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Riot Baby
Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
73 posts | 69 read | 63 to read
"Riot Baby bursts at the seams of story with so much fire, passion and power that in the end it turns what we call a narrative into something different altogether."Marlon James Rooted in foundational loss and the hope that can live in anger, Riot Baby is both a global dystopian narrative an intimate family story with quietly devastating things to say about love, fury, and the black American experience. Ella and Kev are brother and sister, both gifted with extraordinary power. Their childhoods are defined and destroyed by structural racism and brutality. Their futures might alter the world. When Kev is incarcerated for the crime of being a young black man in America, Ellathrough visits both mundane and supernaturaltries to show him the way to a revolution that could burn it all down. Praise for Riot Baby Onyebuchi has woven a story as uplifting as it is heartbreaking, an epic ode to the future and past, tiny acts of resistance, love, and the wild unstoppable sweep of revolution.Daniel Jos Older "Tochi Onyebuchi is, primarily, a generous world-builder. His journey into this is honed and sharpened with Riot Baby, which asks a reader to care deeply for the interior of its characters, and the fights they have taken on."Hanif Abdurraqib "Riot Baby is the burning embers of a revolution. Its the quiet rage of generations of people who have been told they are lesser than others. Its the flash of accelerant in a genre that needs the burn."Mark Oshiro At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I knew nothing going into this book but I enjoyed it a lot. Very different from what the cover made my brain decide what the book was about.

Reggie I finished this a week ago. I thought it was so depressing. She has all those powers and still felt powerless for a lot of the book. 2mo
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This book has been on my TBR for awhile, I‘m so glad I finally got to it. It‘s definitely a thinker (and might require a re-read) but combines sci-fi & modern politics into a thoughtful, poetic look at racism and misogynoir. It‘s the type of thing that I would think would be a great conversation piece for high school or college students, most certainly. Novella but has serious depth.

Photo is from this weekends Galentines brunch 🥰😘

Texreader That just looks darned amazing!!! 5mo
Melismatic @Texreader it really was! Such a fun Cajun place with weird chandeliers and mismatched plates. Plus I didn‘t even get a pic of the beignet egg & sausage slider appetizers! 5mo
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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There‘s a lot packed into this short novella. Anger. Family. Love. Rage. And I was so impressed by the authors writing that kept me with this one . What I struggled with more was the lack of plot, narrative timeline and the mystical elements. Impressive for sure but also left me wanting a bit more of Ella and Kevin‘s story #booked2023

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Let me start by saying this novella is good. Really, really good. Onyebuchi‘s writing is incisive, impassioned and bursting with anger as are his characters—Ella who can see into someone‘s past or their future & who wields an unimaginable power, & her brother Kev who was born during the LA Riots. A story about family, love, opportunity, racism, injustice, rage, & so much more, this is a short but very powerful story.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This brief, powerful novel follows Ella and her brother Kevin, who was born during the 1992 LA riots, when the cops who beat Rodney King were found not guilty. This is an origin story born of rage, as Ella's power grows and the state relies increasingly on surveillance to maintain control. The author notes that he was inspired by NK Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy, and I can totally see it. A searing look at the fruits of injustice.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Although I think I missed some things listening to this on audio, I did get the rich, evocative imagery and the sense of rage and power vs hopelessness and helplessness. This is a novel that looks into the near future, imagining what happens when we as a society continue to choose to accept injustice for some for the illusion of peace. This story suggests that reforming a broken system isn't going to be nearly enough.

Readergrrl I really loved this short novel! I‘ve suggested it many times to friends. It wasn‘t the easiest of reads (the shifting voices, time periods, and elements of magical realism paired with a gritty topic) for me, but SO worth it!! (edited) 2y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Fiery, urgent writing but there was no story. Just a series of happenings. Ultimately, I was left a little disappointed.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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#TBRPile 📚 “Before her Thing begins. Before even Kev is born. Before the move to Harlem.”

