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The Calculating Stars
The Calculating Stars: A Lady Astronaut Novel | Mary Robinette Kowal
On a coldspring night in 1952, a meteorite falls to earth and destroys much of theeastern seaboard of the United States, including Washington D.C. The Meteor, asit is popularly known, decimates the U.S. government and paves the way for aclimate cataclysm that will eventually render the earth inhospitable to humanity.This looming threat calls for a radically accelerated timeline in the earths effortsto colonize space, and allows a much larger share of humanity to take part inthe process. One of thesenew entrants in the space race is Elma York, whose experience as a WASP pilotand mathematician earns her a place in the International Aerospace Coalitionsattempts to put man on the moon. But with so many skilled and experienced womenpilots and scientists involved with the program, it doesnt take long before Elmabegins to wonder why they cant go into space, tooaside from some peskybarriers like thousands of years of history and a host of expectations aboutthe proper place of the fairer sex. And yet, Elmas drive to become the firstLady Astronaut is so strong that even the most dearly held conventions may notstand a chance against her. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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After a cataclysmic meteor strike, it‘s a race to get humanity to the moon & beyond, if there‘s going to be any hope for survival. Elma just wants, more than anything, to move from the theoretical math to the stars herself.

I liked this a lot! Strong historical setting, wonderful cast of characters (that I definitely wanted more of), excellent pacing. The ending felt a bit abrupt & a bit unsatisfying, but overall a great listen! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern Chapter 2, references to parent death; Chapters 4 and 22, off page child death; Chapter 23 brief reference to past suicide attempt 5mo
TheSpineView Glad you enjoyed! 😊 5mo
Karisimo There are two more books in the series to continue the story! They are as good as the first! 5mo
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A break in the storms -> I collected ramps on a little hike -> dying of boredom waiting for the pine nuts to toast up for the pesto 😝
Guess I'll read my book and try not to get too distracted so the nuts don't burn...

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I hope everyone enjoyed the April selection for #LitsySciFiBookClub Discussion is now open. I have a few questions to get us started. However, feel free to talk about anything. Even though the setting was 75+ years ago, a lot of issues are still relevant today.

Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.
@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl

CatLass007 I think that Elma got an education when she made friends with Black people. She was unaware of her own racism until that time and she wasn‘t perfect when she tried not to be racist, but she made every effort to make change in her behavior. 5mo
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CatLass007 I‘m not convinced that this was accurate in the way it treated minorities. This was pretty tame. People in the South are pretty blatant about their racism while northerners try to hide it but it‘s definitely still there. Although the fact that only whites were rescued for some time speaks volumes. 5mo
Larkken I‘m still working my way through this book, but I like how Elma constantly tries to confront her own biases. She seems like a worthy heroine, and I love the mutual respect in marriage being shown throughout the book. Fairly cozy in its way - but I can‘t tell if that tone is jarring to me given the subject matter? I think the book does tone down the racism that I think would have been present a bit weirdly. 5mo
Ruthiella While I enjoyed the story and found it an entertaining read, Elma felt a little too perfect to me and her relationship with her husband as well. I think probably the racism and sexism were even worse than portrayed in this book. At the back of the edition I read, Kowal gave sources for the attitudes expressed in the novel about how women weren‘t fit to be astronauts or pilots from our real history. 5mo
kwmg40 I agree with @Ruthiella that Elma seemed a bit too perfect to be completely relatable. As for the racism and sexism, I can believe that they existed and were likely worse than depicted. I'm an Asian-Canadian woman who has studied and worked in tech since the 80's and have told stories to my daughters that made them say, “He actually said that to you? And didn't get fired on the spot?“ Friends and colleagues have relayed even worse incidents. 5mo
kwmg40 But things have definitely gotten better, though there's still a long way to go. My daughters' reactions indicate that some of the behaviour would be considered completely unacceptable these days. The biggest change I observe at my tech company is that more of my male colleagues are taking an equal share in the parenting, which means they too are concerned about work-life balance and such issues. 5mo
TheSpineView @kwmg40 I agree with both of you also. Elma was a bit too perfect. 5mo
TheSpineView @kwmg40 Things have gotten better. For example, I didn't go the CPA route when I finished school. Back in the day it was the good old boys club. Women didn't ever make partner and were just glorified bookkeepers. I ended up being a CMA and worked most of my career in manufacturing. Don't regret it. Still need to see more Women and minorities in upper level positions. 5mo
kwmg40 @TheSpineView I agree about more women and minorities in upper-level positions. I consider the company I work for quite progressive but there are still few women in the highest positions. 5mo
julesG I think Elma was a bit too perfect, whereas racism and sexism were a bit tame. I don't think much would have changed had Elma had more flaws or there been a more 'accurate' depiction of racism and sexism. 5mo
BookmarkTavern I haven‘t finished it yet, but the discrimination feels really tame. That might just be because I‘m comparing that in tone to the gut punch of the initial disaster. 5mo
Karisimo I felt that the author did well to acknowledge discrimination issues without it taking over the story and being only about that. 5mo
Larkken Off topic, but the rocket innuendos feel like they're CONSTANT. I mean, bully for them and their healthy sex life, but jeez. 5mo
TheSpineView @Karisimo yes 👍 5mo
TheSpineView @BookmarkTavern I agree. It must have been a 100 times worse 5mo
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This is my second book finished for the #AwesomeApril readathon hosted by @Andrew65

