After hearing all the buzz for this book, I had to grab it. Such a quick read and I loved it ❤️❤️ I would like to see their adventures continue. Any sequels?!?
After hearing all the buzz for this book, I had to grab it. Such a quick read and I loved it ❤️❤️ I would like to see their adventures continue. Any sequels?!?
Starting my 2nd graphic novel series and picked the Nailbiter series. I enjoyed vol 1 but it is Graphic! If you like disturbing and gruesome movies like Saw or Jason, you will like this series. The dialogue and graphics are very terrific. It has 2 strong female characters and lots of serial killers!! 🔪. I hope this rest of series holds up.
This was such a fun book! I enjoyed this adventurous romp with the daughters of some of my fav literary characters. It was a quick read for me. I will definitely pick up the next one but will also look for more writing by this author. And she's local to me being in Boston, Ma! Yeah!
Anxiously awaiting start of book sale!! Waiting is the worst 📚
WOW 💔💔. I am consistently amazed at what she can put into words. Her words move me. Her courage to speak out motivates me. I love that she has boldly shared her story. All the 💕 and feels for this book and author.
Really enjoyed this book even though quite long. Story dragged a bit in some spots but love the author's descriptive writing style. Just enough grotesque without going too far. I'd give it 4/5 ⭐️
Hold for this finally came in today and I devoured it. I loved it! I enjoy history and am also reading Hitler, a biography and I have noted many similarities that have been noted in this book. This makes you want to have your voice heard. I love how the author notes people should read more books and research their own news and not take all "breaking news" on TV as the only source. So true!!! So many feelings about what was said in this book.
So excited to have picked these up at the Harvard Book Shop warehouse sale 😁📚 the copy of Christodora is signed. All for less than $5 each!
Grabbed these two today at the library book sale. The covers won me over. Anyone have any thoughts on these? I know nothing about Nellie Bly 😲
Massachusetts, US
All the books podcast
The princess Bride
No turtles 🐢
Loved this graphic novel!! Lots of information about Iranian culture and the "religious police" (wow ?). Has its sad parts and lots of funny moments. Loved how she spoke her mind even when it got her in trouble. ? especially enjoyed the close family bond.
Couldn't wait to start this one tonight. And yes I jumped in bed by 7 to start it. 😊
Hopeinh to finish this one this morning. Have to admit I struggled getting through this one. Guessing satire is not really my thing nor is excessive use of the "N" word ? However I think Beatty has some very valid points and I have had many laugh out loud moments ?. Anyone else feel like he went off on strange tangents?
Well this was a miss for me. I went audio on this one and found it slow, at times super boring and very light on any interesting plot. Should have been a DNF, but kept hoping it would get better. Did anyone enjoy this book in print?
Started this one today and don't want to put it down. Talk about all the feels in this one 😳😰😡. About 100 pages in and I am on the fence with this Kellen character ?? 🤔. Hope this one doesn't get weird.
I decided my shelves were too light on good fantasy reads, sooooo #blamelitsy for the big order from book outlet 📚 Looking forward to all of these 😁
I do love a good Cotton Malone adventure! I enjoy the fast pace, historical tid bits and this one also had some political shenanigans. What's not to love ❤️. Another great read from Steve Berry 👍
Getting in some good reading time on the train to NJ. Finally seeing some sunshine too☀️. Have to say I love the colorful banter is this book. 😁
Yikes!! This book 😲 first I didn't realize you needed a dictionary to translate the Nadsat words, which I found online. Second I had NO idea how violent this was!! And I am only on chapter 4. I do not like Alex and his droogs!
Started my long weekend off with Red Skies and red wine 🍷 and nothing to do this weekend except read and spend Mother's Day weekend with mom and daughter 💐. I think I am liking this book better than the first one....
Enjoying this adorable audiobook, entertaining to my inner child. It's a nice little escape. 😄 the background sound edits are a nice addition to the story.
Enjoyed all three volumes this week while traveling. It certainly sparked a lot of conversations while I was reading in public. I encouraged everyone to rush right out to grab them. 🙌❤️
Love Roxanne Gay's writing!!! So honest and real. Makes the reader feel like it's ok to have flaws and life is a struggle.
