of Cosby's work so I'm going for All the Sinners. 4mo
Bookwormjillk This was fun, thanks hosts. I vote for 4mo
Megabooks While I enjoyed both my vote is 4mo
Ruthiella I liked ATSB but I loved and will vote for 4mo
Deblovestoread I liked Idlewild but my vote goes to 4mo
Deblovestoread Also, I want to say a huge thank you to @Megabooks @squirrelbrain and @BarbaraBB for giving us the Litsy Tournament of Books. With so many having a meh response to the real TOB you stepped in and gave us a yay! response. Appreciate you three and all you do! 4mo
squirrelbrain Aw, that‘s so kind of you to say @Deblovestoread - we love hosting! ❤️ 4mo
fredthemoose Ooof—tough choice. These are such different books, and my preference isn‘t strong, but I‘m going with 4mo
Megabooks @fredthemoose @Deblovestoread you‘re so welcome!! As Helen said, we enjoy hosting! 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Hmm…I could go either way here, as I enjoyed both. Very different books! I‘ll say Idlewild, as it seems more of an under the radar pick 😊 4mo
Bookpearl Cosby still has my vote! 4mo
Hooked_on_books I liked both of these, but barely remember the Cosby even though I love him. And Idlewild was one of my best reads of 2023, so it gets my vote! 4mo
Jas16 Enjoyed both but did like one more 4mo
merelybookish Abstaining since I haven't read either one. 🙈 4mo
Readerann I haven‘t read either (abstaining from the vote), but just got ATSB from the library so am really looking forward to it! I‘ve enjoyed reading all your comments even if I only got to a few of the books. 📚😙 4mo
BarbaraBB I am closing the vote now, thank you all 🙏 4mo
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Idlewild | James Frankie Thomas
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It‘s our second zombie match and again the zombie is the winner! A close call again and test Idlewild beats Wellness. Who would have guessed? I know I didn‘t!
Idlewild is the book that has received the most zombie votes. Will it be enough to take away the 🦃 against Sinners?
Tomorrow we‘ll post the final match of our #LitsyToB24 and then you can all vote for your winner! One more day to go!

Bookwormjillk Zombie vs zombie wow! Idlewild was the first book I read off the list and I don‘t know if that‘s why it‘s so memorable to me. 4mo
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Megabooks We‘re not voting today? I‘m having tire problems. Stuck near home. 😭😭 4mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Oh no. Near home still. Any help coming? I can‘t believe your bad luck. My heart goes out to you! Tomorrow is the voting, below the final post. There won‘t be another form, because tomorrow is the end of the tournament! I hope that‘s okay!! X 4mo
Kitta Interesting! I wasn‘t a huge fan of Idlewild, it was good but not great for me. I gave it a so-so. Maybe I‘m the only one who disagreed here! 😂 4mo
BarbaraBB @Kitta I am sure you‘re not, many people rooted for Wellness! 4mo
kwmg40 Interesting to see the two zombies in the final! Looking forward to seeing how it plays out. 4mo
Ruthiella I really loved Idewild and voted for it as a zombie, so am totally glad to see it come back to life! 🧟‍♀️ 4mo
BkClubCare I will read Idlewild if it wins! 4mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella Me too and now I hope it‘ll win! 4mo
BarbaraBB @BkClubCare That‘s great and of course you can‘t go wrong with it if your Littens made it the winner 😀 4mo
BarbaraBB @kwmg40 Who would have thought, a zombie finals! I don‘t think that has ever happened before! 🧟 🧟‍♀️ 4mo
sarahbarnes Wow! I thought Wellness might take it all! I really liked Idlewild though. Loving the drama of this tournament! 4mo
fredthemoose Ooooh… the plot thickens! 4mo
Hooked_on_books Woohoo!!!!! 🥳 Idlewild was one of my best reads of 2023 and Wellness was just ok for me, so I‘m thrilled! I was sure it would go the other way. And now an all zombie final! Cool! 4mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes @fredthemoose @Hooked_on_books Yes, the drama! Tomorrow the grande finale 😀 4mo
AmyG I would have thought Wellness would have won. Wow. (edited) 4mo
Chelsea.Poole What a surprise! 4mo
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Today we had our 1st Zombie match: Hello Beautiful vs All the Sinners Bleed. HB easily won each match so far and seemed a serious candidate for the 🦃 .
Never underestimate a Zombie though; with 53% of the votes we‘ll see Sinners, that left the tournament in the opening round against Rachel, back in the finals! @Suet624 @jas16 @Bookpearl @decalino @well-readNeck and @bookwormjillk will be happy, Sinners is their favorite book of #LitsyToB24!

