We‘ve started a discussion today❤️ join us @LitsyGetsGraphic 👯♀️👫👭👬
We‘ve started a discussion today❤️ join us @LitsyGetsGraphic 👯♀️👫👭👬
I do not think it is a really good translation. I have a feeling that something is missing. It is a story about relationship between a geisha and her client where nothing happened (usual thing in Japanese novel),but there is another girl in this story who appears couple time,but her feelings and influence to characters are big mystery.
📣📣📣 @Eyelit and I are announcing new Litsy book club page @LitsyGetsGraphic 📣📣📣
We will explore nonfiction graphic novels world with you❤️
Please join us to read The Complete Persepolis together in the mid of February. We will post dates later.
@Eyelit and I would like to start a nonfiction graphic novel book club here on Litsy. Our first pick is the tagged book (and future picks will be determined by group). We plan to start discussing in mid-February. More details to follow. Will you join us?
I‘ve decided to join #luminariesbuddyread challenge. This book was in my TBR forever. I feel it‘s a chance to finish it 📚 wish me luck 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Today is Russian Christmas 🎄 May peace, love, and happiness be in your life all the times ❤️🎁❤️
It was a long read (10 days!!!!) so disappointed by this issue, it‘s very slow and nothing really happened
Best New Year present was given me by Hoopla today ❤️❤️❤️ Saga, Vol. 8 before official release date is now free for me 💃🏼😍🎉🎊🎁 guess what am I reading tonight??🤔😂
Wow! What I just finished 😱 I never thought that this utopia novel will turn out into a spy thriller. And a good one! What would be happen if slavery in the USA was still exist? If Lincoln and Dr. King were killed before they succeeded? If slavery is a solid and irreversible right writing in the Constitution? Imagine that there are free states, natural states and slavery states in the USA existing in the same time in 21 century.Very powerful read
I am glad that I read this book and found out a lot of curious and wonderful things about this scientist. Feynman was full of talents: incredible teacher, artist, and scientist who had told jokes. Unfortunately, I cannot give this biography more than 3 stars. Many characters are indistinguishable (same colors, same face features), many blanks (to fill them you should check out Surely You Are Joking), QED theory is not clear even in graphics(((
I cannot say I really enjoy this book much, but I mark it as a pick. It is quite long with “nothing happened” concept. A heroine had a struggle to adapt to a life in a small city on the fist 580 pages and only on the last 10 she accepted the town as it is. The first half was quite funny, the second was dramatic and had risen a lot of moral points of human judgements. I would say if there was only the second part, I would enjoy it much more.
What is a park bench? A respite, a moment, a pause, a shelter, a refuge, a scene, a society or it is just a little wood and steel?
It is no words graphic novel, very quick read, put as always Chaboute makes sure to covey a powerful message through a short graphic story.
Double pick, 6 stars👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 this is powerful and dramatic graphic story about one man in solitude for 50+ years on a tiny island. He had only ONE (❗️)book and a little companion. It‘s about compassion, connection and second chances. The art is extraordinary and stunning. I am going to check out the author‘s second book as soon as it will be available at my library, and this book has a special place in my heart for sure ❤️❤️❤️
Never answered on these questionaries before but this one seems interesting:
1️⃣War and Peace. I read it then I was 15 during the summer break. I still remember the plot and characters very well.
2️⃣Straight to the point, please
3️⃣recently I discovered Bulletproof coffee. I do it simple just MTC oil and almond milk. Tons of energy just from one cup.
4️⃣any sort of green, no flavors, no sugar
5️⃣ In my bed before sleep
✅book about books
✅with pictures
✅ page-turner
✅ cute creatures
❗️for adults ❗️
And your Litsy fellow allowed you to color it❤️
How else to describe this OMG book I do not know🙀
I have swollen 500 pages in 5 days 🤤
Finally I finished this book on audio. It is barely a pick. I really enjoyed first part of it and like the language style and the set. The second half was kind of slow, too long and all the same. Even wonderful Jim Dale narration could not save it for me. It would be a wonderful companion for a long trip to those who would like magic and circus atmosphere (no clowns guaranteed)))
My first 2D felting 🙀 I am getting old for sure, I never was interested in DYI😂
It was very interesting, enjoyable read. The main character is a young man who accidentally became Sigmund Freud's friend. It set in 1937 in Vienna when fascists just occupied the city. The writing is implacable! There are humor, and wit, serious thoughts and different writing styles in one short book ❤️
Very colorful and quite entertaining graphic novel with step by step recipes and a nice cheese guide. My problem with the book is that there is no drama or at list a conflict that can be discussed. There is only food, food, food talk.
"Today's reasons are yesterday's tomorrow, and by the day after tomorrow, if not before, there're forgotten"
I am so enjoying this book. Anansi International is a new publisher for me to watch out for.
Cannot go into this writing with unnecessary sarcasm. Pure ASC (advanced script copy). Life is too short for it, sorry 😐
I am grateful that one of my Litsy friend suggested me do not read any annotations and reviews for this book. I went to this book completely blind and it was a pleasure. It is pure Ishiguro who is not in a harry to tell the story by his musical language style.
