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Network Effect
Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel | Martha Wells
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Oops! I finished this one the other day and forgot to review it! This is the first novel-length installment of the series, and the pacing definitely feels more novel-like. I found the interwoven additional storyline a little confusing (although I get why it's there), but I really like the relationships and the bizarre sci-fi elements.

Photo: Camille guarding our house; she's our version of a SecUnit.

Jari-chan Cat = SecUnit - perfect in so many ways 😸 1mo
julesG @Jari-chan ?? you're right. I quoted from Murderbot when my cat was giving me The Look after sniffing at her food bowl. I said "I take the obscene gesture as given." and my son heard it and started laughing (he's a big Murderbot fan, too). 1mo
Jari-chan @julesG This is awesome! 😂 1mo
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starlight97 I love this series! 1mo
ImperfectCJ @starlight97 My elder kid recommended the series to me ages ago, and I finally started it, and now I'm all-in. I used Murderbot as a metaphor for my personal story arc in an acting class the other day, and only one other person in the class had heard of Murderbot (which meant not only that I had to explain the metaphor more than expected, but I also had to explain that "murder" wasn't actually part of my personal story arc). 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hello Camille 🐾 1mo
dabbe #captaincamille! 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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I'm starting to think Murderbot might be my spirit animal.

julesG Just now? Book 5? 🤣🤣🤣 Love that line. So relatable. 1mo
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First day of school bathroom selfie. Classes started yesterday (the ones I'm taking, not the ones I'm teaching), and while they promise to be fun and the good kind of challenging, they are already cutting into my quality time with Murderbot.

BarbaraBB Great post! 1mo
LiteraryinPA You‘ve got this!! 1mo
Nebklvr Boo to losing quality time with murderbot 1mo
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I try to read these books slow, to make them last. But eventually, I reach the last page. Finishing a good story is always a little bittersweet.

I absolutely love this series. And this one is a great installment because it includes ART!

julesG I have the GraphicAudio on loop in my car. Currently listening to the third book on my short commutes. Still not fed up with Murderbot, even on my umpteenth go around. 2mo
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“‘Just remember you‘re not alone here.‘
I never know what to say to this. I am actually alone in my head, and that‘s where 90 plus percent of my problems are.”

👆🏻 This.

Soooo many reasons why I love this series. And another reason why Martha Wells should be on any best of list. #stupidNYTlist

julesG ❤️❤️❤️ Missed her on the list. Also, not a single Murderbot quote in this recently published book (hence no 5 stars) 2mo
wanderinglynn @julesG well boo to Guy Harrison 👎🏻because he missed out on the multiple excellent quotes in all the Murderbot books. 2mo
julesG "I hate it when I leak." is one of my favourites. When I use it my son knows exactly what's going on and acts accordingly (books, blankets, tea, chocolate). He used it recently referring to his runny nose and I laughed so hard I had a runny nose too. 2mo
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wanderinglynn @julesG that‘s one of my faves too! 😂 2mo
Ruthiella I love Murderbot‘s logic here. 2mo
wanderinglynn @Ruthiella 👍🏻😀 2mo
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After much deliberation I decided to read in publication order instead of the chronological, this flowed really well after HOME. The 1st full length novel did not disappoint, more sass, more emotion, new friends, old friends -even if Murderbot doesn‘t want to admit they are friends.

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I should‘ve had more faith in Martha Wells and trusted that I would enjoy this series just as much in novel length.

IndoorDame I‘ve been waiting for A.R.T to come back!!!!😃😃😃👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
Zuhkeeyah @IndoorDame I was so excited when A.R.T. came back. Their arguments with Murderbot are my favorite. 7mo
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This had a strong start but after a few hours, everything felt padded to oblivion. Despite having clear goals the book meanders to them. We got a bit more world-building and the characters felt a bit more fleshed out, but not enough to make a lot of them distinguishable from one another still.

There was also a bit with a pedo that felt unnecessary and out of left field and I was not a fan. Just to put it out there.

Doppoetry I generally don't care about swearing in novels, but considering how chill Murderbot was in earlier books it has gotten pretty comfortable with saying “fuck“ a lot and it isn't as effective as the author intends. 7mo
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An old friend needs some help, and Murderbot is determined to come through while also protecting the humans under its care. This is a full length novel and Wells takes advantage of the space to build on the relational complexity she‘s been developing in earlier books. LOVE THIS SERIES.