Megabooks Zombies are so fun!! 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️ 4mo
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squirrelbrain I loved both of these books but I‘m pleased that a Zombie has shaken things up! 4mo
MicheleinPhilly This match-up pained me so I was fine with either prevailing. Now I‘m rooting for All the Sinners to take it all! 4mo
Bookwormjillk Ohhhh an upset. I loved both of these books so I was happy either way. 4mo
AmyG Two great yet completely different books! 4mo
Ruthiella ATSB for the win! 🥇😄 4mo
fredthemoose Oooh… a close one!! Glad to see ATSB back! 4mo
Jas16 I am happy but would not have been mad had this one gone the other way. 4mo
Hooked_on_books Wow, so close! I like both books and both these authors. I‘m delighted to see Cosby swoop back in and take it! 4mo
kwmg40 I'm happy to see Sinners move into the final! 4mo
Suet624 I like both books too. I really had to think hard about my vote this time around. 4mo
Well-ReadNeck Yay! So twisty. I loved both of these!!! 4mo
Kristy_K I missed the voting yesterday so I‘m happy to see Sinners won! It would have gotten my vote. 4mo
sarahbarnes The drama 🦃!! 4mo
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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Hello, fellow #LitsyToB24 Littens! We‘re getting close to the end now…Today‘s semi-final result is a clear win for Hello Beautiful, with 75% of the vote.

I‘m sure this is what most of us expected, or are you surprised by this result? Tomorrow we‘ll find out the other semi-final result, along with which Zombie this one will go up against. Which Zombie are you hoping for to go up against HB, or should that be which do you hope HASN‘T been picked?!

AmyG I absolutely loved Hello Beautiful….so I am not surprised at all! 4mo
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sarahbarnes Very happy with this outcome! 😀 4mo
Megabooks Another HB fan here although I enjoyed both books! 4mo
Ruthiella Definitely not surprised! I didn‘t like HB but am an outlier. Also, while I liked VC better, I found it to be a little unfocused plot wise. 4mo
BarbaraBB I am very happy too, I didn‘t like VC much. I‘d love an unexpected outcome of the zombie match though! 4mo
Jas16 This book will stay with me while Vintage Contemporaries I started forgetting as soon as I finished it. 4mo
Bookwormjillk I liked both books, but thought HB was better. Not surprised! Looking forward to the zombies, although I don't want one of my favorites to go against HB. 4mo
BarbaraBB @Bookwormjillk That‘s how I feel too. Voting will be hard I think, in the zombie round. 4mo
Hooked_on_books This was a hard choice for me, as I really liked both these books. I ultimately chose VC, as it has stayed with me more, so I‘m sorry to see it go but not sorry to see HB advance. 4mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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Final quarterfinal and it‘s a doozy! Shocking your hosts a bit, The Rachel Incident takes the final battle. They were tied going into the final two votes we received, which both went for Rachel. Are you surprised by this result like we were? #LitsyToB24

Now it‘s time to vote in the semifinals, and soon we will announce and bring back the zombies, too! 🧟‍♀️ Who are you hoping to see return? Link to vote: https://forms.gle/Hh3Tr8UNQbrsMmH1A

CatLass007 Yes I‘m surprised. I bailed on Rachel. 4mo
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Bookwormjillk I didn‘t get to Rachel but I will have to soon! Excited to read the book that took down my favorite! 🤞🧟‍♀️ 4mo
BarbaraBB I am surprised too! But I did love Rachel too so am happy with either outcome! 4mo
AmyG I am not. While I had some trouble wih the first half, I really think it was due to my age….I lost a bit of patience with the foolishness of youth. But I really liked the bookonce the incident happened. I loved All The Sinners Bleed. All of it. 4mo
Ruthiella That‘s the joy of this kind of “competition”! Anything can happen. 😆 4mo
Suet624 That‘s quite the contrast!! 4mo
Megabooks @Ruthiella exactly! It‘s so interesting! 4mo
Megabooks @AmyG I preferred Sinners as well for the same reason. It definitely took me longer to get into Rachel‘s world and appreciate where the author was going. 4mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 👍🏻👍🏻 I was surprised you liked Rachel as much as you did. 4mo
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk I know! We were biting our nails as the votes came in! 4mo
Megabooks @CatLass007 it was definitely the most surprising result. 4mo
Deblovestoread Loved both books but Sinners got the edge because I couldn‘t put it down. Hope to see it the zombie round. 4mo
CatLass007 S. A. Cosby is a new must read for me. 4mo
Megabooks @CatLass007 yes! I have a couple saved for #AuthorAMonth later this year! 4mo
Megabooks @Deblovestoread it was definitely the more propulsive of the two! 4mo
CatLass007 I haven‘t got any for #AAM yet. I‘m trying to use the library instead of buying. 4mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I think Rachel was the right book at the right time. Sinners I read last summer, I know I loved it but the feeling‘s gone a bit after all this time 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
MicheleinPhilly BOO! HISS! I‘m salty about this verdict. 4mo
kwmg40 I voted for Sinners so I am a little disappointed and surprised, but I also did like Rachel a lot. 4mo
Hooked_on_books The only reason I‘m not surprised by this result is because you hinted at it in a comment on Monday‘s matchup, so I was expecting it. And am still not at all happy about it. 4mo
Jas16 Wow. I did not see this one coming. 4mo
sarahbarnes I loved The Rachel Incident and am happy with this outcome! 4mo
Megabooks @kwmg40 this was definitely the shocker of the bunch, but it wouldn‘t be a ToB without one! 4mo
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books I enjoyed both books, but Sinners more for sure. Definitely a surprising outcome given that it was the most picked book on who people thought should win. 4mo
Megabooks @Jas16 us either! 4mo
Megabooks @sarahbarnes great!! 👍🏻👍🏻 4mo
Kristy_K I am surprised by this! I enjoyed Sinners more. The books are so different though, they‘re hard to compare. 4mo
KarenUK The final four are all books I really liked! So difficult to vote! 🤦‍♀️💕 4mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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I really enjoyed this coming-of-age story. I loved all the characters, the Cork setting, the humour and the unexpected twists. However, I do have to say that there were other #LitsyToB24 picks I found more interesting and thought-provoking, if less enjjoyable. @squirrelbrain @Megabooks @BarbaraBB