Love this series!! So good. The graphics are incredible, the story line keeps me engrossed. And I love all the keys!! Might have to pick one for my next tattoo!
Picked these up at the library book sale today only $3! 📚😲
Outstanding!!! 5 ⭐️'s. such a well written, currently relevant book. Loved it!! Thanks to Litsy and all the great reviews that brought this book to my attention. So glad I read it. ❤️❤️
So this is what happens when you downsize from 3200sq ft to 1200 sq ft of living space. You have no room for as many bookshelves 😂😂 they used to have a nice room of their own, now they bunk with me. And sadly this is not all of them. #shelfie
Decided on a lighter read today and was amused by farting dragons because apparently that is what they do if they are lactose intolerant 😂😂 who knew.
Finished!! Whoo hoo!! This was my first Neil Gaiman read. Have to say I do love his writing style, held my interest. Loved Shadows journey, but didn't always enjoy the long road trip scenes. Loved the portrayal of American gods, would have like an appendix of some of the older lesser know gods. But overall very enjoyable read. Any suggestions on another Gaiman must read?
In a word "macabre"!! Not for the squeamish. This should have been a DNF, but I had nothing else to listen to and I kept hoping it would have some redeeming message. It really didn't. I just could not see a boy who lost his mother succumbing to a grave robber lifestyle. While I think the writing was very good and well paced, the storyline was ick. This was an audio read but would not recommend.
The gods of work are seriously interfering with my finishing this book! I'd rather be reading on this rainy day 🌧☂️📖
So excited to be starting this. Especially after all the positive comments on Litsy. 😃😃
This was an excellent read. I didn't read the synopsis and was a expecting a scary story, boy was I supposed. Have to admit, I 😢. Would absolutely recommend this for any child dealing with a sick parent or loss.
Daughter stayed at college this weekend, BF's home sick, nothing else to do this weekend except read, eat pizza and drink wine! Whoo hoo! So this was the first book I started and finished this weekend. Another great installment of Gabriel Allon. Ending was just a bit anti-climactic compared to his other books. But overall a reliable good pick.
So many mixed feelings with this book! It was viciously graphic, but like a train wreck I could not look away or put it down 🙈. I can see why this book is not for everyone. I am glad I read it, but some scenes will haunt me and I will never look at a BBQ the same again. 😝 Crazy Good read!!
This book is beyond "WTF!?!" It is violent and disturbing but now I just need to see how it ends. Nothing else getting done today until I finish this one ?
Now here's advice you don't hear every day 😂😊. Sadly even this may not help Ignatius.
Finally getting some "me" time to start this new one. Spent last week working many long hours and spent last 2 days doing taxes for family. I hate tax season, it cuts into my reading time!!
I am loving this book. ❤️😍👍 listening to audio but also reading along in the hardcover. So good. I can see nothing will get done until I finish this today. 😆
This seems like a good one to start today, just because it's St. Patrick's weekend in Boston! 😁🍀🍀👍🍻
Just came back from a trip to Denver and had a ball in Tattered Cover book store!!! Wish I would have had more time, I could have filled a suitcase 📚😍
Spent the afternoon browsing the shelves of The Shire Bookshop in MA. 📚So many books.....the tea is free and the owners are the sweetest! ❤️
I blame all the littens for my online shopping sprees 😂👍📚. Thank you for all the great recommendations outside my usual selections.
Lazy Sunday morning ☕️📖. Started slow but starting to enjoy this one about 70 pages in.
Started this book on audio, but the narrators voice ( read by author) was too soothing and I kept falling asleep ?. Switched to paperback to finish. Interesting research about government R&D projects during Cold War, Vietnam, transforming humans for war, research for war on terror. Pretty scary the types of research projects they developed. I enjoyed it, but it is a long read. Great if you like "secret government" topics.
Had a busy travel week but got lots of good reading time. Finished this, my first graphic novel and loved it!! So glad there are more in this series.