Ch 29-30: war is one big party, until it isn‘t #georgeisapig #beckyisatemptress #pooramelia #crawleyissurprisinglysweet #thewaractuallystarts #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 29-30: war is one big party, until it isn‘t #georgeisapig #beckyisatemptress #pooramelia #crawleyissurprisinglysweet #thewaractuallystarts #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17-18: today‘s photo is the elephant for sale 🐘 #anothercliffhanger #butfirst #beckywatchesdobbinbuyapiano #hesendsittopooremmy #georgeisapig 🐷 #hedoesntdeserveemmy #dobbindefendsher #hefearsemmyisdying #thatcliffhangerthough #runemmyrun #hedoesntdeserveyou #haveimentionedhedoesntderserveyou #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14-15: #what #just #happened #drama #georgeisapig 🐷 #beckyisscammingeveryone #poorladycrawleydies #soobviouslypittproposestobecky #but #shes #married #already #WUT 🤯 #icantevenrightnow #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Can someone explain the extremely pissed off General to me? I didn't have a clue about what was happening in that whole scene. Perhaps I read it too late at night. 1y