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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My feelings on this book are complicated. It is an intense and disturbing story and it deserves recognition. It wasn't always easy to follow, but it was worth the effort. I would recommend it to people interested in anti-racism and empathy who like sci fi. Everyone else would probably benefit from reading it, too. It was a good book. To say I liked it would be using the wrong language.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Short, fast paced read.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This short work, nominated for the 2021 Hugo Best Novella award, is powerful and beautifully written. It mixes elements of science fiction with themes of racism, police brutality and family relationships. #hugo2021 #hugoawards

First book finished for the #JoysofJune readathon! @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This was wonderful. The characters were real, the sci-fi/fantasy elements were so interesting. More than that, the messages about racism were so well done. Especially the commentary about policing and prisons in relation to race. Definitely recommend. Read this for #LMPBC Will get it in the mail on Tuesday

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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One of those that made me feel like I possibly missed some things throughout. Listening to the #audiobook was a great experience; it was read by the author which is something I appreciate. The narration was awesome in this case, but the abrupt shifts in perspectives and time/place was disorientating and left me confused. I hope I got all I was supposed to out of this sci-fi/fantasy social justice commentary, which was just 4 hours long.

Megabooks I‘m on the fence about this. 🤔 3y
Chelsea.Poole @Megabooks I was too. And though I did love the narration of the audiobook I think I would have been better off with the book to follow along with. It‘s super short at only 4 hours, and I know you can listen faster than regular speed(!) so it‘s not much of a time investment if you‘d like to give it a go 😉 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Kev, born during the LA Riots, is incarcerated. His sister Ella can see past and future, wreck entire cities, and that‘s just the beginning of her powers... This blistering and speculative finalist for the Nebula Award for Best Novella this year has so much to say about racial justice, police brutality, and the surveillance state. I did sometimes find myself a little lost, but I respect how much it accomplishes in such a brief page count.

Leftcoastzen 😻cuteness! 3y
underground_bks @Leftcoastzen she was just so excited to get pets! 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This Novella packed quite the punch! I'll hold off on posting my thoughts on this one for now as it's a #lmpbc pick but it had me feeling all the feels. Great pick @Readergrrl ! I'll send this your way on Thursday, @rjsthumbelina

Readergrrl Fantastic! I was nervous sending it because, while it had fantasy/magical realism/dystopian elements, I wasn‘t sure if it would be liked. Personally, I loved and thought about it for a loooong time! I want to use it in my ELA classes. 3y
rjsthumbelina I'm excited to get to start this one! 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Up next. This month has really gotten away from me! Time to work on this #lmpbc pick.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I just finished Riot Baby and I can‘t stop thinking about it. Onyebuchi‘s writing style reminds me of NK Jemisin‘s dystopian anger with a heaping helping of Spike Lee‘s lens on racial injustice. I finished wondering how a dystopian/fantasy novel could reflect reality so authentically! This novel is for my fantasy-themed #LMPBC and I hope that they like it. It took me a little bit to get into the shifting time frame, but once I did...🔥🔥🔥 4/5⭐️

Readergrrl I will be mailing this out to @Mynameisacolour tomorrow afternoon. (edited) 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Readergrrl I just finished this book. So thought-provoking. I‘m still ruminating. 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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@Readergrrl I‘m glad I waited so we could open our #Bestof2020 swaps together. Thank you so much, I love it! I‘ve had this book on my TBR for a while so this was just perfect and I‘m sure I‘ll be starting it soon. And the maple brittle is already half-gone too 😂😘💌

Heideschrampf PS: I also noticed for the first time that there‘s a second T in connecTicut and I‘ve been there before!? 3y
candority So nice of you to wait! 💕 What a lovely bunch of goodies 😍 3y
Readergrrl I am so glad that you liked everything!! I‘m reading my copy of Riot Baby right now. Enjoying it very much!! Here‘s to a great 2021!! 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Wow what a searing telling of the past, present time and future. Ella has a gift that can allow her to move forward and backwards in time to specific places and events that have and haven't taken place yet. Kev, is a young black man in jail. Kev ttys his hardest to keep his sister safe in the inside as she lives out her life with her gift. Powerful story. Well done. Great Audiobook.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Currently Listening to the tagged book. It's excellent. I really like it.