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 20, Karrablast: Instant connection)
#52bookclub24 (prompt 38, Published by Hachette)

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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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This was the least voted on match (since one didn‘t have to vote in every match), but nevertheless Wellness won on a roughly 60/40 split. Are you happy with this outcome? If you didn‘t read one or both books, was there a reason? Wellness was one of my favorite books of 2023, and Birthday Party was my least favorite of the whole list, so I am happy. 😂😂

Tomorrow, I‘ll post the last quarterfinal match and a link to semifinal voting! #LitsyToB24

Bookwormjillk I didn't read either- they weren't on Everand, my library didn't have electronic copies, and I gave up buying new books for Lent. They're on my list for April though! 4mo
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sarahbarnes I loved both of these books and it was hard to choose! I did vote for The Birthday Party, but I‘m okay with this outcome. 😊 4mo
AmyG I loved the last 200pages of Wellness…most of allJack‘s childhood and family. 4mo
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk that must be a hard thing to give up! I hope you have a chance to get to them both eventually! 4mo
Megabooks @sarahbarnes I expected to like TBP because it was on so many people‘s best of lists last year, but I just didn‘t connect. I‘m glad you enjoyed both! 4mo
Megabooks @AmyG that part was really good! Some of the food stuff with the kid wasn‘t as interesting. 😂😂 I‘m with @squirrelbrain on finding the algorithm part interesting. 4mo
Kitta I didn‘t read either because I joined in a little late but wellness is on my tbr! 4mo
Deblovestoread I had hoped to get both books read but didn‘t make. Read a few pages of Wellness and it sounds promising. 4mo
Ruthiella I DNFed The Birthday Party but I did genuinely love Wellness. I didn‘t appreciate the narrow focus and increasing dread of TBP, whereas I did like the broad messiness of Wellness. 4mo
BarbaraBB Such a hard choice! I enjoyed them both but voted for The Birthday Party because it was quite unique I think and I wanted to add a little Europe to our tournament 😉 4mo
Hooked_on_books I didn‘t like Wellness very much and, despite listening to it recently, barely remember it. Whereas I really liked TBP. I thought it was an amazing book. So, I‘m not thrilled with this result. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4mo
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books yeah, so many people I usually agree with, like you, enjoyed TBP. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I know! I voted to include TBP on the list because I wanted a book in translation. I just wish I had liked it more! 4mo
Megabooks @Ruthiella I didn‘t like the dread either. the other thing I didn‘t get as an American reading TBP is why they were so scared of the knives. If it had been an American book, they would‘ve burst in with AR-15s or at least a decent handgun. Such terrible thoughts! 4mo
Megabooks @Deblovestoread I truly loved wellness and hope you enjoy it, too! 4mo
Megabooks @Kitta I hope you love it when you get to it! 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Loved Wellness. Would have been top of the year if I had read it in 2023 but I read it in January. TBP was quite different and I appreciated that but it was one-note and a very long note at that 😆 Wellness had SO much to say about so many topics, and somehow managed to pull it all off. 4mo
Suet624 I love the author of Wellness. Purchased the book but haven‘t read it yet. 4mo
Megabooks @Suet624 yes, the nix was fantastic, too! 4mo
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole both books were long, but wellness didn‘t feel that way. 😁 4mo
Readerann I have Wellness checked out from the library, so am hoping to get to it before its due date! 4mo
KarenUK I loved Wellness too. I remember reading the first chapter and thinking, well this is going to be on my best of the year list! 4mo
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