I reread this book for #LitsySciFiBookClub and loved it just as much this time around. The MC, Elma York, has this charisma about her that draws you in. She fought many uphill battles to reach her dream of becoming an astronaut and did it with a dignity we rarely see today. 5⭐️

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#LitsySciFiBookClub #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 This was a wonderful book! I‘m so glad I decided to start reading more science fiction again. I participated in buddy reads this month where the selection was by this author. I bailed on a dull fantasy and I couldn‘t stop listening to this one. This deserves a constellation of stars. ✨✨✨✨✨

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 5mo
TheSpineView I enjoyed also! 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome!! 5mo
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs #SpringSkies #BkClubRead

Reading this book in April for the #LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC which I host. It is a reread for myself. I enjoyed this book and look forward to visiting with the characters again.

Karisimo Have you read the whole series? 6mo
TheSpineView @Karisimo Yes. Book 1 and 3 are my favorites 6mo
Eggs 💙🖤💙 Perfect 6mo
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julesG Same. I'm going to enjoy the audiobook shortly before our discussion. 6mo
Karisimo @TheSpineView good to hear! 6mo
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Repost for @TheSpineView

The April selection for the #LitsySciFiBookClub had changed to The Calculating Stars since the original choice, which was self-published, is not available at this time. Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list. Happy Reading! ❤️📖🛸

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The April selection for the #LitsySciFiBookClub had changed to The Calculating Stars since the original choice, which was self-published, is not available at this time. Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list. Happy Reading! ❤️📖🛸

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47

BethM I was able to get this one! 6mo
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Karisimo I‘ve read and enjoyed the first two of this series so I think I‘ll go on and read the third! 6mo
PageShifter I found the book 😊 6mo
LeeRHarry Woohoo my library has this one! 😊 6mo
BookmarkTavern I can‘t wait to get started! 💙 6mo
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IndoorDame I loved this!!! But I haven‘t read the follow ups yet cause I keep hearing they‘re disappointing. Were you a fan? 10mo
TheSpineView @IndoorDame The 2nd book didn't meet the mark, in my opinion. The 3rd book was much better. 10mo
IndoorDame @TheSpineView good to know, thanks 10mo
Eggs Sounds good 👌🏼 10mo
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An alternative history set in the 1950s in which a meteorite causes climate disaster and launches a race into space in order to colonize Mars. Elma wants to be an astronaut but despite her qualifications being female means being relegated to support roles. This wasn‘t at all what I was expecting- I thought it would feel more sci-fi but the focus was on gender and race inequalities. I still really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book.

