Lore podcast has recently made me curious about the history of the Spiritualist movement. Plus the topic is perfect for October reading. #curious #spiritualistmovement #history #October #ebook #Victorian
Lore podcast has recently made me curious about the history of the Spiritualist movement. Plus the topic is perfect for October reading. #curious #spiritualistmovement #history #October #ebook #Victorian
Gotta read the book before I see the movie, right? #belcanto #opera #annpatchett #fiction
Edgar approves of all cat related literature. #edgartheleastannoyingpet #cats #blackcat #whitecat #hollyblack
Gotta have a good book when you're on a trip...
Enjoyed this collection of vampire short stories so much that I knocked it out in one evening. #vampires #books #bookstagram #shortstories #fiction #bookshelf
I stumbled across a surprise in my book... I love finding notes and mementos from previous owners of my used books. #usedbooks #surprise #oscarwilde #salome #notesfromthepast
Some of my favorite books. Day 7 of 7: The Silmarillion by Tolkein
#books #bookstagram #library #fantasy #favoritebooks #tolkein
Some of my favorite books. Day 6 of 7: The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
#books #bookstagram #library #fantasy #favoritebooks
Some of my favorite books. Day 5 of 7: Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause
#books #library #yafiction #favoritebooks #werewolves
Some of my favorite books. Day 4 of 7: The Godfather by Mario Puzo
#books #library #fiction #favoritebooks #thegodfather
Some of my favorite books. Day 3 of 7: The Rest is Noise by Alex Ross
#books #library #nonfiction #music #favoritebooks
Some of my favorite books. Day 2 of 7: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
#books #library #yafiction #favoritebooks
Day 1 of 7: Lolita by Nabakov
I was nominated by @sobisahn to share seven of my favorite books. #books #favoritebooks #library
My next book looks like some heavy reading...as in this book literally weighs 4 lb... #heavyreading #nonfiction #marktwain
Love the illustrations in these books. I remember reading about Betsy and Tacy as a kid, so I was pleased to come across their continued adventures into adulthood. #betsyandtacy #book #bookaddict
I seriously recommend this book to anyone that is looking to get more strategic about their wardrobe. There is homework involved, but every exercise is well worth it. I feel like I have really honed in on my personal style and am empowered to shop intelligently.
I loved her short story so much I decided I just had to read more Carrie Ryan right away! #books #bookstagram #knitting #bibliomania #zombies
This was a collection of compelling and varied stories. My favorite by far was "Bougainvillea" by Carrie Ryan. I have to say that I think Team Zombie came out as the victor...
Finished a goal this week, so I'm rewarding myself with some new books! #bookstagram #books #bookaddict #bibliomania #halfpricebooks
Did you know that your cat can double as a tablet stand for your Kindle? #readsmarter #lifehacks #bookworm #ingenuity #bookstagram #book #starwars #kindle #putyourcattogooduse
Doing some research and putting this bulky book to good use. #opera #operanerd #bookstagram #book #bookaddict
Almost finished rereading the series! This one is the mismatched book in my collection. I was in Italy when the Deathly Hallows came out, and I was lucky enough to snag one of the only two copies we could find in English. Thus, it is my singular British version on the shelf. #harrypotterisalifestyle #harrypotter #deathlyhallows #rereading
Apparently I am inadvertently pairing different ciders with each book. The Half Blood Prince has definitely established itself as my second favorite in the series. #harrypotterisalifestyle #harrypotter #slytherin #cider
The perfect way to unwind after a long day at work. #harrypotter #orderofthephoenix #harrypotterisalifestyle #rose #cider #rereading
I wanted to find out more about flower symbolism for a tattoo, and this book proved to be an invaluable and comprehensive source. The author goes into detail on a selection of flowers, including poetry, artistic reference, and folklore. The last section of the book contains a more extensive dictionary of flower/plant meanings.