Oooohhhh man this book. All The Feelings.
Oooohhhh man this book. All The Feelings.
I tried, but if a hero is going to be terrible I need to at least be captivated by him. Has anyone else tried it?
I started reading this around 11 last night and finished some time after midnight. I loved the insight into the film's creation, and while I haven't yet seen it, think I will get more out of the film having read the script and text. I'll probably pick this one up again.
I got a quarter way through this before I realized it didn't have page numbers. I know it's probably POD with a majority of readers reading electronically but still...
I laughed. I sobbed. I worried. I loved. LOVED.
Cosmic cooties! Ahahaha! *sobers* but really; great continuing story, I heart Lunella!
Sometimes a little heavy handed with the whole Van As Savior thing, but cute, sweet, and fun. Angsty, but fun.
Guuuurl. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING bad to say about this book. Listen, if you can, because it is the ultimate experience. Also, Phoebe doesn't know it yet, but she's about to be my next bff. She won't even have to remember my name, cause it's the same as the bff she has now. See? It was meant to be.
I never use this word but it's the only one to describe it: HAWT. Sexy, spicy, sizzling hawtness. Real characters with real problems find real love and have real hawt sexytimes. I made the mistake of reading the excerpt from the next one and now I wants it precious.
Remember the distress I felt last week because the romance with the fat heroine and the fake relationship panned out? THIS WAS THE ANSWER.
I don't have time to try to enjoy this. Which is too bad, cause the plot trope is one of my favorites and the cover model actually reflects the character.
That. Was. Precious. There really do need to be more YA adaptations of Much Ado, but this one is particularly fantastic with spectacularly geeky students at a school for supernerds. I'm talking an entire text spread about Saga. It's fantastic. I look forward to seeing what else Anderson might give us.
First book for #readharder2017
Sports AND LGBTQ+ romance. Here goes!
When your narrator is all about words, sometimes it's hard to put any together in response. Cause damn.
This was my first Willis and I loved it! The writing, the giggles, the concept, and the love story combine to make a pretty awesome book. Willis has made some troublesome comments on romance, and I'm not feeling that, but dammit, this was so good.
Six books started this weekend, and this one finally got me out of my slump! And now I've gotten two #readharder categories out of the way, too!
This one doesn't come out until march, but I'm glad someone at Riverhead practically put it in my hands, else I might have just marked it "to read" and never gotten around to it. This book was beautiful and heartbreaking and uplifting altogether. There could be more words but I can't make them right now. Just, read it when you get the chance.
Dammit, now I have to read all the others.
Favorite lines include: "I'd kiss you but I don't want our beards to tangle." "You put away those groceries so hard."
My new practice is going to only post books when I finish them, cause the majority of the books I post at the start don't get completed.
But this one! Meg Cabot seems to have gotten her groove back after the slog/snoozefests that were Royal Wedding and Remembrance, probably because while it continued a "series", it was still a new story. And the Boy books have a fun, quick format that makes them easy to get sucked into.
Saw this while scrolling through new books at the library and immediately put it on hold. And while I'm not participating in #readathon I might as well start my day with a few chapters, yeah?
Everybody stressing themselves out cause for some reason they can't look away, and I'm over here like...
Magnificent and unexpected conclusion to this fantastic trilogy. Time to wander around aimlessly and figure out what to do with my life for a few hours.
The first of three library books I currently have checked out (with a fourth on the holdshelf! Ack!) so much for #readmyowndamnbooks
Oh man, this was good. Sure, it has awful "slave speak" in some places and the occasional plot hole, but there wasn't a time between when I started and when I finally closed it in the end that I didn't want to be reading this book.
Let's see if I can stick with this one.
Every time I'm feeling stuck in a reading rut, I'm gonna start a new adventure. I just finished my first and I'm not going to do a million all at once.
Quick and cute. Just what I needed to restore my Star And Commoner needs after bailing on The New Guy.
Bored; uninspired; moving on.
I must have known about this book before, having gone to SJSU and worked one floor below the titular lock, but I'm glad I rediscovered it. The book was more a historic treasure hunt than the "scientific mystery solved" but it was very interesting. Next on the Beethoven list will have to be one of the bios that were written after the science was done, to see what additional findings might have been made..:
THE CUTEST THING EVAAAARRRR. I need to find someone with kids so I can read it to them. And then read it to their kids. #badumtsh
Got dumped off the streetcar at the halfway point, and there's a lovely used bookstore right across the way. My mouth dropped open when I saw this. Rainy Days was one of my favorite WIPs when I was a DWG frequenter, and I'm honestly not sure if I finished it! #books #booksurprise #p2psthatareworthit #derbyshirewritersguildftw #austenfanficwillalwaysbemyfirstlove
Perfect sick-day read. Fun, cute, and easy, but not too simple.
It took forever, but I finally finished it. Getting through it was more curiosity and effort justification, but I can't say I really enjoyed it. There were some really great parts, and it's definitely an Important Book, but it was a little...much. #queerlit
Doing a full immersion read and listen for my #readharder science book. This is really cool because I have actually seen that lock of hair...well, the part that wasn't used for the science.
Loved it! It started a little slow but once it got going (and completely derailed) I couldn't stop! I love these Twisted Tales!
This is gonna be a HELL OF A READ #diverseathon