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#MyCurrentRead #BookKarma #channelyourflannel #Flannels4Life “I started wearing my dad‘s clothes in the fall of my sophomore year. I had raided his closet over the summer, plucking a gray flannel shirt and a pair of Levi‘s jeans, flecked with paint...but in the fall of 1993, the accidental lumberjack look was uniform. I liked the drape of the flannel and how those jeans slid down my hips.” @Billypar @batsy #90sSpringFling

hermyknee This is a good one! 5y
Cinfhen Her writing is so vivid and honest. I‘m loving her humor and openness @hermyknee 5y
cobwebmoth I took some of my grandpa's old shirts.☺ 5y
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Billypar "in the fall of 1993, the accidental lumberjack look was a uniform" ? 5y
Centique I was totally wearing my dad‘s old flannel shirts in 1993 with ripped jeans and big chunky brown suede shoes(I miss those shoes!) Thank god for grunge because I was a poor uni student 😁🤣 5y
batsy Haha, love it 😁 5y
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Another book, another severed finger!

merelybookish #bookkarma! So weird when that happens! 5y
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No Exit: A Novel | Taylor Adams
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#bookkarma @ValerieAndBooks @merelybookish just appeared in my current read 😁😁

Lindy I know an Ashley in his 30s who has dealt with this his whole life. And a guy named Tracey says it‘s worse for him. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can‘t wait to read this!!! Please let me know your thoughts!!!! 5y
TrishB @Lindy we were talking about it on @merelybookish thread about Shirley. Tracey did come up as well and Lindsey and Hillary. All of which have gone from mainly male names to mainly female names. 5y
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TrishB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve had half an hour in the bath and will get back to it later! The afternoon will be spent helping my daughter revise as she has exams this week 😱 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TrishB well the bath part sounds nice!! We are reading this one for #BotmBuddyRead and I‘m hoping it‘s good because I chose it 😱🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope your daughter aces her exams!!!! 🙌🏻📚💗 (edited) 5y
merelybookish Book karma! And poor Ashley... 5y
Bookladylinda I just finished this book! So good!!!!! 5y
sdbruening Haha that confused me as a kid watching Gone with the Wind that the guy‘s name was Ashley 😂 5y
TrishB @sdbruening it is confusing! 5y
TrishB @Bookladylinda heart in mouth the whole time! 5y
Bookladylinda @TrishB me too! There were times when I was trying to read it so fast, I had to tell myself to slow down and breath! 😂😂 5y
ValerieAndBooks Ha that is funny about Ashley here! @merelybookish . And good luck to your daughter, Trish!! 5y
TrishB @ValerieAndBooks thank you 💕 5y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Anyone still up for reading Charlotte Bronte's Shirley in February?
What do people prefer? A schedule of pages to read and a weekly discussion? Or something more casual, where we read at our own pace and share as we go? (I'm more in the latter camp myself but happy to do the former if that feels more effective. It is a long book.)
And any suggestions for a fun hashtag? #shirleyreadalong #ludditesunite?

