(1) Lavender purple, yellow
(2) Collecting teas, books
(3) My TBR list is so long. More accurate on Gooreads because I've been using it longer.
(4) Fantasy
(5) Paper bookmarks
(6) November 21
(1) Lavender purple, yellow
(2) Collecting teas, books
(3) My TBR list is so long. More accurate on Gooreads because I've been using it longer.
(4) Fantasy
(5) Paper bookmarks
(6) November 21
Eelyn is fighting in battle and she sees the impossible: her dead brother is fighting with the enemy. In another battle she gets taken captive. The story came together at the end nicely and it had a lovely message. However, for me it was slow for the first half, predictable, and lacking in overall world building. We only ever hear of 3 clans. And is this supposed to be our world or a fantasy world? Also didn't like unexplained foreign words.
This book was amazing. I could hardly put it down. Simon Spier is not yet out. He's anonymously exchanging emails with another boy at his high school when a classmate sees his email and starts blackmailing him. The story that ensues follows Simon, the relationships with his friends, and developments with his anonymous friend/crush. Characters have personality flaws in real ways. Overall it is heartwarming and I'm so glad I read it.
A modern-day retelling of Cinderella where the main character is a geek for a certain fandom. I liked how we saw equal parts the perspectives of the "prince" and Ella. There were enough plot twists and new things going on that the book was quite entertaining. I could hardly put it down and kept wanting to return to it when I wasn't reading. Sweet romance.
Novella-length retelling of the Frog Prince. Loved the story. The setting of a desert kingdom was interesting and different. Characters were great. The main character learned things and grew. Romance was sweet.
Downloaded on #kindleunlimited. Great book about stretching. It is set up by area of the body and all the explanations are clear and come with drawings of the stretch that are easy to follow and understand. The end of the book has series of stretches recommended for different purposes ex. after work, before bed, for hiking, for tennis, during watching TV. Wonderful resource.
What a hidden gem of a book! The author definitely shows and doesn't tell. The mystery of it grabbed me right away. Characters were great, loved all the twists and turns in the story. Can't wait for the author to release the next book in the series. Available on #kindleunlimited.
I was reminded why I enjoyed the ACOTAR series. All our favorite characters appear and we see the aftermath and healing after the war. I think the author tied it up at the end nicely. Sneak peak for the next book was interesting. I will keep reading this series.
Book 8 in the Oxford Tearoom cozy mystery series takes place in Vienna, Austria instead of the usual Oxford setting. Gemma's plans for a romantic vacation with her detective boyfriend Devlin get upset and she ends up going to Vienna with the snoopy 'Old Biddies'. A murderer takes place and the usual sleuthing ensues. I enjoyed this installment, but not as much as the mysteries set in Oxford. I will continue reading new books as they come out.
When I was a kid I never read this series. As an adult reading it I wish I had read them as a kid. They are enjoyable and you learn a lot about what life was like for settlers way back when. In this book the family leaves their house in the woods of Wisconsin to set up a house on the praire in Kansas. The treatment of the American Indians leaves much to be desired, but it can be taken as a lesson in the ways of thinking of the time.
Loved this pic posted by Harris County Public Library (Texas) on Facebook!
I feel like I've been sitting too much and it's been affecting my health, so I downloaded this book on Kindle Unlimited. I think it did a good job of motivating me to stand, move, and stretch more during my days. The agenda it sets out is actionable and reasonable.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse come to earth and wreak havoc. They leave for a bit, but then one of them - Pestilence - comes back to spread plague among the people. The plucky main character tries to kill him, but ends up as his prisoner. I wasn't sure I would like the Stockholm syndrome element to the story, but the author pulls it off. I was constantly thinking of the book and wanting to return to it when I was busy with other things.
The prince of Belgium likes to wear dresses, but his family doesn't know anything about it. He hires a creative tailor and their friendship and love bloom. Very quick read and lovely story with original style art.
About 21 hrs into my #25infive readathon, the end goal is within reach tomorrow! So far I've completed 3 books and finished a 4th. I'll at least make good progress on a 5th by the end of tomorrow :) it's been fun to see how much I can read when I'm focused on it. Good night, everyone!
Most people have heard of Achilles, the great warrior who fought at Troy. But what of Achilles as a person and his love? This book explores the beautiful story of Achilles and Patroclus. I enjoyed it from beginning to end.
Resuming my #25infive readathon this morning the right way - coffee and a bagel! 13 hours in, 12 more to go! Maybe I can finish this book today? #coffeecoffeecoffee @hermyknee
13 hours into my #25infive readathon. Read 2 whole books, finished another one, and starting this book now. It has such wonderful reviews, I have a feeling I'm in for a great story!
(1) Yellow and lavender purple
(2) Fantasy
(3) Cats 😻
(4) Collecting books, used to collect lip balms
(5) Chocolate chip cookie
(6) Blue corn tortilla chips
(7) Coffee in the morning, tea at all other times, hot chocolate on a cold day
Spellbound was closed off to the world due to an enchantment. Following the events of book 10 in the Spellbound series, we now see the beginnings of life in the town as outsiders start arriving. A new problem hits the town and some of Emma's dearest friends are affected. She sets out to find the culprit and set things right. (selected title for book 10 because this book is not available in Litsy yet) #kindleunlimited #25infive
Next up in my #25infive readathon -- the first book in a new series set in the town of Spellbound by one of my favorite paranormal mystery authors: Annabel Chase! #kindleunlimited #paranormal #cozymystery
200 years ago the town of Sparrow, Oregon drowned 3 sisters accused of being witches. Every year the spirits of the women come back to drown boys as their revenge. This year some things change. I loved the atmosphere of the book. I could see what was going to happen before it did, but it was still an enjoyable read. #25infive 8 hours done!