Pssst the book in wrapping is The Nicole Boys By Colson Whitehead

What's your favorite Subscription Book Box?

#SubscriptionBoxes #BookMail #Books

BarbaraBB I just subscribed to Powell‘s #Indiespensable. So excited to receive the first box! 3y
rsteve388 Huh how does their work? What is included in the book? 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Hello #LMPBC #GroupI I‘ve been waiting for a batch of books I ordered and finally got my hands on the tagged book that I‘ve been oh-so-eager to read. I‘ve suggested it to several friends and it came highly recommended as a “Best of 2020.” At only 173 pages, I‘m leaning heavily this way as I‘ve just finished a couple of chunksters. However, if anyone has already read it, I‘ll certainly choose another. Thoughts?

rjsthumbelina Fine by me! 3y
tdrosebud Works for me! 3y
HeathHof I'm good with it too! 3y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi

I really liked how it was written, the voice and imagery are amazing. Ella's powers felt like a tease but built just enough for understanding. I was unsatisfied by the ending. This may be from lifetime of happy endings and a major issue addressed by the book is the lack of happy endings for people of color in every day America. We'll all need to continue to work for positive changes in the real world, so these stories can become true fantasy.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi

This book is so so angry, but in a way that matters. It‘s a quick read, yet somehow Onyebuchi builds a fire of seething resentment in those few pages. I really liked he applies superpowers to a non traditional setting of an impoverished minority neighborhood. Read if you‘re ready for a slap in the face wake up call about white supremacy and a flawed system that leaves so many behind.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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🎧 I thought this was science fiction. There were some sci-fi aspects but it felt more like a well-written commentary on racism, shitty environments & police brutality with a lil fantasy/sci-fi. I enjoyed War Girls by this author more but sci-fi/fantasy is my jam!

Ella & Kev are sister & brother. Ella has a laundry list of unexplained uncontrolled super powers that could end the world. Kev is incarcerated.

This had such a bleak ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Bits I thought the ending was super hopeful? I was so annoyed when it ended, like, umm come on, I would like to see them unleash their power please! I hope the author continues with this story. I loved Kev! 4y
Twainy @Bits the narrator voices Kev perfectly! The book left me feeling like it should have had a few more chapters to move hopeful to positive & a bunch more sci-fi 😁 this felt more like a narrative of our times? 4y
Bits @Twainy Yes! Most of the sci-fi felt like "it's definitely possibly this may already be happening or could be within a few years?" (Unfortunately! Cuz yikes!) ? 4y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Started this one this morning during breakfast. I might be able to finish it tonight after dinner. 45 pages in and my heart has already shattered twice.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Jan 2021 - urban fantasy / Nigerian-American author - wonderful words and interesting characters.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I like to set my yearly Goodreads goal to 100 books because I know (for me) thats one I'm almost sure to pass, which means I can read a lot of books, meet my arbitrary goal, & not stress too much about it, especially when the books I need to read for work or research get to be a bit overwhelming & I'm thinking "gee I really just want to read for fun."

So here's to another year of great books & pushing myself while also setting attainable goals!

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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An exceptional novella about trauma, violence, and the ongoing epidemic of police brutality / systemic racism toward black people-- with a speculative twist. This is one of those books you just can't put down. Siblings, one with dangerous powers and the other living the horrors of incarceration, struggle to come to terms with their reality--and then decide coming to terms with it is the last thing they should do. An excellent, explosive read.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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The past few days I've concertedly tried to do nothing much-- reading and movies and knitting and hanging out. Today was the first day I've done a bit of writing and also picked up a new book. I've enjoyed the break but this was nice, too.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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3⭐️. Not entirely sure how I feel about this book. It was a little confusing to understand what was going on with Ella and Kev‘s power. That being said, this book reflected a lot of the anger and injustice that is taking place today as well as historically and looks at how that could play out in the future. Definitely gives the reader a lot to think about when reading.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Powerful read! 💚

