It‘s a cold one in southeastern Michigan!
This is the perfect scenario to keep warm! 📚
It‘s a cold one in southeastern Michigan!
This is the perfect scenario to keep warm! 📚
I'm not ready.....
Got about 5 inches of snow and still more to come about -42 out there. So I'm inside enjoying some trashy YA horror with my doggo and coffee keeping warm. 😘🖤❄ #brrrr #muchlove #livingroomview #coldaf #springplease #albertaweather
I don‘t mention it much but I‘m the queen of dropped phones. I‘m always juggling a Kindle book, an audiobook or Litsy. Been through two broken OtterBox cases (phone‘s ok). My niece had a great phone with a loop when we saw each other recently. I found www.loopycases.com and decided they‘re for me. The loop is flexible, and even a little sticky/tacky on the inside. I am so ready to #stopthedrop! Plus the goodies were almost as fun as #bookmail. ⬇️
I realize I may get no sympathy here (seriously how do you live in -20 or less?!?) but this is as cold as this west coaster can handle. #HiHoItsbackToWorkIGo #brrrr
Another extremely chilly day here ❄ I can't wait to curl up with the latest Throne of Glass novel and a big, warm cup of tea 🍵
2017 Reading Challenge: A Book by a Female Author
#2017readingchallenge #26books #inspireyourworld #throneofglass #brrrr #sarahjmaas #femaleauthor
You know it's winter in Canada when we break out the hot chocolate collection 🎄