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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: October Sky

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An alternate timeline in which a meteor strike brings up the need to colonize the Moon or Mars that starts with developing space flight in the 1950s. An excellent read, full of love of flight, both airplanes and rockets. Really enjoyed!

To make things better this was both my August #BookSpin and my July #Roll100 pick. And it helped me advance in the Q3 #PromptMaze (no arrows, just covers in the image). Yay! 😁

@TheAromaOfBooks @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Yay! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Love a book that forwards multiple challenges!!! 2y
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This was completely fabulous. I don‘t quite do New Years resolutions but have a plan to try and read a bit more across some different genres in 2022. Picked pretty much randomly from the library this is a fun and interesting story in an alternative timeline where a meteor hits Washington DC in the 1950s and the space race accelerates as Earth becomes inhospitable to life. I‘m pleased there are more books in the series.

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I'm totally cheating myself a good start to 2022 as I already have three of these partially read for my January #bookspin list 🤣 Happy New Year! 🥳

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My June pick for #12Booksof2021 is the first book in The Lady Astronaut series. @Andrew65

@Crazeedi @Lizpixie

Andrew65 I need to read this. 3y
Crazeedi Looks very interesting!! 3y
Ruthiella I‘m also hoping to start this series next year. 3y
TNbookworm Such a good book! 3y
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We just finished decorating our Christmas Tree 🎄, and I decided it‘s a good moment to open my #Jolabokaflod swap present. Thank you @kaysworld1 for the book, the card and the chocolate 🍫! To answer your question, Germans traditionally open their presents 🎁 this evening, and before that, I‘m doing a highlights of the year quiz with my parents. Tomorrow, we‘ll have a big lunch with my grandparents.

#MerryChristmas #presents #newbook

TrishB Lovely ♥️ 3y
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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I can‘t wait to dive into the next one in the series!

#TBRRead #WinterGames #MistletoeManiacs

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It‘s 1952 and a meteorite has just taken out Washington DC. WWII pilot and mathematician Elma York survives only to realize that cataclysm will eventually render the planet uninhabitable. Joining the International Aerospace Coalition as a computer, Elma aspires to be an astronaut, but her flight to the stars will involve facing sexism, racism, her own privilege, and her anxiety disorder. I had a (rocket) blast reading this Nebula & Hugo winner!

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History, but slightly to the left. 📜

1. Tagged! I‘ve heard this is really good.
2. The electing in 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. Tilden won the popular vote, but Hayes won the electoral college by one vote. 😱
3. I think both can be good, but I‘d prefer something more hopeful.

#SundayFunday Have a great day and don‘t forget to tag me!

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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Laura Dern

Klou Great job!! 3y
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I really enjoyed Elma's characters. She is this WASP pilot who is so rockin' in the cockpit but in her daily life she struggles like every woman/wife. I loved the alternate reality of the 1950-60s with a twist to the space race. I did feel like I wanted more at the end.

June Book 23/25 #LitsyLove #bookspinbingo

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melissanorr I read a historical paranormal book by her and enjoyed it. I'll have to check this out. 3y
julesG @melissanorr I'll have to check those out then. 😉 3y
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Chapter 34 before heading to an appointment. Busy morning already. My Zen moment, balancing the coffee mug on my knee while the #GhostCat settled herself in my lap. 🎉

#JoysOfJune #readathon @Andrew65

Ruthiella Excellent balancing act! 👏 👏 👏 3y
julesG @Ruthiella Thank you. It was more than half full at that moment. 🧘🏻‍♀️ 3y
GingerAntics Just noticed the mug is on your knee. Very impressive not knocking it over. 3y
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Currently listening to this. I picked it based on the author and had no expectations whatsoever. So far, about 25% in, it exceeds my expectations. 😁