Ruthiella I ❤️ Murderbot! 8mo
HeatherBookNerd @Ruthiella I‘m obsessed! 8mo
CoffeeK8 Murderbot! 💕 8mo
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This was longer than I remembered it to be, about 3-4 times longer than each novella. That meant a lot of things happened and, since my memory of the first read through was pretty hazy, there was a lot I had forgotten. Which explains why I was *so confused* when I first read the sequel. 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, it‘s a good book and I love the characters. But the series is much better marathoned than read in publication-times instalments.

julesG You might have been confused when reading the sequel because you read Network Effect before Fugitive Telemetry? 8mo
Tsana @julesG That certainly didn‘t help! And does explain why there were some key events that I had mentally assigned to happening earlier than they did. The very short time gaps between the sequential books and the relative lack of recaps is the main problem, IMO. Still love the series, but having originally read it on the publication timeline lessened the experience. 8mo
julesG I still don't know why the mighty publishing house TOR decided to publish books 5 and 6 in the wrong order. It just doesn't make sense. 8mo
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Tsana @julesG I assumed that was just the order she wrote them in. Have you heard otherwise? 8mo
julesG I only found that Wells wanted to go back to give some background on certain scenes in NE and this is how FT came about. See link: https://www.space.com/martha-wells-murderbot-fugitive-telemetry-interview 8mo
Tsana @julesG Thabks for the link. Interesting read and reassuring promise of more books. Im@hoping that now that the whole timeline (more or less) is fixed in my head better, future books will be easier to get back into for me. 8mo
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The next Murderbot book + tea and snacks = the best Saturday night ever! 💕📚

And yes, I moved one of my small Christmas trees into my book room so it could bring me joy all year long! 🤭

AnnCrystal 👏📚🎄🤩👍💝. 8mo
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I was hoping to continue my re-read in chronological rather than publication order… but I ran out of free books in audible (and shortly will end my audible sub anyway). Network Effect follows Exit Strategy in publication order and is the only novel-length Murderbot book so far. At least the one I‘ve skipped for now, Fugitive Telemetry, is more of a standalone story (from memory). And has a longer wait time at the library 🤷‍♀️

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The 5th in the Muderbot series (and the first full-length book of the series) found Murderbot reuniting with ART! I was happy to see the author bring ART back although this one got a little slow and redundant in places. This series may be better suited for novellas.

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4.5/5⭐ I got a little lost on some of the details of the larger plot, but I still knew when to think “yay“ vs “oh shit.“ I can't get enough of Murderbot, ART, & the humans they care about. Even in this novel-length story Wells never lets the pacing flag or includes unnecessary filler scenes. The action & relationships are so deeply satisfying to my soul. This book introduces interesting dynamics & characters I hope we see again in future stories.

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“I‘ve had clients who thought they needed an absurd level of security.”


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I ❤️❤️❤️ rereading Murderbot by audiobook!
I finished this doodle cowl test knit (❤️🐙❤️)and a Nomadic Knits headband during this listen.
#litsycrafters #knittersoflitsy

Meshell1313 😍😍🙌 13mo
Soubhiville Wow! 🤩 13mo
Charityann So pretty!😄 13mo
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julesG Hope the cowl is as cosy as it looks. 😍😍😍 13mo
Avanders That. Is. Amazing. 13mo
Michael_Gee Oo I love it! 13mo
Oryx Wow 13mo
AmyG That is FABULOUS ❤️ 13mo
Larkken Love those octopodi! 13mo
Roary47 That is sooo neat! 😍 13mo
Catsandbooks Omg that's so cute! 🐙 13mo
Chrissyreadit you are talented!! 13mo
BethM This is so cool! Hope you are well and school is going well! Sending hugs! 13mo
LindaMcGraw16 I love the little octopi/kraken!! So adorable! 13mo
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Reread Murderbot in Murderbot timeline (6 before 5). Makes much more sense, especially when considering what book 7 has in store.

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩👍📖 13mo
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After reading the novellas I jumped into reading the full Murderbot novel. I love to see what Wells does with the space to really work. Excellent plotting and character voice, as always, and I enjoyed seeing the character development across this book. Lovely relationships too. I'm very excited for the next full novel coming out! I have it preordered and can't wait for November.

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The first full novel length adventure in the Murderbot series. I loved the return of our cranky yet caring SecUnit and his diverse cast of side characters. I actually missed the shorter length, and this felt a little more hard sci-fi than I typically read. Still a fun book, I highly recommend the audio for this series! 4⭐️

Dragon These audiobooks are so good - love Murderbot 🤖💚🐉 1y
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Finally figured out why I like Murderbot stories: it‘s hardboiled crime fiction in space. Raymond Chandler hero but half-human, half-bot. Genderless Humphrey Bogart w/ BUILT-IN weapons & drones. Laconic, snarky, distanced, smart, wisecracking, duty-bound but risk-taking, tough but sentimental gun-for-hire. Appeal = the bravado? Social issues (corporate greed, environmental degradation)+ MC‘s inner struggles. Murderbot, p77: “Ugh. Emotions.” 😂2020

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I could not love this series, or Murderbot, more! Murderbot made some important decisions in this installment and it was nice to see it forming some relationships with other bots in addition to its human team.