merelybookish Also, illustration by Edward Dulac for a 1922 edition. The caption got cut off. It said, "She looked through to cedar and mansion." It struck me as very CB! ? 5y
merelybookish Flipping through the book, there's a chapter called A Summer Night. First line "The hour was now that of dusk. A clear air favoured the kindling of the stars." Squeaking in my answer for today's #musicalnewyear @cinfhen @vivastory ? 5y
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vivastory I wasn't aware of this buddy read. Might join in, if it's okay. I've been meaning to read more Bronte. 5y
Cinfhen Wow!!! #BookKarma love it!! 5y
merelybookish @vivastory Of course! You are more than welcome! The more the merrier! 5y
vivastory Great! Personally I enjoy a more relaxed approach with people covering spoilers in their posts as needed 5y
merelybookish @vivastory Me too! It's less pressure and everyone can read at their own pace. 5y
Leftcoastzen Don‘t you call me Shirley!😁sorry , just had to. 5y
merelybookish @Leftcoastzen Airplane! Classic! 5y
LeahBergen I‘m still in! And I‘m with @vivastory - I‘ve liked my experiences with the casual read-alongs lately (but I‘m fine with a structured layout, too). 5y
Weaponxgirl @Leftcoastzen you have no idea how much I both laughed and cringed just now with that not being aimed in my direction for a change. 😂 5y
Blaire I‘m still in as well. Also good with a more relaxed approach. 5y
Weaponxgirl I have to join in since it‘s my name and I‘ve never read this book before, hope I‘m a good character 5y
batsy @Leftcoastzen Bahaha! 5y
batsy I'm good with any form, but I do prefer a more relaxed approach since I'm generally quite bad at sticking to a reading schedule! (Only the Genji one seems to be working very well, lol.) I like #ludditesunite or #dontcallmeshirley (😂 j/k) but the shorter the better, for sure. 5y
ephemeralwaltz Yay!! Yes I am definitely up for it. I would also prefer a more relaxed approach but I'm okay with a scheduled one too. 👏👏 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh, I‘m in, if it‘s alright. I, too prefer a relaxed approach. 5y
Tanisha_A I would love to join in! 🙂 5y
mklong I‘d love to join too! 5y
saresmoore I‘m still in! Really looking forward to it as I‘m on a total Brontë binge this year. I‘m LOLing at @batsy & @Leftcoastzen ! 5y
merelybookish @Cinfhen I know! Perfect timing. 5y
merelybookish @vivastory @LeahBergen @Weaponxgirl @Blaire @batsy @ephemeralwaltz @erzascarletbookgasm @mklong @saresmoore Ok! It looks like we are in agreement. We'll dedicate February to reading Shirley at our own pace and share updates and impressions along the way. Any spoilers, use the tag. And invite anyone who might want to join! Any final thoughts on a hashtag? Something that won't further traumatize @Weaponxgirl. 😜 5y
Weaponxgirl @merelybookish 😂😂 you can even call it #Shirleynot if you want 5y
LeahBergen @Weaponxgirl Would you be offended by #ShirleyYouJest? 😆😆 5y
Weaponxgirl @LeahBergen 😂 not at all! It‘s just so funny for me to hear my name and it not be for me. My name isn‘t common so if I hear it 99.9% of the time I‘m correct in my assumption that someone wants my attention. And the look people get when they think I haven‘t heard an airplane joke before. 5y
andrew61 Gosh I've just looked and is 624 pages but after last year managing and enjoying tenant and villette i think i will give it a go. It might even encourage that trip to howarth that i keep intending to make. Count me in, middlemarch will have to wait 😂 5y
readinginthedark I would love to but doubt it will happen unless I learn how to breastfeed one-handed. 😆 5y
saresmoore @andrew61 So glad to have you along for the read! If you got to Haworth, you better share highlights of the trip on Litsy! The closest I can get is drinking tea from Harrogate. 🙃 5y
saresmoore @readinginthedark It can be done! 😅 I got to where I could scrub up the kitchen while breastfeeding. The aid of a cleverly tied baby wrap really helped. 5y
merelybookish @saresmoore @readinginthedark Yes, I was going to say the multitasking I did with baby #2 was WAY beyond what I managed with baby #1. And I did read a lot while breastfeeding her. Of course, with baby #3, I just watched endless.episodes of Say Yes to the Dress. 😳 5y
merelybookish @andrew61 Glad you're joining us! Middlemarch will be there for you when you're ready. And yes, you need to give us vicarious enjoyment of any Bronte sightseeing you do! 5y
readinginthedark @saresmoore @merelybookish It's worth a try! I could read a little on my Nook while breastfeeding #1, but I was also exhausted, so my mind would wander. But he refused to be wrapped, so my planned multitasking was limited. 😕 And endless episodes of ridiculous reality TV are sometimes necessary! I just got finished binge watching that Netflix show Yummy Mummies and laughing my a** off. 😂 Even my husband watched a little; he was so dumbfounded. 5y
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Leonardo da Vinci | Walter Isaacson
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Teeny tiny #bookhaul. I've been eyeing the da Vinci bio but was waiting for the more affordable paperback version. After I saw @Simona list it among her most loved reads of the year, I *had* to have it 😆 Walked into a bookshop & it was on sale, on top of the members' discount! The universe was urging me to buy it!

The Song of Achilles has been on my TBR forever; thanks to #NewYearWhoDis I will read it this month 😅

Cathythoughts Nice books ! Enjoy X 5y
batsy @Cathythoughts Thanks 😘 I really hope I read them sooner rather than later 😂 5y
Amiable My FIL gave me his hardcover copy of "DaVinci" after he read it --the thing weighs a ton!! I would have waited to get it in paperback or e-book. But hey--a free book is a free book, am I right? ? 5y
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LauraBeth Love the cover for Achilles! 5y
laurieluna I loved Circe so I really want to read Song of Achilles. Determined to clear some of my current shelves tbr first though. 5y
Abailliekaras Stacked! 5y
Crazeedi I want to read da Vinci, and I have other book on my shelf! 5y
saresmoore And you got the best cover of Achilles! 5y
batsy @Amiable Haha, yes indeed! The hardback is a beauty but it's not quite so portable 😆 5y
batsy @LauraBeth @saresmoore These editions are lovely and feel good, too 😆 #bookfeel 5y
batsy @laurenbescoby Both of her books get a lot of Litsy love ❤️ 5y
batsy @TrishB ❤️ 5y
Lindy @saresmoore @LauraBeth I agree about that cover. I think it suits the story better than the one with the helmet. 5y
RealLifeReading You were meant to buy it! 5y
batsy @RealLifeReading I like how you think 😆 5y
GingerAntics I started the ebook version of Da Vinci last spring. I had to stop because every other chapter was missing pages at the end. The book has since updated a dozen times or more, so I‘m hoping that situation is now rectified and I can read it this spring. 5y
batsy @GingerAntics Oof, I hope so too! That is so irritating. 5y
readordierachel Yay! Books from the universe are the best 😃 5y
Simona Enjoy in the reading😘 5y
batsy @readordierachel Indeed 😆 5y
batsy @Simona Thank you 😘 5y
Centique Oh wow - what a score! I‘m so excited you‘re reading Song of Achilles too 😍😍 5y
batsy @Centique I'm looking forward to it very much! ❤️ 5y
RohitSawant Oo, love these! Looking forward to both! 5y
batsy @rohit-sawant So much book anticipation with these ones! 😍 5y
Suet624 I want to see all of your bookshelves. You must have SO many books. 5y
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This has come up as a recommendation on my Kindle in time for #CrystalDays #WinterWonderland. @Cinfhen @TrishB

