Ir's my Litsyversary! Can't believe it's been seven years. Thanks everyone for making this community the best! Love you'll! XOXO
Ir's my Litsyversary! Can't believe it's been seven years. Thanks everyone for making this community the best! Love you'll! XOXO
The roar of gunfire and the acrid scent of burning sand filled the air as Staff Sergeant Ryan “Hawk” Hawkins crouched behind a crumbling stone wall, his rifle locked and loaded. Beside him, a lean, scarred Belgian Malinois named Trinity stood tense, ears pricked, waiting for the signal. The dog had been his partner through two deployments, her keen instincts and unwavering loyalty saving his life more times than he could count.
Major caveat here: if I didn't have a vague idea of how this trilogy ended, I wouldn't be continuing to the next book. At the moment, I deem it worthwhile to continue, because I think having the full story told in this manner will add to the catharsis/emotional impact of the ending. But, from a 'single book' perspective, Evans has made a bold choice in making the entire work background for the narrative 1/?
Perfect Christmas story filled with small miracles (some will say impossible & I‘ll say similar to ones I‘ve experienced) and hope. Lauren‘s life has been hard (though not as bad as others). She‘s looking for a family for Christmas. A series of unexpected events may just give her one.
I‘m always surprised how much story RPE creates inside these little books. I own all three books but didn‘t realize they were a series and picked the third book to read. My opinion might differ if I had the backstory, but I was never sure if I was Team Faye or Team Blythe - both seemed lovely. … This book written in 2000 has several lines reading as micro aggressions today - I wonder if I‘d have realized that 24 years ago - I hope so.
Less detail about the food & meals being eaten would have been preferable; but, overall ~ a thoughtful read.
OK, I‘ve managed a Bail and an almost Pan on this one for my #ReadYourKindle picks in May so far…I‘m on a roll! This one unfortunately was simply boring (not much actually taking place), and there was entirely too much waffling back and forth by the main character on whether one character was a good guy or bad guy. And there didn‘t seem to be much chemistry in the romance portion. Now that I think of it, it really does sound like a Pan.😆 2/5⭐️
I highly recommend this book. It was soooooo good I couldbt put it down. I got it from the library this morning at 10 and just finished it. I can see I am going to fall in love with this series. Now on to the Prequel for this series.