#FolioSociety #FolioFreaks So nobody else on Litsy couldn‘t resist?My Birthday present to myself.It came yesterday. #MotherOfCats #TeamStark
#FolioSociety #FolioFreaks So nobody else on Litsy couldn‘t resist?My Birthday present to myself.It came yesterday. #MotherOfCats #TeamStark
#GetOutTheMap #LillithJuly I watched the show first, now reading the books ! Enjoying this illustrated edition of the first book.I love maps in books.Also Love the Indigo Girls , I have seen them twice.
Thanks a lot for my #aswapoficeandfire package! @Tianarose I loved the little direwolf figurine, #teamstark always! And E.A. Poe is one of my favorite authors too. Thank you for your understanding of your package arriving late, I can‘t wait for you to get it 😊
Honestly, if you‘re not #teamstark or #teamjonsnow you have a #holeinyoursoul and I don‘t need that negativity in my life 🖕🏻♥️💁🏻♀️ #thenorthremembers
The Red Wedding definitely #keptmecrying #thenorthremembers #teamstark #aprella
Slightly different quiz but at least I got the BEST house! 😉 ❤️❤️❤️
So since we're on the topic of book bfs today. I will like to take the time and list all my favorite hot tamalies in GoT.
Robb Stark,Jon Snow,Gendry,Daario Naharis,Oberyn Martell,Jojen Reed,Stannis Baratheon,and even though I'm #teamstark, Jamie Lannister and you have to love Jorah Mormont for always being friend zoned. May some of these hotties rest easy! Let's not talk about that though so we don't spoil it for the ones who haven't read GoT yet.