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Fenrir was my reading buddy this afternoon, but kept running off to places tortoises shouldn't be and tried eating things tortoises shouldn't eat, so not much reading was done. We did do a lap around the living room and kitchen, though lol. Now, back to my book, because I really don't want to put it down and am hoping something horrible happens to a certain character 🤞

#petsoflitsy #litsypets #tortoisesoflitsy #readingbuddy

LeahBergen He‘s so cute! 9mo
BookishMadHatter @LeahBergen cute enough to put my book down for, and that's saying something lol 9mo
dabbe 🖤🐢🖤 9mo
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Ooo. I just love TrueCrime. This one was especially harrowing. I can/can't believe people can be so callous! #AudibleBackLog

#PugLife #PetsOfLitsy #HousePanther

dabbe Cuteness overload! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 13mo
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I really liked the "prequel" to this, #thekindworthkilling but this one seemed to not quite hold together for me. You do need to have read the first book for full depth of understanding all the characters. It's another play on #strangersonatrain and interesting but I just couldn't really get into it. #klaus #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy

kspenmoll Pretty kitty! 1y
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Boxers | Tammy Gagne
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More Ruby Tuesday pictures for you! It‘s the derpy look in the 1st pic that totally sums her up. Plus the co dependence on display with the hubby. Trying to organise the hubs hoarding of building supplies(and he complains about my books!🙄)is sooo much harder when you have a big brown limpet attached.😋 #DogsOfLitsy #PetsOfLitsy #DerpyDogsRUs

TheBookHippie Awe. That face! 1y
AmyG Loves her Dad. ❤️ (edited) 1y
ElizaMarie I love this!!!! 1y
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Tamra Velcro! 1y
dabbe Dat adorable face! 💙🐾💙 1y
Ladygodiva7 🤣🤣🤣🤣I feel you! We have a clingy lab over here!! She‘s awesome!! 🤌🏻 1y
KadaGul @Lizpixie ❤️🐾😍🐾❤️🐕😍 1y
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Boxers | Tammy Gagne
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Finally got a decent shot of the dopey dog! Here‘s Ruby Tuesday Parker, the child the hubby loves the most. First time I managed to get her to sit still long enough! I didn‘t know boxers had THIS much energy when we got her! #DogsOfLitsy #PetsOfLitsy #DoDogsGetADHD?

hannah-leeloo Awwww a boxer. I've had one and they're complete clowns it's great 1y
Lizpixie @hannah-leeloo you should see the other pictures! 1y
hannah-leeloo I've got some crazy ones of my girl most upside down haha my favourite is fish lips frisbe 1y
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ElizaMarie Awe ooo Boxers can be wild!!! Beautiful picture :) 1y
CBee She is adorable 🥰 1y
AmyG Awww 🙌🏻❤️ 1y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍😍 1y
Lizpixie @hannah-leeloo @ElizaMarie @CBee @AmyG @Sapphire @Chrissyreadit Ruby says thank you! Honestly, she‘s such a derpy dog, and a huge sook too! Currently she‘s asleep on the bed next to me coz the hubby got annoyed at her following him around everywhere. I don‘t mind, it‘s my turn to get snuggles🐶 1y
CBee @Lizpixie she and my pup Yoda have that in common. He‘s my shadow 😂😂 1y
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Standing in the Shadows | Peter Robinson
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Trying to read the last ever DI Banks novel by the late Peter Robinson as my 1st #EasterOMC & #AwesomeApril #readathon book, but Miss Ruby Tuesday decides she wants all my attention instead. Boxers are so needy! #DogsofLitsy #PetsofLitsy It‘s also No4 of the #photochallenge for the readathon too! #litsypets

Clwojick Hello sweet Miss Ruby Tuesday! Give her extra smooches and scratches from me and @LadyKatrina 1y
Andrew65 So sad it is the last. RIP Peter and thanks for such a great series. 1y
dabbe Hello, Rare Ruby! #socuddly 💜🐾💜 1y
Lizpixie @Clwojick do you know how rare it is for her to cuddle up on me instead of the hubby! I‘m loving it, she‘s getting plenty of scratches🐕 @Andrew65 I know! I‘ll be bawling my eyes out at the end, I have every book he wrote, over 30 of them. He will be missed💔 @dabbe she‘s a cuddly girl, just not to me usually #daddysgirl🐾 1y
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Sunday afternoon plans with Lillie.

#dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy

Leftcoastzen Awww!🐶 2y
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I finished this one today. Another great installment in the #Dresden #series. I really enjoyed it! Pic of Lucy bc I no longer have the dust jacket for this book and thought she‘d be cuter. #DogsofLitsy #PetsofLitsy

kspenmoll More than cuter!!! 2y
Tamra Cute! 2y
OriginalCyn620 So cute!! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Hey #LMPBC #GroupT, did any of y‘all get an email with our addresses in it? Would y‘all forward it to me at acfoste1 at gmail dot com, please? Thought I‘d share a cute pic of my dog Lucy #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy @Kimzey @Readergrrl @vonnie862

vonnie862 Sent 2y
vonnie862 BTW, Lucy is adorable! 2y
BookishBelle Thank you @vonnie862 !! 2y
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