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I love this series, it is the very best of sci-fi with the bonus of having a lot of heart and wholesomeness (which is imo often lacking in the genre). Cannot recommend enough! I was super happy this novel was a bit longer than the previous ones, and seems like the next ones will be 🔥

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Another great Murderbot installment -- almost caught up with the series. This is my happy story currently, making my chores a lot more pleasant

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It's book hugging time again! 📚🤖🥰
Murderbot, with trademark snark, doesn't spend enough time rescuing it's own increasing flock of helpless ducklings/aka squishy humans, NOOOOO, now it has to go help another bot rescue its humans(crew)! 🤣

Robotswithpersonality As much as I enjoy Murderbot sporadically/painfully working its way to emotional intelligence/maturity via taxing human interaction, I'm also really happy to see it have more time to interact with other friendly bots.
The discussions of PTSD and treatment were kind of past due.
Can't say much more without spoiling but I had even more fun than I expected to and I continue to LOVE these characters and this series.
⚠️ body horror
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Oh, honey, relatable. Overthinkers and AI/bot intelligence, I feel like they'd have a lot in common. 🤔🥴

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But I love it even more when they make up. 🥰🤖🥰

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I LOVE it when they're snippy with each other! 😆

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Be proud of your accomplishments. 😆

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Snark master Murderbot is back.
It joined Dr. Mensah‘s brother, daughter, and friends on a research mission that goes horribly wrong when their ship is abducted by strange alien-type creatures who were flying an all-too familiar transport ship. Murderbot is thrown in the thick of it trying to keep his humans alive, restore ART, and figure out what the hell was going on.
Finished 5/8/2022

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First book of the year and I can mark one off for #SeriesLove2023 already! I love Murderbot even more after this book, if that‘s possible. The combination of its wariness and damage with its fierce loyalty & caring makes Murderbot such a compelling and deeply human (non-human) character. The plot kept me turning pages, and the character development took this one to the next level. And of course, Murderbot‘s snark doesn‘t hurt. 😁

TheSpineView Way to start the New Year. 2y
Ruthiella I ❤️ Murderbot! 2y
BookNAround Love Murderbot! (edited) 2y
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Starting 2023 with this stack! An inauspicious start to my goal of reading from my shelves instead of the library—5/6 are library books 😆

#LittleHouse: Farmer Boy (in progress)
#SeriesLove2023: Network Effect (in progress)
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead: Before Green Gables
#AuldLangSpine: Remarkably Bright Creatures / The Cartographers
#ChunksterChallenge2023: Babel (also for AuldLangSpine)
+IRL book club pick & #BookSpin / #DoubleSpin (TBD)

marleed I finally decided to treat my shelves and library loans as all my books. I had a shockingly large tax bill last year. To compensate, I pretended every library book I read deducted $13.00 from what I paid. I made a small dent, okay a door ding, in that unexpected expense - but it was fun logic to apply! 2y
Bibliomania @marleed That's such a great idea! 2y
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On the 8th day of Christmas I pick Network Effect for my #August2022 best book as I continued on with my Murderbot obsession last year.

Andrew65 I need to get to these. 2y
MaleficentBookDragon @Andrew65 they are fantastic. 2y
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Oh Murderbot, you get better with every installment. I wish they were all full length novels like this one because it was such a delight. The super techy sci-fi bits still lose me from time to time, but it‘s all worth it. This is also one of the best narrated series I‘ve ever listened to, it‘s just perfection. I‘m tempted to go back and re-listen from the beginning but will force myself to wait until after I‘ve devoured the rest of these!

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#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

Yay! Murderbot and ART are together again. 💚

I liked this one but I do feel these stories work better as novellas. As always though Wells does an excellent job making Murderbot and ART feel human, especially with the friendship that develops between the two.

Lots of great sci-fi action with all the familiar characters I've come to love in this series.

Ruthiella I agree that the novella format works best, but I‘ll take Murderbot (and ART) in any length! 2y
TheSpineView ❤️ Murderbot 2y
rmaclean4 Agreed. I think the Novellas are stronger. ❤️ Murderbot. 2y
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This is the first full-length novel in the MurderBot series, and I didn‘t enjoy it quite as much as the novellas. These stories seem to work better in shorter form, because this one kind of just kept circling the same plot conflict over and over.

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This installation of the Murderbot series is hard core scifi. Plot and character heavy, this was a harder go than the first books.

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ART is still the best

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We all need more Murderbot and ART in our lives.
I adore this world and want to stay in it.
Now the long wait begins before the next book comes out.

