Read this book. The sequal is out in a month and I am sooo excited!!Do you love dystopian? Love stories? Read. This. book!! And I‘m super stoked to personally know the author! ❤️🙌🏽#newkingsoftomorrow #jmclark
Read this book. The sequal is out in a month and I am sooo excited!!Do you love dystopian? Love stories? Read. This. book!! And I‘m super stoked to personally know the author! ❤️🙌🏽#newkingsoftomorrow #jmclark
If you are looking for a #dystopian, #postapocalyptic #LoveStory novel to read on kindle unlimited or otherwise I‘d be honored for you to check out my new novel. My book hit the #bestselling list last week on amazon and has received some great praise from readers. Check out reviews if you get a chance. #NewKingsOfTomorrow #Fiction #ScienceFiction
Congratulations to @jmclark35 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻:
For anyone that cares.... today is one of the best days of my life. Today my book “New Kings of Tomorrow” became a #1 best seller. I can‘t say how this feels, but it‘s amazing. If you haven‘t yet you should download & at least read the first 3 chapters. I love you all that have supported my journey.
#amazonbestseller #dystopian #postapocalyptic #sciencefiction #newkingsoftomorrow
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️MAJOR GOAL ALERT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
For anyone that cares.... today is one of the best days of my life. Today my book “New Kings of Tomorrow” became a #1 best seller. I can‘t say how this feels, but it‘s amazing. If you haven‘t yet you should download and at least read the first 3 chapters. I love you all that have supported my journey.
#bestseller #amazonbestseller #dystopian #postapocalyptic #sciencefiction #newkingsoftomorrow #jmclark #number1
Today my book released and I‘m overjoyed. It‘s surreal to see it there. I worked super hard on it and the reviews from beta-readers are coming in. They are all very good. If someone is looking for a thrilling page turner to read, please give “New Kings of Tomorrow” a chance.
#newkingsoftomorrow #dystopian #thriller #romance #goodreads
Got a few hundred copies of my book in the mail today. The book comes out next week, and I have a few book signings setup in my city. I‘m beginning to get very excited. DO YOU ALL LIKE THE BOOK COVER!!!???
#dystopian #newkingsoftomorrow #goodreads #goodbook #thriller #lovestory
Got a review back from one of my beta-readers for my new book coming out next Tuesday. I hope that people like what I wrote. It‘s my first book. #dystopian
#lovestory #newkingsoftomorrow #goodreads
Check out this amazing new book by J.M. Clark! Available now on Amazon. A definite page turner. You will definitely feel connected to the characters and story. A sci-fi dystopian love story that keeps you wanting more! #sciencefiction #NewKingsofTomorrow #JMClark #dystopia