I was thrilled to find this biography but it was a little disappointing((( there are too much quotes from speeches, letters and other biographies and little creativity with a text. Must admit that portraits of political figures of this time are stunning and so much alike. I knew that Che was young when he was killed but could not thought that he was only 39!!! Could not believe he had done so much trying to push Red Revolution 🇨🇺 🇨🇺🇨🇺
It's a very creative graphic novel about one room in a big house. In one page the author is showing scenes from different decades and centuries that happened in one particular spot. He browses from different owners and generations, their births, deaths, holidays and conversations happened in this place even when where was no house, even when where were no people (some scenes in B.C. era).
Even on an audio it's dreadful. I assume it's the first part of the story, but I do not have any desire to continue. The plot is too sweet, the character is a procrastinator, the author is talking a lot instead of the heroine. Some scenes are too precise and detailed (sex for example) with no reason.
I was out off the research desk for 30 minutes and had a graphic novels haul for the weekend 📚 cannot wait to put my little one to bed 😴😬
The book has the perfect, right on title. First, I hated those cynical and pathetic characters who only complain and judge their rich neighbors, but in the middle of the book I felt in love with them and in the end I cried like a baby. They showed me their sensitivity like a hedgehog shows it's belly. First you see only sharp spines and it tries to hurt you, then you see it's beauty 💝The book is very philosophical, and i made a lot of highlights.
It was a long read, not only because the book is over 500 pages, but I had to put it down couple times because the mood so dark and depressing. The story line is whole, logic, and complete. The characters are very developed and believable. The book rises many questions about faith and contemporary gods. It will be a perfect selection for a book discussion. I recommend the audio as well which done in a whole good actors crew👍🏻
The language of this book is beautiful but also complicated. I switch to Russian translation and find out that the girl is more harsh, judgmental and cynical in this version. 🤦🏼♀️☠️😈 This is 👆🏻Russian and French cover of recent edition 😻
Very sad and kind of depressing short stories collection about life in New York in 30s. Will Eisner's art is fantastic and rich even without colors.
It's official! I am starting a new book club at my library which will discuss only graphic novels like biographies, memoirs, science, peace-of-life genres. If you are in Baltimore - Washington DC corridor join me each 3rd Wednesday at 7 pm.
Huge thanks and a lot of bows, hugs and kisses to my @LitsyGoesPostalOG friend @Eyelit who open graphic novels for me😘 🤗
This is very laughable book I highly recommend especially as an audio. It's a little bit too long but enjoyable in most parts. Very entertaining for a long trip 🚲🚍✈️🚁🛳🗺
I am very pleased by this one ❤️ I was afraid that it will be retelling from the show or upgraded stories from first Sabrina comics, but it totally different. The art work is amazing and the story line is solid. This one about Sabrina's parents and her heritage. There are inserts from Sabrina's comic from 60s. And it is not much horror which important to me because I usually do not read horror stories.
The book is so bad that I even don't care about a picture👿👿👿 I pushed it to the end because I tried to answer two questions: 1. Why my book club fellow chose it, 2. Why it's considered classic. I did not find the answers. The prose is pathetic, the storyline is boring, the characters are dumb. I truly hate the book, and there is no a thing that I may like. The worst read in 2017🙁☠️👿🙈
This is a book for discussion for sure. The life of a 78 old woman that seems in the beginning like regular turns upside down. You will be amazed how many dark secrets she keeps inside for all her life that damaged her and her family. I highly recommend the audio which done incredibly well and has a hint of a radio show in 60's.
What I just read😳😳😳😳😳???? Despite that the art is cute and there was a little humor, there is no message in the story. Ok, the crabs moved in other direction, and what??? Nothing big happened, no moral. I am really surprised that this comic maid to Volume 2.
I decided not to torture myself with this book and bailed it: too much Jewish words with no explanation, cheesy humor and no plot development in the middle of the book.
Very believable dystopia where 99% of earth population was wipe out by pandemic told through live and last hours of an actor who played King Lire on a day before the world collapsed. It is very well done and logical and kept me awake for few nights. I highly recommend an audio too.
Guy Delisle is my go-to graphic novel author. He is exploring and showing cultures and customs of troubled countries through drawing. This book is about his two months staying in North Korea. His was fed up with propaganda and left the country with no regrets.
Even in an audio cannot stand the plot. The title speaks for the book precisely. There is no wise in the book just about rich, how to consume, how to be crazy rich and be crazy with outside people 👿👿👿
Beautiful, vivid and mesmerizing novel about a bee hive. The author took bees nature, behavior, and habitat and described each phase of hive's life through a life and thoughts of one particular bee. It looks like an utopia but actually it is how bees behave in the nature. I would not think that a book about insects will grab me and I devour it in so short time. I highly recommend an audio version. Orlagh Cassidy has done a marvelous job 💕🐝🐝💕
Wow! That was powerful read💥🌟☄️I had no idea about walls and sectors and how bad Palestinians are treated in Jerusalem👿 and those multiple Ultra-orthodox religions with multiple complicated rules. I only hope that the situation is a little bit better since 2007 when the author experienced this one year trip, but consider the history between these two countries this hope is vogue((((
It was hilarious 😂 😂😂😂❤️ real reading candy 🍭 😋
Finally I visited George Peabody Library, one of the ten the most wonderful libraries in the world!!! 💃🏼🎊 Despite that I'm only 20 miles from its location the open hours so inconvenient that it seems impossible to get there if you are working.
It turns out that I am a fan of biographies and memoirs in panels. This is a great account about Cuba revolution through youth eyes. She was a patriot and pro-Castro at first, devoted to her people and county, but was forced to fly away than things turned ugly. Done in minimal color palette the novel shows complete portraits of people during the revolution time.