So excited for my morning! Book + coffee as I continue #25infive ready to go!
(1) Historical fiction
(2) Fantasy is my favorite genre 😃
(3) The Middle Ages, especially the High Middle Ages
(4) Henry V
@bethm @Captivatedbybooks #kingsandqueensthisorthat
1. Loud chewing sounds
2. Cake 😋🍰
3. I had two goldfish - Flipper and Goldie
4. Horror
5. Happy Friday!! 🎉🤗
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
This was the first Star Wars book I've read. Picked it up because I enjoyed the movie. It was good while I was reading it, but I didn't feel motivated or interested to pick it up and read. The book added some background to the movie, but it could have added far more depth. Some parts seemed rushed. Random names of characters that show up just for one scene bothered me too. This was a rare case where the movie is better than the book.
I've never done a readathon before. I'm excited to try it out! Working full time I'm not sure if I can get to the full 25 hrs, but I'll try in my spare time! #25infive @Andrew65
#kindlequestions @lova
1. 580, doesn't include books I've borrowed on Kindle Unlimited and from the library
2. My black Kindle cover
3. At night in bed when the light is off. I like to fall asleep reading. Also I like using it on my commute because it's lighter to hold in one hand and less bulky than a book. Finally, in the bath!
I was immediately intrigued by the world setting - medieval politics and buildings, but modern technology. Under pressure of a stressful event, Wil's power to turn anything living into gemstones is activated. After a traumatic use of her power, she leaves her home and goes on an adventure. The characters, story, and romance were all compelling. Looking forward to the sequel!
1. I was Apple, buy I switched to Android last year
2. Kindle Oasis, Kindle Paperwhite, and my old Kindle Keyboard. I love e-readers.
3. Facebook, Goodreads, Signal, Spotify
4. Desktop computer
#manicmonday @JoScho
1. Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson
2. Fantasy and YA
3. Cadbury
4. @Dana1084 @glitterkitty459
I loved the first book in this series and the second book was just as good. After settling in Glory, California at a rich spot for gold, Leah and her friends run into trouble. Leah's murdering Uncle Hiram wants to take Leah and use her gold witchy powers for his own profit. There is plenty of action and conflict. I also like how the author did thorough research into the period and clearly portrayed the horrors and injustices of the time.
I just finished reading an ARC of the third book in the Starstruck series by S.E. Anderson. I love this series. A troubled girl runs into an alien duo. Through her moxie she helps them out and they go on various thrilling adventures. This was another fun installment in the series!
At Barnes and Noble. Yes I'm guilty of judging a book by it's cover. This cover is so beautiful 😍 plus the story sounds interesting. Apparently Netflix won screen rights for it.
I'm listening to the audiobook from my library. What a heartwarming and positive story. I love listening to this on my commute. It immediately puts me in a better mood.
Thanks @julesG for the tag! I finally figured out how to do screenshots on my Android :) @GarthRanzz #TrivialThursday
1. J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael J. Sullivan
2. Night in with a good book!
3. Medieval settings
4. @LibrarianRyan
My current read. I enjoyed The Last Jedi movie, so I thought I'd see what it's like when they novelize it. Mixed thoughts so far. Maybe it'll get better :) #catsoflitsy #starwars
The book starts out in the turmoil set up by the end of book 2 in the series. There are lots of twists and turns in the story and a good amount of tension. I really liked how the writer brought things together.
This Japanese comic book follows a mom and son who have a cat and find a little kitten they end up adopting. The original cat Plum and the kitten Snowball have cute interactions. I'm a cat lover, so I couldn't help but love the cute pictures of the cats and their shenanigans. I felt that the humans in the story were extraneous and the book would have been better if it had focused only on the cats.
Audrey Rose is interested in learning forensic medicine at a time when it was inappropriate for women to do so. She gets caught up in the mystery of finding Jack the Ripper. Characters are great and the story keeps you guessing until the end. Some scenes are gruesome, but it fits well with the story.
About to die in a ship wreck, Kahlen takes up the offer to become a siren, a being who serves the Ocean by calling to people to jump off ships and die. I didn't feel that Kahlen's mixed emotions made sense. Every time it came up I got more and more irritated. I loved the Selection series so I thought I'd try this one, but was disappointed.
A quick, fun read about a high school student who goes to intern in NY City at a cutting edge magazine. Along the way she learns important lessons. I loved the realistic romantic and platonic relationships in this book. Well worth a read!
This is such a feel-good book. It left me with lots of warm fuzzies. The characters, the stories, and how they were interwoven was amazing.
I was disappointed with this book. At first I was into it, but that might have been the anticipation of the Goblin King romance. On top of the bad romance, the repetition of 'Der Erlkoning' everywhere, the constant reference to the 'austere young man', and the overuse of musical metaphors really put me off. Almost dnf'd at 90%. I wish I could have enjoyed this more :(