OK Dexter. I'll take a break.
OK Dexter. I'll take a break.
Happy Easter to my Litsy family! 🩷💛🩷💛
I hope everyone is having a very nice day so far! I worked yesterday, so I'm grateful for the day off today to just be able to relax and read! Nick gave me a lovely basket filled with candy and most exciting of all - BOOKS! 🥰💕📚 I have been eyeing this series for a while, so I'm excited to start it! I think it's quite spicy, so YAY for that! 🤭
Yep I loved it , a real surprise it was sooo good , good that is if your a fan of romance or fantasy or both , abit of escapism. Saying that with what‘s going on in the world it does make you wonder if the horsemen might be at work , let‘s pray love will conquer all !
As other reviewers have said ; didn‘t know what to expect from this one , until browsing in Waterstones started chatting to a young lady who was bulk buying this authors works she highly recommended them if fan of fantasy romance & compares to ACOTAR series ; I have 1st 2 kindly sent from #netgalley & #bloomsbury to read and review, and after a round of rather blahreads this is pitch perfect escapism , plus the uk book covers look great as a set
As aother reviewers have said ; didn‘t know what to expect from this one , until browsing in Waterstones started chatting to a young lady who was bulk buying this authors works she highly recommended them if fan of fantasy romance & compares to ACOTAR series ; I have the first two kindly sent from #netgalley & #bloomsbury to read and review, and after a round of rather blah 😑 bland reads this is pitch perfect escapism
I was not sure what to expect from this book. I wasn't sure if I would like it or not. Boy, was I surprised. It's interesting and good.
First book in my 12 month #friendreadingchallenge!
I‘m going against the grain with this one and giving it a pick. If you‘re looking for a feel good read this isn‘t going to be for you. I feel she was true to the characters and I loved the arc they both traveled to get to the end. This is a slow burn romance. #LittensLoveRomance
When Pestilence comes to town, Sara stays behind to try to kill him. Unfortunately he can't be killed. Instead, he decides to take Sara as his captive, to make her "suffer". It bothered me that he was so abusive and mean to her, yet Sara develops feeling for him. It sends a bad message to young women. You should not tolerate abuse for the sake of love. The story evolves into a paranormal romance, but I didn't like how the romance started.
Meraviglioso. Scritto divinamente e con personaggi memorabili. Ho amato sia Pestilenza che Sara e sono rimasta così ammaliata dalla loro storia travagliata da aver fatto fatica a finire il libro. Era tutto così bello da spingermi a rallentare nella speranza di far durare più a lungo la lettura e quell‘esperienza così travolgente ??
Un capolavoro assolutamente consigliato
Un inizio di saga con il botto!!!
Picked this up from kindle unlimited after seeing a positive review here on Litsy. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it!
I was actually pretty surprised by this book as I expected it to be full smut, no substance (no shade if you enjoy that, it's just not my bag!) but there was no smut until the backhalf and then it was done pretty well. I plan on reading the rest of the books at some point, probably using them as palate cleansers between heavier reads. #bookspin
My #BookSpin for October is Pestilence by Laura Thalassa and my #DoubleBookSpin is Small Fry by Lisa Brennan-Jobs, which is also my #LMPBC read! Love how that worked out!
Let‘s get this out of the way first: I 100% bought this Audible book because that cover is giving Brad Pitt in Troy. I am a weak creature, but this turned out to be a sound investment because I enjoyed the heck out of the book.
Pretty brutal at times (biblical apocalypse duh), but also smart, with a snarky female mc who is tough, foul-mouthed and did not annoy me. Of course it gets sexy and romantic too…I mean just 👀 at Pestilence.
So torn.
It wasn‘t bad, but I also didn‘t love it. Interesting concept, and a quick read. The romance wasn‘t overwhelming which I enjoyed and the plot was good. I didn‘t love the dialogue at all times or the thought process of Sara throughout the whole book though.
This book was written in 2018, so this quote stood out to me.
“All these centuries we spent studying illnesses and conquering them, surely we were equipped by now to stop an epidemic.
We were wrong.”
Today‘s #LittensDressedinBlood prompt:
Twisted Love
This paranormal romance featuring Pestilence - from 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse - definitely is a twisted love story. I could never wrap my head around anyone wanting Pestilence…
I enjoyed parts of this book. I liked the premise and the spin on the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse but I can't say I really enjoyed Sara's dialogue sometimes. The book did manage to make me cry which is no small feat.
4.8⭐️ just so good. This author has a way of drawing you in and holding your interests. Just like in the Bargainer series, you are captured and taken on an amazing journey. I love this book, I can‘t wait to continue this series.
There were things I liked and disliked about this book.
I love an enemies to lovers trope, but not when the enemies part contains physical and emotional abuse...
And while I quite liked Pestilence overall, I found it hard to like the MC Sara.
But overall I found myself intrigued enough by the premise and might even read the next 🤔
#FourHorsemen #4Horsemen #Pestilence
Finished this in a day. It was a fun read. The beginning is a little tough to get through, but half way through the story really picks up and is enjoyable. Can‘t wait to read the next one.
I‘ve heard mixed reviews about this book. It definitely seems interesting, especially since the series is about the four horsemen.
It was meh at best... But it kept me reading so not the most terrible thing in the world!
Loooved it so much than I expected to. Laura Thalassa has reeled me in and I'll definitely be grabbing more of her books.
So this was a...thing. Cons: I haatteee chic lit females. Their voices are squeaky and useless in my head and they are way to afraid of feelings for me. I also hate the use of current slang in my books. "Savage", "fam", get that nonsense out of my books. Pro: Pestilence was excellent, I really enjoyed him as a character and I liked his character growth. Overall, I have to give this a pass, I did like the story and will probably read the next one.
When into this completely blind just decided to try some icky quick romance book, however I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Honestly I have been off romances lately and insta love but this was not insta love nor was it your typical damsel in distress crap. Also was a bit gory which also took me by surprise but I loved it!
Well...that was gory as hell.... I don't know how something can be so awkward and gory all at the same time. But hey, it was accomplished in this book! I usually love this author, however; I am still not 💯 percent on my feelings after finishing it. You would honestly have to read it and decide for yourself.
Loved this book but I did it to myself again! It‘s a series and the second installment war has no release date in site. The main character can get a little to over dramatic but overall it was a really great book. I read it a few times over.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse come to earth and wreak havoc. They leave for a bit, but then one of them - Pestilence - comes back to spread plague among the people. The plucky main character tries to kill him, but ends up as his prisoner. I wasn't sure I would like the Stockholm syndrome element to the story, but the author pulls it off. I was constantly thinking of the book and wanting to return to it when I was busy with other things.
Ugh, I hate giving bad reviews but I really disliked this book. In fact I only finished it out of stubbornness & it‘s for #vaginalfantasy bookclub. The problem is the premise of a human falling for a Horseman of the Apocalypse, and Pestilence at that. The writing is fine it‘s the premise and character building that are problematic. Both main characters were not likable, which makes the whole book fail for me. #glorytotheguild #horrorromance?
I‘m going to admit that this is a total cover buy for me. It‘s so gorgeous. Then I started to read it and I couldn‘t put it down. It wasn‘t at all what I was expecting. This one came out of left field and hooked me. Set in a post apocalyptic earth where the four horsemen have come and gone. Then five years later Pestilence rides forth again alone. The heroine of the story meets him with a gun blast to his chest. I loved every minute of this book.
I bought this book mainly because I thought the cover so pretty. I feel weird thinking Pestilence hot. #bookmail