💐 Tulips! Love them! 🌷
💐 💐 Nora Roberts' The Garden Trilogy
@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday
💐 Tulips! Love them! 🌷
💐 💐 Nora Roberts' The Garden Trilogy
@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday
This was amazing, I listened on #audio and it contained recordings from Ruth Bader Ginsberg herself, as well as chapters read by the fantastic Linda Lavin. I learned a bit, remembered some special moments, and mourned for both the person and the American hero that she was. So blessed to share a birthday with her!
This book features a collection of strange and many ridiculous laws. A quick and interesting read that will have you shaking your head and asking, wait—what? There is no shortage of senseless laws today. Just look at what local legislators and Congress are doing with their time and our taxes. They aren‘t creating and passing laws to improve quality of life.
So much truth and to know how flawed our judicial system still is is sickening. We can do better as a country.
Sarah Langford is a practising barrister specialising in criminal and family law. This absorbing and thought-provoking memoir looks at 11 of her cases (details anonymised for privacy reasons) to set out the limitations of the justice system together with how it changed the respective defendants lives and the lessons that Langford took from them and in the increasingly crowded legal market stands out for looking at the English Family Court.
Today‘s bookmail part 3/3 is the general purpose portion. A little for school and a little for my own education.
I read this novel two days after the election & it was powerful enough to momentarily keep my mind off of my despair. Sadly, it highlights a different illness of a culture that doesn‘t honor or believe women when it comes to reporting a rape. A successful attorney moving up in the court system finds herself on the other side of the bar, attempting to hold her rapist accountable.This story was first a play & the novel expands the story. Brilliant.
I found what I read about Roy Cohn to be interesting, I also did my own research as well. I really want to know what happened to his wife. I tried to see if he had gotten divorced at one point but couldn‘t find any information anywhere. I‘m more interested as to when he contracted HIV and if he could have passed it to his wife. I would assume he did not, but it is interesting. #thedivider #roycohn #lgbtqhistory #history #donaldtrump #law