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Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean Rhys
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Aimeesue The Bertha thing is so creepy. NO ONE likes the name Bertha as a lovely and mellifluous name. Liar. (edited) 4mo
BarkingMadRead @Aimeesue it is 💯 messed up. So gross and super passive aggressive 4mo
Aimeesue @BarkingMadRead so controlling. Red flag! Red flag! 🚩 Sigh. Too late. 4mo
Bookwormjillk I keep confusing Rochester with Max DeWinter. We keep reading about these messed up men who believe themselves to be victims. 4mo
Librarybelle I was so confused when the narration kept changing. Admittedly, this one is a bit of a struggle for me…I feel like I‘ve not found a good rhythm yet with the writing, and we‘re near the end! 4mo
mcctrish @Librarybelle I keep wondering if I‘m the crazy one because WTF is happening 4mo
5feet.of.fury The Bertha thing, separating her from Christophine… husband is a creep. Wish the zombi got him 4mo
mcctrish @Aimeesue Bertha is brutal 4mo
5feet.of.fury @Librarybelle yeah, I do not get this one. I read through 2 pages & had no idea whose POV or what had happened. 4mo
Librarybelle Glad I‘m not the only one, @mcctrish @5feet.of.fury 4mo
IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk This actually does remind me a bit of Rebecca in the sense that all of the characters are unreliable, but there‘s still something about all of them that draws you into their worlds when they‘re the ones talking, and the whole place is intoxicating and bordering on fantastical. 4mo
willaful I continue to have no memory at all of having read this.

I'm furious and disgusted with Rochester. He's totally yellow-wallpapering Antoinette.
Clare-Dragonfly I still don‘t get why Richard wanted Antoinette to marry Rochester so badly. She had plenty of money, she could have lived independently! @IndoorDame Yes, I was also reminded of Rebecca, and you‘ve articulated why very well! 4mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I wonder if he just didn‘t want to feel responsible for her anymore? She would have been fine by herself, I don‘t know why he felt the need to marry her off 4mo
julieclair I am so disappointed in Rochester. He used to be one of my book boyfriends, but now he‘s off the list! 4mo
TheBookHippie Sorry I bailed. Too much life going on to read this darkness. 😵‍💫 4mo
BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie you do you! No judgement here! 4mo
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