This story of two siblings and what they must endure felt very familiar to the current state of affairs. It is full of black anger, police brutality, and injustice. Although it's an alt-history setting with magic, it will leave you spooked at how accurate it fits in our own timeline.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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a very powerful and emotional novella that embodies black anger and yet, still seeks hope. the novella explores the roots and effects of engrained systematic racism in both major and subtle ways, with a bit of fantasy and sci-fi elements mixed in. I was really fascinated by the usage of one character's psychic powers and the dark future sci-fi elements and I really wish this book wasn't so short since it ends a bit abruptly.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Library book haul! As usual all my holds came in at one time! 🤓💕📚 #librarylove #librarybookhaul

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Born during the Rodney King riots, Kevin grows up highly conscious of his black family‘s place in American society. Violence is a constant. His older sister has fearsome psychic powers she can‘t always control. Is hurting other people the only way hurt people can right historic wrongs? When mechanized cops are programmed with a supposedly race-neutral algorithm, how do you indict an algorithm? A thought-provoking alternate history #audiobook. #BLM

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Did some #audiobaking today. Sour cherry chocolate cake with sour cream chocolate icing.

LeahBergen Yum! 4y
Andrea4 Wow! That sounds delicious! 4y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I‘m telling the kid about how everyone in the book club had to sit at separate tables and you had to swivel around to talk to people so nobody felt left out and if somebody wanted to read something out of the book, you had to toss it to them and hope they caught it or it landed within reach.
(Internet image)

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This time, the book for the Tor Book Club of the Month is Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi for free download in mobi or ePub before 11:59 PM ET, August 21st.

Available only in the US and Canada.

https://ebookclub.tor.com #torbookclub

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Tor.com is giving away free eBooks of Riot Baby this week! It was a great read, and fairly short.


Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Free ebook compliments of Tor Ebook club.

Get yours now.


Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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It's powerful and provocative, even though it's an odd mix of social commentary, history, science fiction, and fantasy, that doesn't seem to completely work together.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Don‘t let the small page count of this book fool you— it‘s a thought-provoking and heavy read with some gorgeous prose and startling imagery. It‘s an extremely timely read, too. The story centers around two siblings dealing with racism, police brutality, the US prison system, and rioting juxtaposed against Scifi elements that become more apparent as you read. More thoughts in comments ⬇️

Merethebookgal I must admit I didn‘t fully understand all of the story/structure, but I would definitely read an entire book set in the interesting (and terrifying) world shown in the last section of the book. 4y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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Wow! A short but powerful read. Follows the story of 2 siblings growing up in a world of protests, riots, and the mistreatment of Black people. Sound familiar? Because the only thing that makes this fiction is the scifi element with Ella who has special powers. And even that acts as a vehicle for metaphor. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Nute Haven‘t heard of this author or book. Thanks for sharing. Stacking! 4y
meagankc21 @Nute awesome! Hope you like it when you read it 4y
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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I enjoyed a lot about this short book, particularly its rhythm. But I feel like the story didn't really start until the last 30 pages or so and then it was over too quickly. If this story were continued, I'd definitely read part 2!

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This book was broken up into sections, which had some different feelings. I found the magic to be very cool. And the story to be interesting.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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I‘m hoping to read these books in July, along with a bunch of audiobooks I currently have out from the library (The Last of August, Royal Holiday, You Deserve Each Other, The Bromance Book Club) and of course I have the next Eclectic Readers book (The Forest of Enchantments) which I really need to start reading if I have any chance of finishing it before our meeting...😅 What are you looking forward to reading this month?

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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A story filled with righteous anger that most publishers would probably be too scared to print. A sci-fi look at race and police injustice that couldn't be more relevant at this time. While it may seem written in response to the past month, we all know publishing take time, so this is just another reminder that recent police actions are not isolated events. But anger doesn't equate to hate, and I did not get hate from this story.

Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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It took a minute to find the rhythm in the prose, but once I did, I raced through this book. Filled with sadness, rage, and a kind of dark hope, this is a novel I both never wanted to end, and was terrified of it going on any longer.

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Riot Baby | Tochi Onyebuchi
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This was just what I needed after reading Friday Black.