#audiobook #JoysOfJune #readathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Looks good. 3y
sprainedbrain I really liked this book! 3y
julesG @sprainedbrain Did you read the sequels? 3y
sprainedbrain Not yet, but I plan to. 3y
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I bought these books earlier this year for my #NewYearWhoDis reading from my (stellar) list from @TheKidUpstairs 🥰

I‘m a little late, and I still need to get to Megan‘s favorite (3rd in series), but I really enjoyed this book! What a fascinating alternate history: the meteorite strike was such a compelling opening, the characters were fun, the math jokes and nerdiness were on point, and the drama was great. Looking forward to more!


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More keema, this time alongside THE CALCULATING STARS. I‘ve read and enjoyed Kowal before, but this book‘s first 50 pages have got me EXCITED. I think it‘ll be the perfect thing to help me work past my Karin Lowachee hangover.

BkClubCare Fun book 😊 3y
xicanti @BkClubCare I hope the sequel comes in for me soon. I want more! 3y
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I'm at 6 hours and 35 minutes for the #20in4 readathon.

This weekend, I'm concentrating on the Hugo/Lodestar nominees which were announced recently. I'm a voting member again this year, and I'm currently reading the second book in The Lady Astronaut series.

#hugoawards #hugo2021 #ShutdownRound3
@Andrew65 @DieAReader

Andrew65 Going well 👏👏👏 3y
DieAReader Doing good👏🏻👏🏻 3y
MsMelissa How did the vaccine go? Any side effects? 3y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 @DieAReader Thanks for your encouragement!

@MsMelissa I felt tired and achy all of yesterday but I'm pretty much back to normal today! Thanks for asking.
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I think I‘m in love 🚀☄️👩‍🚀💫

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This is just not for me. Moving on!!!

MayJasper Sometimes you just have to move on 👍 4y
IamIamIam @MayJasper So true! I really like the concept, especially after reading Hidden Figures, but the writing isn't grabbing me! 4y
Traci1 You didn't miss anything. I finished it but wish I'd given up. 4y
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IamIamIam @Traci1 Oh no!!! I'm just glad I got it for free!!! Lol, I really checked out when she was talking about watching the muscles in her husband's forearm ripple when he was oiling potatoes for dinner... 🙄🙄🙄 NEXT!!! 4y
Angitron Same! I just couldn‘t get into this. And it started out so strong! 4y
IamIamIam @Angitron It really did have such promise!!! 😤 4y
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So... I'm 13 chapters into this and it's losing me... not with the science, but with the silly sexual asides that seem to be thrown in there to keep readers engaged who may not be into all the science and calculations. The foreplay and sex involving a rocket discussion a few chapters ago almost made me call it off for good. There are a lot of characters named but with no substance so I'm getting confused. She's no Hiaasen...

Bookwormjillk I bailed on this one but my work buddy keeps telling me it‘s really good. I‘ll probably give it another try? Maybe? 4y
IamIamIam @Bookwormjillk I only just realized it's the first in a series which makes sense if you're dragging to establish characters but I don't like the asides either. The concept is keeping me, not the writing! "He rubbed the potatoes with oil and I watched the muscles in his arm rippling." ?? 4y
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First in the series of three, Elma is a WW2 pilot and when a meteorite hits Earth everything on Earth is changed. The race to get to outer space is accelerated in this story that mixes history, science, and the fight for women to be seen as equals. Good story and I will probably read the next two.

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The story is predictable but satisfying . The characters are interesting and the read was supersonic. The low rating has to do with the unfortunate luck of being read after an amazing book. I will likely read the sequel.