Cathythoughts Perfect timing ♥️👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen #BookKarma 🙌🏻❣️❄️ 6y
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Ascension | Jacqueline Koyanagi
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#winterwonderland #aspacemancametravelling

My current read will work for this - yay serendipity! Alana is a sky surgeon fixing spaceships but she never gets skybound herself, until a very special spaceship lands at her workshop. A spaceman came travelling for sure, but he‘s only the engineer (and he may be part wolf), the captain of THIS ship is a kick ass woman and so far that‘s who is rocking Alana‘s world. Will let you know when I finish!

TrishB Sounds fab 👍🏻 6y
Ruthiella Love the bookish serendipity! This book sounds great too! 6y
readordierachel Ooh, this sounds good! 6y
Reggie The intrigue!!!! Stacked!! 6y
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That‘s twice so far today my new read has referenced Jon Benet Ramsey ( whom I posted about earlier today) #BookKarma

TrishB Ohhh! Spooky! 6y
Reviewsbylola So freaky when that happens!! 6y
merelybookish She's haunting you!! 👻 6y
Cinfhen It‘s weird because I‘ve never seen Jon Benet referenced in any other book I‘ve ever read @TrishB @Reviewsbylola @merelybookish it‘s a little eerie😳 6y
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A Cavern of Black Ice | J. V. Jones
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#iceprincess #NoFemmeber
Ash is the Ice Princess in these - but we never get to know if she wins the war because the final book has never been published 😔

Velvetfur Oh no! Why has it never been published, do you know? 6y
Cinfhen That‘s a lot of reading investment not to get a final answer!!!! 😱 6y
Billypar Ugh, that's the worst! Not sure if you're a fan of the band The Kills, but their last album was called 'Ash and Ice'- I wonder if they are fans? 🤔 6y
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Cathythoughts Oh for heavens sake 🙄😡. Nice choice though 👍🏻 6y
TrishB @Velvetfur well....hubby‘s friend is the brother of the author so I do actually know!! The last one is written but the author and publisher fell out over the actual book, author wouldn‘t change it, publisher wouldn‘t publish and she has a long term contract so it‘s just sat there. Which is even more annoying!! @Cinfhen @Cathythoughts 6y
TrishB @Billypar not a big fan - but it would be cool if it was after this 👍🏻 6y
Velvetfur @TrishB Oh gosh that's a terrible situation! Your husband has good contacts though 😁 6y
TrishB @Velvetfur sooo weird - I thought I would go and check what she‘s up to and she started posting on social media again on 19 Sept , 8 years after the last book. She is now rewriting it, with new title and fingers crossed! I was meant to look at this today 😁 6y
Cinfhen #bookKarma 😘😘 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I will excitedly tell hubby later and he will look guilty and say oh I forgot to tell you.....it‘s a sure bet. 6y
Velvetfur @TrishB Ha, spooky! It's the right time of year for it 😂 6y
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Ripley's Believe it Or Not! 2016 | Geoff Tibballs, Robert L. Ripley
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#OctoberXFiles #Zombie same cafe I was in yesterday.. doing Litsy homework.. as I also spotted this book with #Zombie eyes 👀. Book karma X 2 Cindy 👍🏻❤️

Cinfhen Hahahaha #BookKarma 👀🙏🏻💋 6y
TrishB And there‘s the Karen Rose 👍🏻 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen 👍🏻😊 6y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB yes! There it is 👍🏻 6y
scripturient 😍😍😍😍😍 BTW, I haven‘t managed going to the post office yet but promise I‘ll do that this week. Sorry for the delay! 😘 6y
Cathythoughts @scripturient there‘s no delay at all. You are great to do the giveaway & any day will be a good day to receive your book 😘 6y
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