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I have to say that I love ART even more than Murderbot.

BookmarkTavern ART is amazing! 😂 2y
Ruthiella ART and Murderbot are the perfect couple. 😍 2y
Avanders I need to start this series!! 2y
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I was going to take a break from Murderbot since there are only 2 left in the series right now.
I read 19 pages of Bunny and just wanted to go back.
So, Murderbot 5 it is.
I‘m not sure what I‘ll do once I finish the 6th one. 😕

The pic was at dinner last night at Trevi‘s in Caesar‘s Las Vegas. The lighting wasn‘t great for reading so I mostly people watched, but the gnocchi was fantastic!

julesG Re-read them in the Murderbot timeline? Book 6 before book 5 that is. 😉 2y
MaleficentBookDragon @julesG ohhh, I didn‘t know that. I‘ll read 6 next instead. Thanks! (edited) 2y
julesG You're welcome! My son noticed this strange order. He noticed that Murderbot was using tech in book 5 that he gets in book 6. 2y
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Avanders Mmmm that gnocchi looks fantastic! 😁 2y
MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders it was. I have been to Vegas 5 times and I try to go there every time. Do good. 2y
Avanders Oh wow! It must be amazing 🤩 have you ever had the breakfast buffet at the Wynn? I think it‘s a littler pricier than normal… but worth it!! (If you can eat a lot of breakfast anyway 😜) 2y
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On a survey mission, things get complicated when the team is half kidnapped/half dragged along for the ride. Murderbot‘s past makes a return, and it‘s humans find new and interesting ways to get into trouble.

Love the time & depth that a full novel gives us. Murderbot is settling into it‘s new role while also adjusting to trusting the humans around it. Loved the character growth, relationship developments, & exponential world building. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

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Well this was a very schizophrenic lunchtime #bookhaul.

BeeMagical Bunny is SO good! 🐰 2y
TheBookWitchON Just grabbed Bunny today also. 2y
wisherwishinguponastar I am intrigued about the title on the right! (edited) 2y
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I love, love, love Murderbot. Thank you @Mitch for this book and the push to finally start the series. I can‘t wait for more. I won‘t say anything about the book because there‘s no way for a review to not be spoiler-y. I‘ll just say that I bounced around a lot, like a happy toddler on a sugar high while reading. So. Much. Fun. 🤪🥳🫣😱🤯🤪

Soubhiville So good! Glad you‘ve joined the Murderbot fan club. 2y
Dragon Love Murderbot 🤖💚🐉 2y
julesG Happy to see you liked it and have become a fan. 2y
Mitch Yeah. Glad you liked it! 😘 2y
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Two digital ARCs that publish tomorrow and one book due back to the library on Wednesday. I‘ve tried them all and none of them are working for me (we won‘t discuss how irritated I am with The Woman in the Library. I may write a bail review later today). So, I‘m abandoning my original TBR for this week and grabbing the last of the currently available Murderbot books. Murderbot won‘t let me down.

Dragon Murderbot is always so snarky and fun 👍🐉 2y
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Three Murderbot books in three days 🤖 I haven‘t felt like this about a series since I crushed those 20 Phryne Fishers in a month 😵‍💫 I wish there were 20 Murderbots! 🤓 in other news, my first batch of salad greens grew enough to harvest! Featured here gracing a leftover Mediterranean chickpea tagine tart with a drizzle of aioli 👩‍🍳

julesG Yummy! Also, yes for 20 Murderbot books. 2y
EvieBee Yum! Also, Phryne is good like that! 2y
BkClubCare Beautiful. And yes to the Murderbot ❤️ 2y
Nute Yum! I‘m into to Phryne Fisher as well! 2y
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SQUEEEEEE! @Mitch You are the best Easter Bunny! Every time someone posts about Murderbot, I think, “I really need to try these murderbot books. They sound like something I would love”. I think I own the first novella on Kindle, but I do not have this one! Off to rearrange my reading plans for May and find something to do with these super cute page flags. Thank you so much my friend! 💖🐰💖

Mitch You haven‘t read it! I‘d convinced myself you had! 🤣Enjoy sweetie! 2y
DGRachel @Mitch I have not! I put holds on #1-4 from my library and should have them in a week or so and will be binging the series in May! Thank you so much! 😘 2y
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Here for it. On a murderbot rampage and cannot get enough. I think I prefer the novella length, maybe? Hard to say. This is a full length novel and I mean, when you love murderbot, you‘re fine with it right? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


The other humans were listening on the comm so hard I could pick up their breathing. Thiago pretended not to listen, flashing his helmet light over the stations on the upper tier of the control area. Overse added, "Just remember you're not alone here." I never know what to say to that. I am actually alone in my head, and that's where 90 plus percent of my problems are.

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