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#20Series20Days @Andrew65

Absolutely loved The Lady Astronaut series! It stars with The Calculating Stars, continues with The Fated Sky and The Rentless Moon. ❤📚👍❣💜💙💚📚

Andrew65 Ooh this looks good. 4y
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Starting this while I wait for my eye exam... I might have put off getting my license renewed for a few weeks... 😬😬😬 🚔🚔🚔

vivastory Breakin the law, breakin the law 😂 4y
IamIamIam @vivastory 🤣🤣🤣 Living on the edge!!! 4y
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It's the first night of my husband's 2 week vacation (and literally the first time we've been off work at the same time ever - we're supposed to be on a 5th anniversary/belated honeymoon right now 😞😞😞) and the plan was to start a new show tonight... but someone can't stay awake while putting the kids to bed! So instead I've got a date with some Lady Astronauts 😉

CallMeIshmael Been there 4y
ErinSBecker Happy anniversary! 💐 4y
UwannaPublishme Happy Anniversary! ❤️ 4y
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Anybody who was wanting to read the Lady Astronaut books but hadn't yet, the first two are on sale today for $2.99 each! These are hands down my favorite reads from 2018, and I devoured book 3 in less than a day when it released earlier this month.



"I laughed, because sometimes you have to, even when things aren‘t funny."

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Alternate historical sci-fi revolving around the early days of space flight following a devastating meteorite strike. Focusing on smart, vulnerable, brave, awesome female characters.

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#freebook For books

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In preparation for The Relentless Moon coming out on July 14, Tor‘s Book Club of the Month is offering the first Lady Astronaut Book for free mobi or ePub download until 11:59 PM ET, June 26th.

Available only in the US and Canada.

https://ebookclub.tor.com #torbookclub

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This is Tor's free ebook of the month and it is available starting today until 11:59 PM ET, June 26th.



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Oh man. I didn't expect to love this book. I thought I was in for a generally entertaining ride. Nope! This book is amazing. It's filled with emotion and tension and a major cast of fantastic characters. Must read!

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Enjoying a decadent root beer float while starting a new book.

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✈️🌏 my move. I was supposed to move in April, then it got pushed to May. But I should be finally happening next month
📚 I just started the tagged
💛 well, since I live alone, technically everything I do is just for me 😂

Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView @MoonWitch94

Have you played @ozma.of.oz @hes7 @StaceyKondla @PathfinderNicole @kezzlou85 @PickwickPlockPlock

Mitch That‘s good news ..... so glad you‘re not completely off track. ✈️ 4y
wanderinglynn @Mitch they had to get a waiver to make the June move happen. Otherwise, I probably wouldn‘t be moving until fall. 4y
MoonWitch94 Oh that‘s great news about your move!! FINALLY you‘ll get to go!!! ☺️ That is true about living alone 🤣 Thanks for playing 4y
eeclayton I've recently read The Calculating Stars. Looking forward to your review. 4y
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There's a lot going on in this book: alt-history, an extinction event, a space program, sexism, racism, anxiety, a Jewish heritage, and of course, Lady Astronauts. While all of these are important and interesting, I feel that less would be more.

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Thoroughly enjoyable. Detail and pace were used to good effect to demonstrate Elma‘s exquisite mind and the catalyst and drive to reach space. The “isms” and limitations of the 1950‘s are noted but glossed over. It is forgivable. It may not be wishful thinking that we would recognize and value everyone in a global emergency.

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I just finished this and immediately downloaded the sequel. Having the main character simultaneously coping with anxiety, constant micro-aggressions and coming to terms with being in a racist system really filled out the narrative for me and made it feel genuine. And I loved how she and the other women banded together and burned men to the ground whenever they tried to assert any of the women were less capable or skilled.

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Looking forward to our book club discussion this afternoon! It sounds like everyone really enjoyed the book even though many were skeptical to read a “Sci-fi” book. I loved the characters, the 1950‘s setting and even though women have made significant strides in the workforce, in someways it‘s very much the same as it‘s always been. I‘m looking forward to the sequel and book 3 comes out in July. I may also check out the novellas. 😀