4⭐️ A graphic representation of Timothy Snyder‘s On Tryanny. While some of the material is uncomfortable and difficult to read, it is definitely a worthwhile read. #2024 #nonfiction #history #politics
4⭐️ A graphic representation of Timothy Snyder‘s On Tryanny. While some of the material is uncomfortable and difficult to read, it is definitely a worthwhile read. #2024 #nonfiction #history #politics
Chaz shares the story of his transition with a lot of reflection, including his struggles with chronic pain and pain medication addiction. I felt like it would have been a more engaging read if I was familiar with his other work or his famous parents. The writing is a bit dry, but conveys his experiences well. #LGBTQIA #Memoir #Nonfiction
Hence it is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby they achieve great results. Spies are a most important element in war, because on them depends an army‘s ability to move.
#TheArtOfWar #SunTzu #lastline #closingline #book #books #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #NonFiction #Philosophy #History #War #Politics #Business #Classics #MilitaryFiction #China 🤎
The Barn is the true story of a young black boy brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955. Emmitt Till was the boys name, and because he whistled at a white woman, he was murdered. What surprised me most about the book is that Wright Thompson grew up in Mississippi and was never taught about it in school. Even almost 70 years later, it's still not talked about. It seems to me that if we never discuss the past, how can we ever expect to ⬇️
3.75 ⭐️ There is a lot to digest from this book and it will need another read to understand it better. #2024 #review #nonfiction #feminism #history
I found this just to be an okay book. Some of it resonated with me, while other parts didn't. At times, she seemed to be rather preachy about certain topics I'm not sure she had the knowledge to be. 3⭐️
😊Happy Reading 😊
#nonfiction ##readaway2024
I did it!
As in, I finished this absolute tome of a history book and with it I reached my yearly goal of 12 non-fiction books. And there's even a month and a half left for me to add a couple more (much shorter and faster reads).
#NonFictionNovember #WomensPrize #NonFiction